THE IIESl'EUI A N . On the evening of the 4th Mr. nml Mrs. S. B. Pound gave a card party in honor of Miss Louise Pound. Several students were among those who had a most enjoyable time playing high live, partaking of n choice collation, and extending social greetings. E..P. Brown, II. F. Clelnnd, and F. A. Stuff, the executive committee of the state oratorical association, last week held 0 meeting at the Capital hotel. They agreed to pay Mr. Fer guson S50 lor his training expenses, and to boom the inter state contest. Not long ago William Forsyth called on two of his gentle man friends, and when he got ready to leave he must have passed into reverie, for he went home bareheaded through the damp atmosphere. The next day Will accused several boys ol stealing his hat. On account of the sickness of his father and brother, W. T. Brown, "91, will be compelled to discontinue his college work for a while, and perhaps all the term. Mi. Brown is so far ahead of his class that he will have no trouble in graduat ing with the class of '91. April 7, L. G. Thayer started lor the Black Hills, with an engineering party. Mr. Thayer expects to work in the vicinity of the hills until about Christmas, when he will return to the university, and be ready to resume his college work at the beginning of the winter term. Last Saturday night the Union debating boys tried Brug gcr and Barklcy for attempting to take Bigelow's life with an infernal machine. The attorney fo- the plaintiff was Stough ton, for the defendant, Almy. The judge was L. E. Troycr. The result of the trial has not been learned. Sergeant Schcll has introduced a new way of calling the roll of the cadet companies, viz; Begin on the right flank of the company and call each man's name in the order that they arc standing, until you get to the loot of the company, proceed in the same way with the file closers. A vocal octet has been formed consisting of Misses Scott and Looinis, sopranos', the Misses Bonnell, altos; R. O. Wil liams and I). N. Lehmcr, tenors; II. A. Reese and T. L. Hall, bass. This is something that has long been needed and the octet is doubtlessly destined to have a bright future. Lieutenant Dudley obtained a short leave of absence from his duties at Fort Leavenworth to come to Lincoln to attend the Easter services of the Knights Templar order. He and Mrs. Dudley visited the university on the 10th and during their stay in the capital city were the guests of R. H. Oakley. Professor Hicks is preparing a large number of mailing lists containing extracts from the different bulletins of the ex periment station. These extracts will be sent to the leading newspapers of the state for publication? This is done in or der to place bclorc the Nebraska farmers the work of our ex periment station. The last Saturduy evening of vacation Miss Ellen Smith was pleasantly surprised by about fifteen ol the students unceremoniously taking possession of her residence and pro ceding to have a jolly time. The participants will know where to go when they want to enjoy themselves again, as Miss Smith thoroughly u.i.lerstan U luvv to entertain. Two new microtomes costing $55 each have recently been received at Nebraska Hall, one for the botanical department, and one lor the moiphblogical laboratory. These machines will cut sections from animal and vegetable tissue frozen or imbedded in celluloid as well as in pa raffin. They cut thin ner sections than those working automatically, but what is gained in this way is lost in rapidity. One of his English literary students has discovered the following passage in Milton: "High on a thronu of royal state, which far Outshone the wea'th ofOrmus nml of Ind. Or where the gorgeous cast, with richest ham!. Showers on hor kings barbaric pearl nml gold, JSatan exalted sat." Ami ns a lady from tho opera Unmc strolbng In through the oxullnnt throng, And wandering, saw such a vnt crowd there, Her thcnSalnn perceived and smiling xald: "Where did you got that hatV" Lincoln has secured another educational institution. The Protestant Episcopal church has decided to build a military school for boys in this city. Twenty acres southeast of the city have been secured for a campus and w.5 understand that the erection of buildings will be commenced soon. The in tention is to establish a theological seminary in connection with this institution in the near future. During the spring term the class in military science will meet twice a week. An hour on Wednesday of each week, will be devoted to recitations on the art and science of the war. The lieutenant will occupy the other hour, on Fri day afternoon, in lecturing to the class. These lectures arc especially prepared for the juniors and seniors; but they will be profitable to all cadets. It is hoped that many will avail themselves of the opportunity. Everything looks favorable for the base ball interest of the university. Fifty dollars have been raised, and an excellent outlay has been made in purchasing a pair of Decker gloves and the best Spaulding breast pad. The first game of the year was played on the 6th inst., which demonstrates that the university can show several able players. F. 11. Woods answered the letter from the University of Kansas that the challenge would be accepted if the expenses were reasonable. The game will probably be played about the 1st of May. At dress parade Wednesday evening the following promo tions were made: Corporal Barklcy to be sergeant of com pany A; Cadet Stockton to be sergeant of company C; Cor poral Chandler to be sergeant of company D; Musician Pizcy to be corporal of company A; Privates Shannon and Rohwer to be corporals of B; privates Eager and Dingcs to be corpor als of company C; privates McFarland and Guilmettc to be corporals of company 13; Corporals Scnter, Shannon and Guilmettc were detailed as members of the color guard, and Cadets Doran and Becchcr to serve as markers until nullicr orders. The faculty has recommended to the board of regents that a course in pedagogy be established. This will be open to all students who have completed the work of the sophomore year. Degree conferred will be that of the course pursued through the sophomore year, but the graduate will receive a ccrt'ficate stating that he has pursued this special course. It is hoped this certificate will receive the highest recognition of the state supcrintendant. The following is the course: Junior year, psychology two terms tnrcc hours, thus one term three hours, history of Nineteenth century one term three hours, constitutional history one term three hours, logic one term, three hours; elective work three terms, ten hours. Senior year, psychology three terms, two hours; politi cal economy two terms, three hours; sociology or anthropol ogy one term, three hours; history of theories of methods of education three terms, two hours; clectives three terms, nine hours. Jkl, EK3dtfUSU8MMU! t X.l