J HPr THE HESPERIAN. D0is .ELk.. !.. i i , , IH li jJHMl l Fnest of work all sizes and descriptions University trade a specialty. Call on me at 226 South Eleventh, ground floor Special Prlcos to students. Ti vv 1 TO W 3ST SEJTDi H P. S HER WIN, DEA1.KR IN Drugs, Fine Cigars, Stationery, Perfocmes and Toilet Articles. UK ALSO KKKrS ON HANI) A COMl'I.KTK LINK OK BOOTS AND SHOES. Sells the Best Shoe made $2.50 See our Men's shoe : : 3.00 DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. STUDENTS' TRADE SOLICITED. 1124 O street, - - - , Jt Lincoln. A. , PHOTOGRAPHER, Does the rhostrtisticorMtorbe found" in "the city . a,. , .examineThiswvork. . ; ,, special rate to students. MIKADO STUDIO,- Cor. 14th and P St., Lincoln, Neb. iSPICTURES FOR ge I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF VIEWS. Satisfact on Guaranteed. Photos at Reduced Rates. ITGBEI HiTJTO- Ghinese Laundry. 213 NORTH ELEVENTH Satisfaction Guaranteed. Students especially invited to try our work. The Place to Buy Your Groceries is at . MCSHANE &SONS, 508 NOR! II I'OURTEENTII STREET dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Provisions and Flour constantly on hand. students' trade solicited. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 352. -. -;. t9K-tH5Him'5ivi, . S -. , . .tSZ'J'?' .-. -ur ' , ' .--'- ' - -9- irt, aajhOToj-J"r-.r-i- i 7 .--- jbC r i v . .fc-v A - --&S11efia Roberts & Co. - -i . --ir - - - Undertakers and . Embalmers, 212 Nor. 11th St. LINCOLN, NED. Telephone, ofllco 145 " roeldcnco 150 lSirtfe(ySSssP, fltt jm rth iiai .wlft , fftl rrr???!