Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1890)
s THE HESPERIAN. D. F. EASTERDAY, Instructor in Instrumental Music, STAMP PORTRAITS! ItESlDKNCK 2330 Vino Street. OFFICE Room 2, tato Block TELEPHONE 46. J. H. ALUN'S Billiard - Parlor. 134 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. ml wf'Jn W h4I bbbbbbTi imI nKT4fcfA1l HfcfeS, 4JIgl These beautiful little pictures nro reduced from cabinet or card photo cranh, and being pum mud nnd perforated, are tho exact also and imago nf a tiAolnim ntamlx A a a iui u uiiriiiuu oiaiuu nr n bnovolty lor visiting, ax- i punnmi rnnid imrnr tt.Mria ntp tlinv nn tinnntinllfwl pScnd u your beat photo unmet proicrrou; anu :tt enclosed and wo will jans. jp.frjg et ink, Omco 2 South 12th Stroot. Tel. Nog. Residence Tel. No. 615. mull you 100. returning tho original. Sample sent on artDllcatlan. Addreas A. N JOHNSON, P. O. Box 6J7. Lincoln. Neb- -B00T AND SHOE MAKFR :Itcpalrlng Neatly and Promptly Done: Burr Block, N 12th street, THE-VERY BEST PHOTOGRAPHS MAD BY Portrait and Landscape Photographer The only place where you can get group of yourself photos taken. Views taken to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Special Rates to Students! 129 SOUTl ELEVENTH STREET, LINCOLN, NEBRARKA. ANTRIM & MASTERSON, PROPRIETORS OK Lincoln : Steam ; Laundry. STUDENTS WORK A SPECIALTY. Office, 138 North Eleventh St. Telephone No. 6 . Carpets ! I I 1 2 O STREET, LINCOLN. NEB. 'IN ALL YOUR LEARNING LEARN TO SAVE. STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO OPEN 1JANK ACCOUNTS WITH THE Nebraska savings Bank And thus while pursuing other branches of learning they will learn to save and also get some practical business experience FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL AT THE Bank, Cor- i3th and O Sts wC W imwd zMMfm sw '0U00 wft?MmA Oysters Cooked in Every Style to Perfection. Meals at all Hours. Banquets gotten up on short notice Windsor Block, North nth Sts., Lincoln, Neb. A FINE LINE OF Trunks, Traveling Bags, etc. AT THE TRUNK FACTORY, 203 So. 11th St. Telephone G63 Trunks Repaired or Taken in Trade. fit. i-. siAiatt, OrncE. Rooms, 76, 77 and 78, Burr Block OPEN DAYAIID NIGHT. Cm Bo Eeachtd Through Telophoho No. 306' D. L. Down's Health Exerciser For Brain-Workers and 8 lenlary PtonU: Gentlemen wui t. xouins; me Athlete r invalid a complete gym iwlum. Takes up hat fi In, nuarc nnor-rooin: new. set entitle, durable, comnrcbon- ivc, cheap. Iudorcd br 20, uuu iiiiyBicianu, lawyers, clergymen, editor anu oilier now utug u. senator illustrated circular. 40 eng's: no charge. Prof. D. L. Dowd. Scientific. Phrslcal aud Vocai Culture. a cast hih si., new xoric. Dr. C. A. SHOEMAKER, COUNTY : CORONER. Office 1 16 S. 1 1 th St. Telephone 68c Lincoln, Neb. DR. L, H. BOBBINS. RESIDENCE 1801 N Street. OFFCE 1127 O St., Room 2. Tolopliozio 529.