SVi THE HESVERl'AN. ,',,,X, .i., j ', v -re FOE, SQ,TT.A.:R,:E3 IDZE-A-ILiIIIiTGi- GrO TO AJKHTO CltOTBIRQ mum fc. All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. 1125 O St. Lincoln, Neb. i' m ' j ' ' l!S. I tft'J ir j . f &.y :.V-.-A ii . K : V-Aa.- - . r-:. '' isftt-. d.. T, rrr. -r . j- HHVW . . if. .1 w iif . -i, 'i ' r." ,i.i-:J7'.v-:. -- , yz(. - DENTIST- y Telephone 15S. 1105 O Street Lincoln Book Emporium, fc 139 So. lOth, under,, Y. M. C. A,, Stndents will find a Well Selected Stock or Books " Stationery, And a Fine Line of TOCKET or "BAGSTER" or "OX FORD" COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS' BI BLES, and the best helps for Bible Students. .THOS, FAWELL. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY ISCQVERY AMD TR AINiNB METHII In spite ot adulterated imrtattons which iBfe. M theory, and BfacUoal resalta of the Original, la spite ot the grossest misrepresentations by envious wmMJie compct iters, and in opite ot "base at tempts to rob" him of the fruit of his labors, (all of which demonstrate tho undoubted superiority and popularity of hl teaching), Prof. Loieelte's Art of Never Fbrfrettmic ta recofrnited to-day In both Hemispheres as narking- an Epoch in Memory Culture. UisPropect4is(sentpotfree)Krres opinions ot people in all parts of the alobe who have act nail studied his System by correspondence, shoeing thMi his System is ueAon(v while being etydied, wot qltrwardK that an v mk can be learned in a tinol readina, tntnd'icanilerino cured, Jtc ITorFrospoctus, Terms and Testimonials address Pref. A. LOISKTTB, 237 Fifth Aveaae, N. Y 3;,;;, . ... -FULLERTON BRQS., BGALGRS IN STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 1825 O STREET. POjRTS WILSON, Proprietor, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Bread Pies and Cakes, Bread Shipped to Any Part of the State . SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE. 912 P St. Lincoln, Neu, LINCOLN SAVINGS BANKS SAFE DEPOSIT CO. CAPITAIi, $250,000. lilABlDQITY OP STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000. Interest paid ob dcpolt at the rate ot Ave per cent per aanam for all tall calendar soataa. Safes to rent a bnrgJur. proof and An proof vaalts, at annual natal of$5aad upwards. Money to loan on real estate aad collateral. Yoar Savlags AoeoHHt Solicited. HZ1TRY I. LIWI8, PrMiaeHt. A. P. S. tTUAXT, Tiee frecide&t. W. B. XeEEST, Treasaier. m. HTKKST, Tlkc. DIRECTORS. X. 3, Walsa. A.P.. itaart He&ry I. Lewis. X.P.Iah. Waa. KeLamfklia. Jak H. KeCky. . BANK HOURS, 9:30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS; 6 to 8 o'clock. air-:!r-;4-;t .- if.-sVT;.,!? MV v ' . ' ' "si . 1: .. ..'.- tJF ' . w. ?)fc . " i ,. 1. ? . ,-i jj , 1 ' ' i. -r " ).. i-''aj .. ri.;iiiif,iii . ,t...,,ii4a.i,,. .mj. '-i-1 Ml, .'.& ,&i . , -ay-it. . '-. Y"' . . i- " , --.-' 8i ,i , 1., , ., :' V r J -n .! .U.,, . . '' fM 'A ss , w . - '