y THE IIES P K R I A N . k)6iL Finest of work all sizes ami descriptions University trade a specialty. Call on me at 22G South Eleventh, ground floor. Spoo.a.Pr.cos.os.udon.s. T. "W. IQWJtTSZEHETID. HP. S HER WIN, llEALER IN Drtcgs, Fine Cigars, Stationery, Perfumes and Toilet Articles, UK ALSO KEEl'S ON HAND A COMPLETE LINE OK BOOTS AND SHOES. Sells the Best Shoe made $2.50 See our Men's shoe : : 3.00 DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED. H24 O streot, ... Lincoln. JtfgXe&K. PHO TO GRAPH ER, Docs the most artistic work to be found in the city EXAMINE HIS WORK. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. MIKADO STUDIO, Cor. 14th and P St., Lincoln, Neb. iSPICTURES FOR"gJ6 I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF VIEWS. Satisfact on Guaranteed. Photos at Reduced Rates. TEE XjTJTO- Chinese Laundry. 213 NORTH ELEVENTH Satisfaction Guaranteed. Students especially invited to try our work. The Place to Buy Your Groceries is at MCSHANE & SONS, 508NORTII FOURTEENTH STREET dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Provisions and Flour constantly on hand Students' trade solicited. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 352. WlMH&l e- -BBfgfi?r:Jaal && JLVULJUKib 0 CU. Undertakers and Embalmers, 2l2 Xor.lllh St. LINCOLN, NEB. Telephone, ofllco 145 156 " - i' " , ' 7" " " residence