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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1890)
J. jl jl.i j J. jl l -k3-L I rv I i 1 1 '. 1 ft UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. s Vol. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, APRIL 15. 1890. No. XIII. THE HESPERIAN. Issued 3cmi-monthly by the Hksi'Krian Publishing Assoc! ation, of the University of Nebraska. JOHN B. FOG AR1Y, Editor-in-Chief. ASSOCIATES: T. F. A. WILLIAMS, '92, - - - Litkkarv J. W. McCROSKY, gi, - - - Miscellany Paul PIZEY, '93, -- Comment -. - - Local Exchange E. M. POLLARD, "en, I J. S. PEERY,'93, F. D. HYDE, '92, - O. G. MILLER, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term Single copy, $ ... -3 . .IS EDITORIAL NOTES. 3' HERE was enough enthusiasm displayed in the Lj recent meeting of theathletic association to com pletely paralyze all attempts of other colleges in the state to gain athletic victories when brought into contact with th& U. of N. Boys see to it that the en thusiasm does not pass away and make a vigorous ef fort to entertain the neighboring base-ball clubs while they are mopping the ground with you. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Address all communications to The IlESPERiAN,Univcrsity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. V. C. Taylor, Pres. C. M. Skiles, Scc'y UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. II. C. Peterson, Pres. Miss Edna Hyatt, Scc'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Miss Jessie Wolfe, Pres. F. A. Rockhold. Sec'y PHILODICEAN LITERARY SOCIETY. II. 13. Hicks, Pres. F. H. Woods, Sec'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. F. C. Taylor., Pres. . F. F. Almy, Sec'y. UNIVERSITYY. W. C. A. Miss Rosa Bouton, Pres. Miss O. VanIIise, Sec'y SCIENTIFIC CLUB. Herbert Marsland, Pres. A. C. Cope, Scc'y. CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Fred Hyde, Pres. Miss Josie Treeman, Sec'y. MODERN LANGUAGE CLUB. C. E. TiNGLEY, Pres. TJ1J4E have heard some gentle murmurs against M the proposed ball at the inter-state contest. Our paper, as the representative of a Christian denom inational college, protests against any such entertain ment. We have it on good authority that students from jnst as Christian institution perhaps as the one protesting is heartily in favor of a ball.. Now we do not care to express an opinion either way but will be content to let the proper authorities settle the matter. If it has been customary to have balls at previous inter-state contests we see no reason for de parting from the rule. As it has been said we care nothing for the ball but desire to see everything done that may in any manner serve to make the trip to Lincoln pleasing to the visitors. HE HESPERrAN has observed with pride the rapid development of the department of political economy under the present instructor Formerly there was but one three hour study in this department. Now in addition to the prescribed course there are several electives in this department. Formerly no one, not evenjthe seniors, seemed to have the faintest conception of the great social problems that are at tracting the attention of live political economists all over the country. Now, one may easily judge, from the matters discussed in our literary societies, that our students are taking the greatest interest in those social problems that the nation will soon be called upon to solve. Formerly political economy seemed to be dry and uninteresting. Now it is quite the reverse. This state of affairs is highly gratifying. What the country needs is practical, intelligent, thinking men and women. There is a lack of those who are posted upon social questions of the day. Free trade and protection is not the only problem that confronts the