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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1890)
THE HESPE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRJSSKA. ' TV IMtN. - t k . !'-:) 5?tSk 4: -Voi.. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, MARCH 15, 1890.' No. XI- THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by Hie IlEst-ERlAN Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. i.- JOHN B. F0GAR1Y, Editor-in-Chief. w ASSOCIATES: '' . ' 'K F. A. WILLIAMS, V, " - DAN NY. HUSH, '91, . v PXtti. PIZEY, o3. - - -;.-. E. M. POLLARD, to, ) I. S. PEERV93, 1 D. HYDE, '92, - Literary Miscellany - Comment Local Exchange EDITORIAL NOTES. BOOM THE INTEU-STATE CONEST! BOOM THE INTER-STATE CONTEST! HE editor-in-chief desires to state that Mr. Dan Bush has had control of the present number of The Hesperian. 0. G. MILLER, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term Single copy, . . t $1.00 35 .to ADVERTISING RATES ON AtfLIClSlON. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hrt&ttftlAft ?iltrTYvt innr tr 47vrmr.r c1nl.nfe DIaica -am ... v" J "W" scriptions. Address all communications to The HEsr-ERlAN.Univcrsity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. dfr LTHOUGH we vilknotytass judgment either Srv way on the barb-lr&fcmram the Senior class day election because of the vattctMKides to the question, yet one thing is refrofctng. TjHthree names pro posed by the frats ttr etOr amrwmch were rejected by the lMrb &mt of men who have joined a fraternity jftk.ATjJlTke frats do recognize the - -wy-. , M L vj fir SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. Edwin Farmer, Prcs. A. A. Faurot, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Misb Edith .Mockett, Prcs. Miss Fannie Baker, Scc'y. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY, E. R. Holmes, Prcs. J. B. Fogarty. Scc'y. PHILODICEAN LITERARY SOCIETY. H. B. Hicks, Prcs. ' F. H. VooDS, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. F. C. Taylor, Trcs. F. F. Almy, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. V. C. A. MissltOSA Bouton, Prcs. MissO. VanHise, Scc'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. Herbert Marsland, Prcs. A. C. Cor-E, Scc'y. OfTO M wmwe wPwkke tlie interstate contest ffl( fjtfnd success. The faculty should at least bw some evidence that they realize the importance of a meeting ot representative colleges lrom nine ot our great western states. This will be the most impor tant meeting of college representatives ever held in Nebraska, Let us show our visitors that although, we live in the rowdy west we know how to entertain them. 4ffN our last issue one of the editors saw fit to criti JM cise the department of Greek, because the pro fessor does not require the students to do original work. So far as we arc personally concerned we do not find fault with the above named department for failing to require the students to do 'original work', nor have we heard any of the students of Greek make complaints on that account. A man who has had such a long experience and who possesses such a thorough knowledge of his subject, as does the pro fessor of Greek, should certainly be more competent tlian any under graduate to decide what is best to be taught in his departmen CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Fred Hyde, Prcs. Miss Josie Treeman, Scc'y. MODERN LANGUAGE CLUB. C. E. TinglUy, Prcs. HE inter-state contest is coming and is not far J off. Now it behooves us as students to do our best. Such a body of representative college men