Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1890, Page 10, Image 10

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Tub Hesperian is very much encouraged at the outlook
lor the imru side oi the uaru-irat question, many ot our ex-
Thc Pan-Hellenic, a distinctively fraternity paper, is a new
exchange fiom M. S U. It seems. not to be vituperative to
use the pet word of the University News.
The Inter-Collegian, the inter-collegiate Y. M. C. A. pa
per, is well worthy the careful perusal of every student.
Time spent in rending it is time well spent.
The Occident shows commendable enterprise in publishing
the plans and view of the new laboratory building for the
University ol California. It is an elegant building and a fine
The Notre Dame Scholastic thinks that it is just as legiti
mate to rccoenizc merit as it is to decry the absence of it.
The Scholastic should first be sure that it has found the merit
and then go ahead, but with caution.
College Rambler feels that we greatly lose in having no
literary department. We beg leave to differ in two particu
lars. We have a literary department. We do not lose by
our lack of what Jiatnbler would have us have.
The Miami Student says that the editor of the Coup
d'Etat cannot agree with The Hesperian in its attitude to
wards fraternities. That is just right. He can not. There
is too much involved in such a thing. He dares not.
The Coup d'Etat has suddenly become somewhat famous.
It has made a retort to Tiik Hesperian that seems to strike
all the frat" journals. Gentlemen, is it anything to whip
Tun Hesperian? We take delight in the thought for we are
not afraid.
Anyone who will take the trouble to read the K. S. U.
Courier will find that the "baibs" there are not all dead and
that, moreover, the Courier is trying to do the square thing
by both sides for once. We would seriously advise the
"barbs" of K. S. U. to stick to their principles, organize
and fight. Success is in the air.
The Kansan says that "K. S. U. students, whether 'barb'
or 'frat' have too much pluck and ambition to permit one fac
tion to run the papers to the exclusion of all others." The
"barbs" ofX. S. U. may have plenty of pluck and ambition
but they certainly have very little to do with the papers down
there as any reader can readily see.
The Southern University Monthly, for February, gives ex
pression in an editorial to the fairest and least prejudiced
sentiments about the two famous Southerners that recently
died, that we have yet read in the college papers of the
South. We congratulate the writer upon his success in writ
ing something concerning these men that is not extravagant.
The Tablet, organ of the students of Kentucky university,
not only has no fault to find with the results of co education,
but even adds its meed of enthusiastic praise to the working
of tlT system. So would the Vandcrbilt Observer if its uni
versity would but make the experiment. We imagine that
the "before and after" full length portraits of the m.lc stud
ents of the university would show but few traces of resem
blance. Because The Hesperian is not like many other college
journals and docs not contain many longwindcd essays it re
ceives many criticisms for the lack of a literary department
after the pattern of odier college papers. The Earlhamite is
particularly aggressive. It grants that it may not have re
cognized our aim but cannot see in The Hesperian an ideal
college paper and feels happy that it is not alone in its view.
To all this we would say, "We.are striving after ourown ideal
not that of anyone else."
changes have given us very kind notices and encouragement
Utncrs have called us simctul and malicious, dyspeptic, snarl
ing and fault-finding, in fact nearly everything. lint we still
survive under the weighty pressure of such heavy fraternity
arguments and will go on in our sight. Wc believe we tire
right and until our esteemed fraternity contemporaries can
pioducc something more tangible than opprobious epithets as
fraternity arguments the policy of THE Hesperian will re
main unchanged so long as the present board of editors have
charge of the paper. Every member of the board is heartily
in sympathy with the barb movement.
Under the title of "Current Comment" The Hesperian
ably discusses the leading questions of the day. Ogouts Mo
saic, The feminine mind is ever demonstrating its ability and
acutcness to perceive matters as they really arc;
Professor Thompson of the University of 'Pennsylvania is
the only prominent political economist who supports the doc
trine of protection. The rest are free traders. Ex.
Here is a subject for some bright exchange editor to. dis
cuss. Those editors that want to enliven their columns of
exchange with some discussion here have a chance to do so
in explaining the reason for such a stale of things as the above
item refers to. Wc will venture the assertion that protection
ists will find it a hard task to make a satisfactory explanation.
The Hesperian is an excellent paper on current topics.
It keeps all the other journals posted on the events of the
day. Is such the aim of a college journal? Muhlenburg.
. We desire to inform the Muhlenburg thai The Hesperian
is published primarily for the students of the U. of N. Nor
can wc see how such matter as above referred to can be any
more out of place in a college journal than arc long essays
upon departed historical characters and trite subjects. It is
our hope that The Hesperian may never become a cyclo
pedia of essays, themes, etc. Such things too much indulged
In keep any paper behind the times. The following suits us
much octtcr:
President, G. M, CUL VER,
(Kansas State University), Belleville, Can.
Vice President, D. R. KINDER,,
(University of Illinois) East St. Louis, III.
Secretary and Treasurer G. W. ALLEN,
(Ohio Wesleyan University), Washington C, II., 0.
C. H. BOSLO.s,
State Secretaries.
: : : Hanover Colleg; Hanover, Ind.
: : Denison University, Granville, O.
W. E. WINSLOW, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
W. B. BUDROW, : : Griswold College, Davenpoit, la.
CHAS. A. POPIER, University of Colorado,Boulder, Col.
E. R. HOLMhS, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb.
RUSSELL y. C. STRONG, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis.
y. M. PARRINGTON, Emporia College, hmporia, Kan.
RILEY LITTLE, Monmouth College, Monmouth, III.
A special edition of The Hesperian, contain
ing a full report and all the orations of theinter-state
oratorical contest, which is to be held in this city
May 2, will be issued and ready for distribution on
the morning after the contest. Students of the dif
ferent universities and colleges throughout the coun
try wishing copies of this number should club to
gether and send in their orders at once as no more
copies will be printed than are ordered beforehand.
Single copies will be 15 cents each. Special prices on
large orders. Othercblleges will confer a great favor
on us by noting the above in their paper.