Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1890, Page 9, Image 9

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mine for the Blind and samples of work done l)y ihi Htuilcnts
who rend with their fingers, Prolessor Hughis of the public
schoolb ol Schuyler exhibited sonic fine map and crayon work.
yA large map of the United Stales upon which were pasted
characteristic scenes and the agricultural and mineral products
of the various localities proved quite an attraction. Professor
II. R. Corbett, principal of the Aurora public schools displayed
a neat collection of botany specimens. Professor C. 1). Rake
straw of the Nebraska City schools, and Professor W. M. Grif
filhol Palmyra, had charge of the Ok c county exhibit. There
were oil paintings crayon work, fancy work, work in wood,
clay modelling, maps, etc. Occupying a conspicuous place
in the display was a large golden gate within a high arch, the
work ol the senior class of the Nebraska City high school.
Upon the gate were the words "Clas of '90" while above
upon the arch was the class motto: "Honors Await at Labor's
Gate." The south-west part of the building was taken up by
the exhibit of the Lancaster county district schools. Fiom
Roca there was a flag made of grains of corn, a log cabin built
of various species of wood, some maps and cxereisc work.
District No. 43 displayed an ingeniously constructed putty
pyramid ornamented with corn, a relief map of the world
upon which was marked with pins the route of Nellie Illy
around the world, and a neatly made Dutch windmill. Jeffer
son county had a fine exhibit of which E. 11. Cowles superin
tendent, had charge. V. II. Skinner, principal of the Crete
schools, exhibited a splendid collection of drawings. From
Montrose, Sioux county, in the extreme north-west corner of
the state, there was a neat little collection of review papers
and maps, The Nebraska institute for the deaf, of Omaha,
exhibited samples of maps, wood carving, art work and paint
ing executed by its students. The display of the Lincoln city
schools was the largest ind most varied of all. The primary
departments exhibited clay modelling, paper folding, braiding
and drawing. From the higher grades there were maps,
scroll and exercise work. The Elliott school showed a large
number of tools and implements carved from vood. Geneva
had the finest display of clay modelling on exhibition. Paw
nee City schools showed quite a collection of zoological speci
mens and drawings. Long Pine, Wymorc, Sidney, Leigh,
Gibbon, Clay Center, Ewing, Fairmont, District No. 44 of
Hall county and the Nebraska institute for fecble-min.lcd
each had creditable exhibits.
Homo Btmlfiits will how', mil rovo, nml kick,
When 0x111118 they moot with defeat.
- lint I knock I'xnnip oxcui illnjjlv nick
When I meet thorn with du Toot,
Of all tho wurda I think or have tliunk
Tho saddest aro these: 'I'm sure to flank,1'
Call on Edddd. Cerf & Coooo.
Skinner lets good rigs at low prices.
Hats and caps at Ed. Ccrl & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and enps.
Clothing foi everybody at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Go to Ed. Cci f & Co. for furnishing good.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Go to the Capital City Shirt Factory for your shirts. 939
O street.
Photo otdcrs for sale by the business manager at a dis
count. Sac him.
Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students pat
onagc solicited.
Get your shirts and underwear at the Captnl City Shirt
Factory. 939 O street.
Ten per cent off to all students, at J. Z. Briscoe's boot and
shoe store 1329 O Street.
L. G. Chcvront, 1227 O street, oysters and lunch, can
dies, cigars, tobacco, etc. Give him a call.
Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist. Glasses
fitted. Rooms 16 and 17, Richards block, Lincoln, Neb.
Any one wishing a subscription to LippincotPs Magazine
can get one at greatly reduced rates by applying to O. G.
Miller, business manager.
If you can't "keep your shirt on," then go to the Capital
City Shirt Factory and purchase one at a very low price that
will stay on. 939 O street.
Students, you can save money by buying your boots and
shoes of Webster & Rodgers, 1043 O street. Call and ex
amie their large assortment of footwear.
For instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short hand,
type writing or telegraphy, the Lincoln Business College is
th" best place to go. Over 600 students last year.
Students wishing microscopes should call at The Hesper
ian office and examine the stock kept by Sayer & Miljer be
fore purchasing elsewhere. They are prepared to give you
wholesale prices.
For science and skill, in adjusting and grinding
glasses to all optical complications of the eyesight,
there are but few persons in the United States the
equal or Professor Strassman. His mathematical
calculations in optics have never been surpassed;
and you may be assured that you will always obtain
from him ju&t the kind of spectacles and eyeglasses
that you need. These spectacles and eyeglasses are
made to harmonize with the laws of optics. He has
the largest number of selections and varieties to be
found this side of New York or Philadelphia. No
intelligent student should overstrain his eyes without
the assistance of these strengthening auxiliaries.
Ofniceat Elite Studio,
226 South Eleventh st, Lincoln, Nebraska.
SAVE MONET. Before you baj wyn r ft-
BICYCLE or ivtftirEK
Bend to A. W. DUMP CO., DAYTOH, OHIO, Tor
prleu. New BIotcIoi at reduced prleea and 400 second-hand
onei. Difficult Ripaibiko. III0Y0I.K8,
GOLLlGE AND SCHOOLitiowH In n mu Hhell,' brbiht uud
early every month, Six months, 25 cental Try it.