THE HESPERIAN. 9 i' The music department of the university is gaining n rep utation abroad for good, thorough work, as several pupils make weekly trips from neighboring towns to pursue the course. Professor Bcssey has rcclcvcd a picture of Dr. Gray's old home, the botanical Mecca of America. The house where titc learned botanist lived and died is now in the possession of Harvard. There arc about fifty more students in the college proper this year than there were last, but the preparatory department is somewhat smaller yet there is an aggregate increase of about forty students. Students wishing microscopes should call at TltK Hkspkr ian office and examine the stock kept by Saycr & Miller be fore purchasing elsewhere. They arc prepared to give you wholesale prices. Stranger, to street car driver: "How arc they progressing with the new Y. M. C. A. building." Driver, "I don't know. There arc so many of these lodges that I can't keep track of them all." Professor Osburn, instructor ofcntymology in the Iowa ag ricultural college, lately visited Professor Ucsscy, his former teacher. While here he was much interested with Mr. Bru ncr's collection of insects. Professor Fulmcr and his chemistry class made a trip through the gas works February 22. The works however were not in operation, consequently the visitors did not derive as much benefit as they might have. Thursday, February 13, the non-partisan prohibition league had a meeting and passed a resolution requesting each of the three literary societies to give two temperance pro grams before the end of the school year. A delegate to the prohibition convention from Tccumseh, the city from which Jim McCrosky hails, reported that "they had an electric light plant down there nearly ready to run, but they hadn't got their 'dynamites' yet. Quite a number of our boys attended the Wcslcyan local oratorical contest, and they seem to be unanimous in the opinion that our man Fogarty has hothing to fear from Wcs lcyan's representative to the state contest. II. P. Shcrwin, the popular druggist and boot and shoe dealer, on and after March 1, will be found at his new quarters, in the Hutchins block, 1124 O street, where he has removed his entire stock of drugs and boots and shoes The hour was late. Portcrfield saw a man. The man was heavily encumbered. Portcrfield was riding a horse. The man a robber. Portcrfield was not(?). The man dropped a sack. The knight dismounted. The marauder hit the breeze. Finis. On the evening of Februry 19, Dr. Frank S. Billings, who was formerly connected with the Nebraska experiment station, delivered a lecture on the "Best Manner of Conducting the Study of Animal Diseases," before the Nebraska draught horse association. Mr. Hartman, an active Palladian in days gone by, is agent for the Edison phonograph. Last week a piece played by the University orchestra was taken by his machine as was the Uni. yell. Unfortunately the cylinder containing the cxcl lent selection fronr. Rawlinson was broken, but the one hav ing the college yell which U of much more consequence remains uninjured and sincerely we hope the cylinder will be preserved to delight those living in future ages. Any one wishing a subscription to LippincotP s Magazine can get one at greatly reduced rates by applying to O. G. Miller, business manager. The battallion will go into camp this year on the 29th of May. This being before the close of recitations, the cadets will return a day or two before the examinations begin; so they cannot give as an excuse for not going, that they had to stay at home and cram for the final exams. A few days ago Chancellor Bcssey rcclcvcd a letter from the agricultural college of Fort Collins Colo, .ask his opinion about having the long vacation in the winter instead of in the summer. The object of this change is to give those stud who so desire an opportunity to teach a winter term of school. On the evening of February 13, Mr. Covcl was awakened by the footsteps of some stranger in his room. He immedia tely sprang out of bed with the intention of seizing the in truder, but the thief was too qutck for him and made his es cape unharmed. The rascal found only one dollar to pay him for his trouble. On Friday afternoon, Feb. 21, the cadet band played at the celebration of George Washington's birthday by the stud cuts of the C street public school, After playing several pieces in the different rooms they were royally entertained with refreshments by the teachers, and came away unani mously voting them the best lot of schoolma'ms in the city. Not many moons ago Chas. B. Jackson took advantage of the improvements in science by conversing with a dear friend sixty miles away, but not satisfied with the present develop ment and not wishing to wait for Jules Verne's ideal telephone to be perfected, Saturday last he bade Lincoln adieu and passed two days of dclighful bliss in Fremont. He says the the people arc all well. On the evening of February 24 a most excellent musical program was rendered at the home of Miss Dcna Loomis. Among the numbers enjoyed by an appreciative audience was a trio by the Misses Loomis, Marsland, and Latta. This was foiled by one of Mrs. Webber's choice scledtions. At the close of the program the many present participated in social greetings and delicacies suitable for the occasion. Not long ago Lieutenant Griffith sent in a request to the war department at Washington to be supplied with the follow ing books: One morning report book for each of the four companies; one consolidated post morning report book and one sick report book for each of the four companies. These will be used with the theoretical instruction given to cadets, and will be of practical value in our annual encampments. Saturday evening, February 15, the charter day exercises began with an overture by the university cadet band; after this Professor Bcssey made a few introductory remarks, giv ing a short sketch of the history of the university from the time it was opened in 1869 until the present. The violin solo by Professor Menzcndorf was well rendered and met with a hearty applauce. The chancellor then introduced to the aud ience President Chambcrlin of Wisconsin university, who de livered an interesting address on "The Coming of Age of Sjatc Universities," which was thoroughly appreciated by the audience. Go to the Capital City Shirt Factory for your shirts. O street. 939 $75.00 to $250.00 a month can be made working for us. Persons preferred who can furnish a horse and give their whole time to the business. Sparc moments may be profit ably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities." B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va.