v 'v ., 16m faPlhe Sl'fttfl. 'TiilMC tn rnnllnim nnrl rnmnUtnthn WArk" ' " C.. .Ji"':- .:. ' . V. J! ' tv... ,v , - ,J ?'!.' ! r. : a;. i.s. j. ... .., . -. . ,v - ...... .'... . i uu niu v. . . ' tTT ' u. X . .'." ' Vtf : l 4." v - t6m Of the filfltf 'Tf'aikne in rrtntlmio onrl rnmnUtA tli urArlf" i.i .2j " i . :z, -r ".r- "" -"'"i""" """ w. ucKuniHincpuDiicscnoois, ana secure to .all an .opportunity Of liberal Culture in tlterAiitr. Anrl tmonm otwl in citnli trxli. A-.'X .-olc antJ professional courses nS shall from time to time be ?vF A - viad?.?d . These advantages arq offered to a free of charge for 17, Wr &,tt0 without regard to sex of race, orplnce of residence, W'A.'S't 4 the. sole condition of oossessinc the intellectual ind matal ..."- (M. T- "'. '-- .J .' O ' "", ' V" "- "". tAi --l.'AK qnwiBcation requisite-for admission to such, an inttttuti i ffiMHRr.e.' ' JHBHi,''ir AM?.'" school, preparation-is afforded for all the'.Und;rgra4t ; fflHif'' W'-'" -?i-V,"(cs Jn theCOLl.EGE 0F LtTKRATORE, SclEjCB AND PT "At "" f t,,E Arts. and also r thse in the UMVEnsiTYi ItZV&'v . "V ' " ' The nrenaratorv. studies run throunh two vi-nrs. AKr.1lrmic CAS . -..' '- ' wr1' . ' . Qua .- - - . .1. - -THE JLATW SCHOOL. ; james t., r.EEs,- ph; d., crincial. r 4j for admission to the Firfct Year will he exnminpd on ilin 'M .lowing subjects: English GrannnarAritftUtette, Geogrrifhy, arid Htstory of the United Slatet, Graduates of high schools -, . nruuiicu ifr inc niinor course now ineiuumg Aurora, jt Columbus, Fairmont. Friend. Gibbon. Harvard. Hehnm. ' ! t T t x rf . i . .. i 7. V.. -II mtwuuK, ioriii Loup, urq;ia uiouu, mutton, reeumseh Hpldrcdge; anailber) arc admitted to the Second Vear, clnsV "i: '--'- : . - THE COLLEGES.' ' - j -.. The University consists of two colleges, or wMlergrndu atedeprtmcnts. .Graduates of the Latin . school or of tln u" ''':' - higlv.schools accredited for tlw major course (including now TOV; yt.. .'Alma, Ashland, Auburn, Beatrice Edgar, Fremont, Gai)?l i.4'-' - Uly&ses) are wlmirted into the Freshman claw of tither ool- icjc vii precenuiiion oi, uiptomas. ,: , . Students in boh colleges Attend claacec in "common, $ far, ,. ijuibjc, miu hrye .very nuTKHiagc anoraca tty contact n '.''' i -v '' -.r-U-ained and experienced University proleMon, rS;-.-, : J "aftfiKt. "mr.VV. ..v ." TUB ARTS CHARLES E. BESSEY, PH. D., DEAN. . The" Classical Coursej leading to the degree ojrBchcl6 ,,& f' ofVrts-, affords a training In;-the Ancient Languages Atid ,TSSK,', The Literary Course, Jendifog, to thc dcgreeol Jiaclicj-; -. $, 16r of Letters. offers a training' in History, Lit"eraifirft?wi'' : i, '.' lllEINpbritRUL COLLEGE.. :. .'. , . 1EWIS E. uicks. pm. b.. TXAM. ; ' -" .vl" vTk' cours in General Science' 4tim ta the JtifNifiii Rachelot ofScicnte.pHersa Hi)eral.,educatKti, in wWcfcltVfti 't- . jii. 'r t . ' - -c y 'iii- . iTiLKjcrn pticnccs nnu ine-iVitHieru x.ngunges,rc givci wwfif ; ing to the snme degree, afford, a training in special lines Iead fngto Agricultural, Electrical or Scientific Work. . . The course in Civil Engineering offers such training a will fit a young man for the practice of Civil Engineering. For those who, can spend but a year or two in study, n , -Elementary course in Acricuhure has been nfranced, . , .; Students iii the Industrial College may obtain remunerative', i. Af, employment at rates ranging from 15 to 25 cents per .kourV ". f. w1' (jcpciiuuig upon me quauiy wwotk. v t ,. crvtrrii fr trt.tv tttvti? I'dtb . ' .' . ' '".'"'..I", jyivuii ui itw a iiixj ju1l) 1.;- MISSES MOORE AND COCliRAN. '. ,: Instruction, given in d rawing and, painting from the flat,a, :" still Hie. nature, and models in the nroeressive order. tSinlk aVe required' to provide easels and, material; an ample ictM.'."' liin of casts and ttudies is furnished in th studio ;TWStf cfiarge for daily Umors. durihg p week U 5.oo, payalill'3 In advance, 'f mm instruction is.giyea to classes in ArO.Histo v rvi 1'I.aStic rttiatnmr and Kriic(ii. - ' - - : t - .The Cottiiii Mtisii iiwltides Histructkm on the Ymi&j. Forte, OrsapiTind Violin, Ycmcc training:aud Musical Theory.4 "- msmm. fW$SmB&p fmmmw r- 'if 1 jr-i.Ufc'.iM. .. R ." C v "' .'.V5 R 9 k - t ; .0g Kit K jy .-'i t, - 1' .;." 5-g's ... - -5 ,-. - 8fcS E' i . ol X. fe : ' bit RK . j.' .EOr. :( -;-:aM Fees for inflbidual or .class instruction are m6dra4e. etalrueor fuller iMJrbrmntioir ppJ j to the steward, J, 8. AtBS, Lincoln. "St. V .'.- . NBBK&.' -' 'v. etflsHhTa' - ii"' TtMBett ,8iHiiilBiBiA HHbHMjlHy WASHER WW isfl'W m will nsmtM t)OYIIiL" WABHIB to do fctt wrk .and doit easier and in lS time than' any other tnechlno la. ujo woria. warranted five soars, and ti Jt don't vojh the ckHbcs clsata without rubbing, wewlllxefondtuBinorey. AGENTS WANTED" rUr - "i ES!" "" wkrf 'rnni 91H tsflMMr JtiMtk. rrm i"efw iwuaunnnini!winier. jmuc nave nM bucccm Mlllna thlWhw. 'Retail Ptk. only M. mrittetbgaj WRIildRttS atmannftKslurera' lowest. prioM. We larMe Um triotMt InTeMinUkin. Hand ntur --- an a. '-1 uul ti farther, particular. ' " UWlu. WAflO M ErtB, Pa. M: ??v:''fir .jH'.-a- ' 1 ' IfflT" l. iM ' SWW .' . . wv ml '; ?m 5k Sw- - - .-Vit. - . . , : 1 ' ' '" ' 'jisSghei m-.--.-jr- -,r -rsjr-r- -ir-. . r-5w isv-. va. irt- i-. .. - -, r ?v&tor. mFkm MA -li -- ;m- ...iv!a..:m..m-fcim GOTO the HESPERIAN OFFrCE AND SEE- thctAfcGE ASSORTMENT OE . ."',.