. ' 7 7 ,. ."-" '"sisw: vz W . CHARLES :E. BESI h6,, Acriio ciiiiiciLLOR Tent igi&fi'9 $? ',r.,0., . . . ' .. t" "' ' -?m, iMkMiKmjmMwsxff ''riNfAwiaMw'"."a',",""r k . . . . - i I li ! II r- -vti-j - - - t . , , ii" wtw L i. P--- u T ' ',kf. ' " I" v .fcVi' "SK-.jMUg yy,'fr"""vi'wyjtjs'ffg y y -iff. u'it.MBa&uii. . 2 . !? . tiaj.!ni.if- - '---. iVifctr-js.'! 'jtf .v-, f'' : ;: J EVER aa-''iBrK'Gh4 1 r-.' ' - - . ..--- ... - ..i w"tr. . ; , ' '. t , !Mt"lA JLLi., :3.... . .'K."J ' v - r v t , .-.' ... i tf ".I w ..' t .X' Am ' . 1 &4 7. J t &$,4f .-- ;' v ' ," , , TJ University I the heed oft he public cdttcatllii; 'mZ V " JiS " ' . R aim to continue and complete ib iff' KJ 1 KmSv ft . J ft-' r "' W J' " imii ifcd mrObtakatl oani at iliall from time to H Wed. TMh adhruitfMii offered, to AfrHtftmtmJ& ! vitltoat Mgiird to Ait 6r Mm, or p!c of ipMini, on th U ooadkkf pocMKmg Ue iAteTtectoai nd ori SMHIkUo rttkha for aiwor. to wch an iwUtnUa, : v f m THE fcOttltoE'.Or LltJERAXUWS, SCIJCNCE, AKD " CHiALlW IdNMY, I'M. &., DEAN. THE 1ATIN SCHOOL. t MWt Ti Lin, ,Mfc Di VtlKCIFAt, . I thk school prartloo it affbred for U th Undetfrwl' vut Coumln theColLLIteE of- LTEHAXUR Scik6, 4'fo THE ARTSt wid mjn forlio in lite UNlVKMtTV. ' Tb pjrprtoy stinliee mn tKrcHrK'twoytrs. ApslloiMtf Tor admission to the Firtt Year will lT exaiflinedon the fo. lowing suhjetfcs: tisA Grammar AritAmeiie, GtfrMy, M fiutety 0 tkt I i4d States. Cmdifan of high ihoi accredited for tho Minor Course (row ImJiuUinf Atbm, Coiwttbttt, Fairmont, Frwwl, Gibfon, HarVafd, Hebron, iiV?" '"" tlrn "W "-,vif ouuwu, iivuhi. eao wnoer; arc aomini to tne beeond y war clait ion m wpwroa. ," ' TftE COLLEGER. .of.AHa, aibrda a mkiaang in" the Anciei Xnamifii a4 . aj- Vjb TM LlTteART CO for of 'LelUM. offsra tlUjH.t....l". 1? THE IWDUSTRIAL, COLUUJE. Cooisk, leatlinf to th-'fl&m ol, Ajpft J rf a txalntog Jn HMtorf, TitowtwTV . S 1'JEa 1 .. . was tawnsmti, w, ft,, prak, The courae in GkNUUX. Scoinck Jwdlnr.to tike decree mpebelnt of Science, ofiere a liberal ctlttcation, til which thf Modern Sciencek and the Modarn Lauguaaea are giveri'aroat MOMineiicei The ElectIVK CoUkSita it) ScrttHCKS. lea fog to the saihe degree, aflWda training in gpcil Iinsslead-' ingto Agricultural, Electrical or Scientific work. $r whrckthf 'iveri'awei pfoMineiicet The elrctivk uoyasita itl scntMCKS, Jea The course in Civil EKattftKaiKc ofters such trainme as will fit a young man for Ac practice oj Civil Engineerinf. , For those vytto can spend but a yerr or two In