V&2Zii.:-Jim sBwSgSmSEmSmmmmmmtm THE HKSIKRIAN AGENTS double their money selling our nUASS innoniour renders wii.i wnm to cot the liot book for Self Instruction o'.oiilrf semi 51. i for Morons Itoporiliif stvlo (Pliinnii Ns enn. Miolimn imes ft op. Instruc tion giu-n by mull. No rhnrco Tor t Inl U--"". Aildrfs T.IK MOlfvN SltuKT II N) COMKNY,st J.ouiH, Mo. inishod Corrugated REFLECTIMG SAFE!! LAMP. Can b fold In every family. Gives more light than thrco ordinary lamps. i' tin sired i,aiiin sent Dy Express for thirty, cents. Wo also have tho best soiling rom-o rot in the U. 3. Sond for illustrated circulars to FORSHEE& McMAKIN.CInclnnatl.O Vl m idffiL I l m- I 52fl im can mahc fc&,66 per fflWilantellfiiaaliia'Isl THE LATEST. MODEL 1889. MARLIN SAFETY REPEATING RIFLE using tho 32, 8S, and U Winchester cartridges, liming a SOLID TOP RECEIVER, Excludlngalldlrt or moist urofrom tliolock. LOADINGEJECTING fromthesldo, away from. meiacoor me snootcr. Weighing l)Ul 6H POUNDS MODEL 81 REPEATERS 60nntl-70 calibres. TRAJECTORY STRONG SHOOTING. J0 LUW xkK ACCURACY m JJK -ni k. i and a model of sym meiryamiornniv, Shoots Willi greater than any ouier. 'n't buy until you scenic MARLIN SAFETY MODEL, 1889 THE BALLARD still remains tho best shooting rlflo In the orld. MARLIN'S DOUBLE ACTION AUTOMATIC EJECTING REVOLVER In -workmanship, finish and accuracy of shooting; sec ond to none. WRITE US for Information. All Inquir ies answered promptly. ASK YOUR DEALER to show you our rifles. Kor a complete- doKcrlptlon of tho In st llcpcatlng Ullles In tho world, wrlto for Illustrated Cataloguo D, I to the MARLIH FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CONN., U. S. A. LYMAN'S PAT. RIFLE SIGHTS Are Unequalled both for Hunting and Target Shooting Bend for Ontnloguo UiMes of lntost design. showing Sights nnd Address, WM. LYMAN, Middlefield, Ct. IDEAL WELOADIMU TOOLS FOR ALL RIFLES, Pistols nnd Shot Guns. IlEBTiNTnE Wobld. Send for Illustrated Descriptive Circular. IDEAL MF'G CO,, r Mi I tjm "" l M JfaWII H aaaaaaHl .HHIi c HHLU o rflO v-J uwuunum lUJitll' AHAK-HMFUimail nr?nj.i.-n?Mu flbirerf WOODWORK mmmmma CHicAB,?L 28 UNION SQUARE.NY sNf" '", ' ,LL ATLANTA G CAI- lI'ClSCB ST.LOUIS MD. j,:M-HJp OALLAS.TCX. 11 O HOPKINS. I, IN, OI.N Milt roui soiling our 3 Wa hA.t . World for low prices. A MED I'LU.MI PHOTOHKAPII AIMUMT K x 10K. fcmliosscU pnu led sides, koiiI edges, exten sion clasp, holding SJ p.ge of Cablnot and Card pictures, sent for al.oo. rot-ail fnr h.iuii.m i, In Japanceso Morocco. Illustrated rirtuUr 1'm.T aaM n HUr.ll I kV ALBOSIS. Wo boat tho of tho above and FINER x i.rcs of Frhrr Mc.Mnkln, vintiiiHini, UBIO, ALBUMS BUILT FOR A Stud ent. The Only Practical G&nlA MBUklll.U kVimw 0SHBkW7 113 IHMk VMmS. g.W'.rJF; l.fl9BP57ZaaFl ItitmmatfZ nnH u..iH FREE. .own NKYV wnriNoiiii 'Unlil Watchl Worth Hi I OO.OU. ! i it watch In the worhl IVrirrt ttnirkrtpcr Warranted heaiy. , mm in urn it nuntinp nm llloth ladle, andrrnt'ariiei. with work! ami rtlri nf qual value (INK rtKMi.Nm each localiu ran arrurr one rev. locrlhrr with our larirr inil valuable llntoflloiiscli alil intttlrs. Thric miilti, ai well at the vtatcii. are fret. All the work ou nrnl do in to how what -eaenJyouto thoe who rail jour fnrn.l ami iirlchluira anil thnie about J ou that al at rraulit In valuable trailr for u, n bird holila for; ran hen once itarteil, and thu we rr irruild. We pv all cijinci. frclfht, rtr. Aflcr vou know all. If ou wtmld like to pn to work for ut.ouran ramtrom !S"J to Itl prr wrrk and upnardi Addrr, Stimuli .V: Co., llox MIS, l'ortlatKl, Maine. ll WOlll.l) TYl'KxVlllTKKS $15 WIMTi: T7 CIIAHACTKKS WHITISCOIhSON roRMtsr rn W Fj TO isNv EYET ME teope The following FPEK Ono cifllio I BKSTTel-l ofcomon Inl tho wnrlil. Our liillltliare unrquabtl, and to ininnlun' out U rior (TOhI w e w III rndf I'f h toONEI llf-os In rath localitv, ftlor Onli tliiiii,. who write Inmll filit-, t ii nialif. .urM tl T1 the iIiiiiiip Al'Miiihiiii liidiiln rftumlalii ilmw onr pimnIk to thnne whu i all your ii(iehlMri and thiiaeamntiajou 1hrbe B-lnnlnc ft thli adirrilMmriit ahnw the rniall rnd of the tele cut pliei the ainwnmiice of It rrducrd tu CJF- T" 1 i i'i'iVaaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCaf Ailtlrttsa Tvninvrlti.r n..,...i meut, I'oi-r Jim Co. Mnkoin ofColumbln cjcleo liuHton, New York, Chicago. aUiut the flflleth part of Itibulk It l a prvnd, doable ilrrtflc. aroie,aalrBealiertiiinrrv We wlllnlioahowynuhon yuu ran make from M to I n duv ntlrait, fn.ln ttir Mnil.w lib. outeimrlenre Ilrtter write at oiiie We payalleipn m bine. AdJrrii.ll IIAI.I.I II 111)., 1I..1 MHO, Pollll A.M., M ,s The H. G. tom Mannfeetoing Go. Buggies and Carriages. Road Carts and Harness. "TB nnsT poops j?qk this moxisy. THE BOSS RD&D WARflH. OUR No. 1 ROAD CAM. Our work Is fully warranted, 13 of oxcollent material and finish, and moderate In price. Our lino of Buggies Is very complete. i We make a speolalty of Hand and Machine Made Harness. ? Wrlto for prloos. Address, V itsSa Box 1064 ( New Haven, Conn. 15 to 19 West Lake Street, CHICA60, ILL. .. '