m THE HESPERIAN. BBS &. v Leave your laundry bundles at The Hesperian office and have llicm sent to a first class laundry. Mr. Ed. Fowlic, of Crete, stopped to sec the sights of the university while on his way hack to Doanc. Not long since a letter came to the university directed to "J. H. McCorky," from the Kansas university. A. V. House, Doane's orator, was here last week. He is taking an active interest in the coming contest. Mark Woods has lately recovered from an aheess in his side. For a time Mr. Woods' condition was critical. Dr. Lees has formed an extra class in Greek, which meets once .1 week to read the second hook of the Anabasis. Although the registration is not yet complete, there is a large number of students enrolled for the spring term. J. W. McCrosky has been elected as associate editor to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of D. V. Hush. The young ladies in the scientific department kill flies by holding them up to a sponge saturated with chloroform. Lieutenant Griffith has given II. C. Peterson a leave of absence from military duties until after the inter-state contest. The first proof sheets of the new catalogue have been looked over and the catalogue will probably be out by May i. We understand that the Adclphian quartet from Doanc College will sing at Grace M. E. church next Saturday even ing. Miss Anna Atwood has returned to school, but on account of ill health she will not do any work except in the art de partment. Schcll in the meeting of the athlctlcal association: Mr. President I think the gentleman Miss Undcrstakcs the object of this association. Ashland school is retained on the major course for two years longer, and the Tccumsch school is placed on the same course for one year. Professor Cushman, of Drake university, Des Moines, Ia.f visited our institution last week. He was much interested in several of the departments. "And may I go out with the boys without asking the faculty?" was one of the many questions asked about our university by a newly matriculated student. Hereafter, having finished the school of the companies, we will have battalion drill every Monday afternoon, skirm ish drill on Wednesday and dress parade Friday. The freshmen have appointed a foot ball and base ball committee. The class expects to take an active part in out door games and will probably do some good work. Movements have been started to consider measures de signed to simplify our curriculum. Probably the group system used at Johns Hopkins will be introduced. Mrs. Dr. Mathewson, mother of II. P. Mathcwson called on her university friends, while returning to Calfomia from the east, where she has been visiting for some time. Every one of the school-ma'ams who attended the state teachers meeting is now the happy posscsor of a tintype, eighteen for a quarter, that represent Gillispie with his senior hat. Requirements for preparatory Latin have been increased for admittance to tbe freshman class to three books of Caesar, five orations of Cicero and thirty lessons in Allen's or Daniel's composition. This was done on the recommendation of high school supcrintendants, who attended the state teachers meeting. Tuesday last Misses Ida and Lizzie Honncll with friends returned from a trip to Salt Lake City. A feature of their enjoyment while gone was in meeting Frank Manlcy at Rock Springs. The Palladian freshmen have invited the Irving society of the city high school, and tlic Orphclian of the Weslcyan to attend their special program to be given Friday evening April 18. Miss Hrownie Hnitnr from Omaha recently visited Miss Lottie Anclrus; A leading feature of Miss Damn's entertain ment was a very enjoyable card party given on the evening of the 2nd. Mr. L. E. Denton, a former student who took special work under Professor Hessey, is now studying botany in the Uni versity of California. He recently sent to Mr. Webber ico fungi to be namod. Professor Hessey has recently received a picture of the late Dr. Parry, who was very prominent in American botani cal services, and who was connected with the Davenport academy of sciences. About a thousand choice German specimens consisting of Uredineae, Lichens, and Algae have been added to the herbarium- Mr Webber has also received from Germany 2,000 flowering plants and 200 fungi. We have it direct from a sojourner in sopliomorian society that one of the editors of our bright contemporary docs not believe the adage, '-Take care of the pence and the Pounds will take care of themselves." The officers of the Palladian boys debating club for the spring term are: President, J. H. Johnson; vice-president, G. S. Cushman; secretary, Harry Lord; treasurer, J. L. Wal lace; sergcantat-arms, C. R. Welden. The cabinet cases that have been delayed so long by the in ability of the contractors to get the desire material for mak ing them, arc at last nearly ready for the many specimens that have been collected from time to time. , Profiessor Hicks has recently received some fine specimens of mammalian fossils of the tertiary age. These fossils arc found in large quantities in the western part of Nebraska where they arc gradually being accumulated. The last volume of Saccardo's Sylloge Fungorum has been added to the botanical library. This set of ten volumes has been issued by one man during the last ten years, which is remarkable as it embraces 32,000 species of fungi. The officers of the Union boys debating club arc: Presi dent, L. E. Troycr; vice-president, J. A. Harkley; secretary, G. L. Town; custodian; II. A. Scnter; attorneys, A. M. Troyer, W. F. Wolfe; sergeant-at-arms G. L. Sheldon. The officers of the class of '94 for the spring term are: presid ent, C. E. Tcft; vice-president, R. II. Johnson; secretary, Miss Gertrude Marsland; treasurer, A. Tower; custodian, G. Woods; class poet, Miss Mary Edwards; scrgcant-at-arms, II. J. Pod lcsak. Dr. Lees recently examined Pawnee City academy. He called upon the principal of the Pawnee City high school and visited Tecunueh high school. Pawnee City academy is not quite prepared for the major course but hopes to be in a year or two. At the begining of the term Marsland spent a few days in Peoria 111., attending to business. On his- return he visited Knox college, where he was very cordially entertained. Marsland says there arc lots of pretty girls attending Knox col lege.