Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, March 01, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. 1 E, Urown rccicvcd a short visit from his father lnt
Severn! students recently listened to the silvery tones of
St. John.
Miss Graham and Miss Gund spent Washington's birthday
in Wilbcr.
The P. G. 1). C. will give a special program Friday eve
March 7th.
Quite a number in the university intend going to Omaha
to hear Pntti.
Hut three plates were required to take Tim Hkspkkian
board's picture.
Miss Pclla Cross '93, spent Saturday and Sunday with her
parents in Victoria.
Professor Errtcc has lately received three mirrors for his
experiments in light.
Since McCroskcy has changed to the scientific course lie
hns begun to Brace up.
On account of bickness, Professor Hunt was unable to meet
his classes on Monday last.
Misses Leila Dew and Ida Russell, from Tccumseh, at
tended charter day exercises.
If you Hunt diligently you will find an Illinois cake in
Rockold and McCroskcy's room.
The picture of ex-President J. II. Fairfield of Obcrlin, is
a new feature in the faculty room.
JEx'Rugent Hull has been appointed chief oi division in
the auditor's office at Washington.
Hydvj W.13 told after German class that his record for
promptness is worse than Jackson's.
The corn boxed up by Messrs Smith and Troycr at the
time of the exhibit, is ncaring Vienna.
J. T. Wcsterman, a student here last fall, is now in Seattle
in the employ of the Northern Pacific.
Miss Esther Lcighuer, who was in the university last year,
is attending the Lincoln business college.
Miss Lowman, after visiting her cousin, Miss Schwab, re
turned to her home in McCook on the 23rd.
Misses Gray and Howard spent Saturday and Sunday,
February 15 and 16, at their home in Fremont.
Tis sad but still 'tis true that the German lesson always
suffers when there is an examination in history.
The freshman history class has finished "Early Rome"
and have now taken up "Rome and Carthage."
The room is large, cases arc many, drawers arc numerous,
but where arc the specimens in the new museum.
Tuesday last the executive committee of the board ol re
gents transacted "business connected with steam fitting.
The black, soft, silken adornments of Quaintance and
Cushman arc no more. Calamities never come singly.
Floyd Seybolt guided his friend Mr. King through our
buildings last week. Seybolt is now rushing real estate.
At present the XJnivcrsity has thirty teachers, fourteen of
whom arc professoss, and four hundred and sixty students.
Miss Knight, from Chicago, is visiting the university for
the purpose of arousing more interest in the Y. W. C. A.
A. F. Woods has constructed a klinostat, the object of
which is to overcome the influence of gravity on growth of
The ministers of Omaha and Council Muffs have madu ar
rangements with Professor Hunt to receive instructions in
Mr. L. 0. Shradcr was obliged to discontinue his unvcrslty
work, in older to take charge of his fathers farm near Logan
Miss Maybcth Hurd so well known in the University two
years ago, is now in the art department of thcNncw England
Several of the girls of the prep Latin class meet today at
the home of Miss Main to translate the first seventeen chap
ters of Caesar.
Two volumes of the North American fungi, have recently
been added to the herbarium, which now contains 2,700 spe
cies of this set.
C. A. Bench, ar. old time Uni. boy now affixes his notarial
seal to legal documents. He is located at 145 south Eleventh
Street upstairs.
The Universities of Wisconsin and Nebraska, for the first
time in the history of cither, will not have senior orations
next commencement.
P. L. Ilibbard and his sister were surprised recently by a
visit from an uncle whom they had never seen, Miles Bryan
of Ogdcnsbury, N. Y.
The other day a man with a large hammer and n strong
arm adjourned Professor Edgrcn's French class by pounding
vigorously on the radiator.
The delegates to the state convention of the N. C. O. A.
will be E. Farmer, chairman; H. C. Peterson, F. A. Rock
hold, H. A. Reese, Geo. Sheldon.
Janitor Fritz wanted to know how much it would take to
annihilate Tiik IlKsrKKlAN editors, and learned that twelve
dollars would cover thu damages.
Soph boy: "I sec the first prep girls have formed a liter
ary club for the study of juvenile litcrturc." First prep girl:
"Yes we arc reading the Sophomorian."
Wednesday, the 19th, a pleasing variation in the program
of the stock breeders association was made by Miss Scott,
when she sang one of her delightful solos.
Two coincidences: G. W. Gcrwig our literary in '88 and
T. F. A. Williams holding the position at present, wrote their
first arttcles on Chamisso's "Peter Schlcmihl."
Mr. Stephens, a former student of the Northwestern uni
versity wns in Lincoln reporting the prohibition meeting.
He inspected our buildings while in the capital city.
Rev. Henry Wallace, editor of an agricultural paper in
Dcs -Moines, made an address on clover in the stock breeder's
association. He also presided in chapel on the 19th.
Is the Crete orator going to do up the University? Decid
edly no. Is the Crete foot ball team going to walk over us?
From the present interest taken here in the game, yes.
Earnest Gcrrnrd, formerly of 93, not being able to return
to school at the beginning of the term on account of sickness
is now studying Latin and German at the Columbus high
On the evening of February 14th when Mcsscrs Sawyer,
Teft, and Dinges were notified that the Lieutenant wanted
to sec them in his private office, the boys thought he had a
lecture in store for them, but they were mistaken, for he only
requested them to go out in North Lincoln a couple of miles
with the Quarter Master after the old target. The boys say
walking is fine out in that part of town. .