wy, m Elementary court In Agriculture hwi.been arranged. ' tndenta in the Ioduatriei CbllegtBay obtain remoerative employment at rtet ranging front lj to, 5 cent per hoeir,. depending npon the quality of Work. ' V SCHOOL OF THE FINE ART& &&&: " at poaatUe, , and have every advantage afforded by with ttraee atalSyirig in other department and the ins MFtSKS MOOfeX AND COCHHAlt. Tmd UKlvmsrrY cunaiata of twocoll 'kaa74Warlmenu. OnMhtaiee,f the"Ia , Mtftlachooh accredited for the major cmtne (UctndJn now Alma. AebUnd, Avbarn, Beatrice, Edgar, Freridnt, trrwd Uland, Kearney, Unooln, JJebreak City, Plamaoth aM Utyaaei) aire adealtted iV the Freshman daaa of.eillier cojU lef on preeentatlon of dqpfoMaa. anU in both college attend clAeaes in .common, at far by ctntoci inatmetien f Forte. Onnn and Violin. Veiae.treX afliailMn ami itnr1f lw) lTntetv nrnlrnr s I W t :.JI.U,..I .. la. IkLtX.U..lu Ml..k. r .-wV r.wr-.w, - vm nniiiNUN ui i.tmmm im ww t uwwwww, , Inalnieika4eindiuradtaikinffftom Iseiil Jiie.atture. and model Ta the eroereaalve o I ore reauired to premde eaJa'aDd material; an niipieceJicv . -i uonot ctto ami araate mrnsMa in tne Mua4ei-''-T:..i canrge ror aew lenoiu annng ib wtnu i svyau Trajnjnt in advance. Free inatruetion.ia iriven to claaaea in' KA Slate'' ry, flastk Anatomy and Perspective. ' The Court in Music iittftatltt lottrudtion an die PUno, ununiignaHMHn aneory. For cavUloirues or AUlor informaUou apply to tjie steward, J. S. DAIiB8, liittcolT, Kb. mi - ' hA v' 9 E lie wwaTi r "g WASHER rgeWMiraLaMilgtamAl Manftae th.LOTHy' WaflBi jode m m Hh IfgaSjygblgSlflHHHUaad do It aaator and In lacs ttma C-4n dt ooer maetihw to ggggHkgggggggggggggpgHSgH -gMggggggfggMSwriiii ggeHgeHRgegegeWMtavaSSo lew llwWarlL VtmBUtTCWtfkn! lilt daatwaah the etoUiM elaaa without raUiIue. we-wilLrataad tb atoeer. ACCHT8 W Amp n aatawolaaramaMiiefTwmteiTwWaiaaUl! lamia WW to WO dttttnt thewjotart ldl$aja,t!it ag-tU WAr, JiUll.i.,wli- -i- rn. Alto ta laaataNM' keraet nrleatb WfMEMBtCO,, EfK Pa. GOTO the HESPERIAN OFFtCE ANtfSKB the LAEOE ASSORTMfiT OF V',' t; BEFORE PURCHASIKG mEW&ERE. i A,1 " .. ': .iL'&s. ,M. - ...fr is.v ST. Jt '. t' ?" r " rw &.-,.' . '- j" . ft , l,.,,? (": SAx'-Mtfj . i".s: - . . .rAAjssi.r a -. - .-,- y-j. v. ..r--v.j-iSK&g??' . &!M.MiiiiS ;? , SSSrSIsBS ySL2 HJW t " ' 1 yTr bSSabf -. Jt H - vyiJ liffi Si J a kvkv; -3 1 . a4ll SJflt.T- -I... ,-...,, v p M, , iv iwy . 4- '-.tint npi. j . . r,t l ' .' ". '- -jsr&'ai . mt.i rytmasm P&fymFrQ "''alsB gScSf-tayaK'fi nfraal Hrfnlt 1 thm n