T II K II E S P B It I A N PHILO PROGRAM! pw y lisffli The World Renowned Philodicean Society Gave a PUBLIC PROGRAM Last Night in the Chapel. Here Is a Rehearsal Scene. Subscribe for The Hesperian. Sixty Cents for the Rest of the Year. D. F. EASTERDAY, Instructor in Instrumental Music. RESIDENCE 2530 Vino Strnot. OFFICK Room 2, State Block TALK PHONE 40. J. H. ALLIN'S Billiard - Parlor. 134 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. STAMP PORTRAITS! These beautiful Httl. pictures are reduced from cabinet or curd photo I cranliH, and being gnm- nieu mm iJuriiiiiiiuu, uri uic.cxaci e7.o ana image ofanoMacu stamp. Ai .novo'ty lor visiting, ox- cnangc cams, leuer i juic. etc . thev are nneuuallrd Send us jour beat photo (cnninct prctcrrca) and SI. -25 enclosed aud wo will 11111I1 von too. rcturninc the original. Sample sunt on appucatian. P. O. Box 527. Lincoln. Neb SPPstlT A FINE IINE OF Trunks, Traveling Bags, etc , AT TUB TRUNK FACTORY, 208 So. 11th St. . Tchphonc 001. Trunks Repaired or Taken In Traile. mt o c&&il-i& Office. Rooms. 70,77 and 78, Burr Block O OPEN DAY AHD NIGHT. Cm Be Reached Through Telcphohe No. 200 D. L. Dowd's Health Exerciser For lh thi-Workers antt Se- Itntary Proile: (icntlcim-11 Lull . Youths; the Athlet. r Invalid. A complete irvm nafium. Takes up but 0 In, aunro floor-room: new, eel entitle, durable, comprehen- ilvo. cheap Indoifcd bv 20 uuu physicians, lawyers, clergymen, editor am others now using it. Send for Wits rated clrcu. . ,j enii's: no charcc. Prof. I). L Dowil. Ncientitlc. Phvsical and Vocal Culture. U Kast Htli bt., New YorK. OIIS. r.lIJTJE LINK, Ofllcc 215 South 12th Street. Tel. No 9. Residence Tel. No. 615. IMI, WALT, BOOT' AND SHOE MAKFR Repairing Neatly and Promptly Bono: Hurr Iilock, N 12th street, Dr. C. A. SHOEMAKER, COUNTY : CORONER. Office 116 S. nth St. Telephone CS5 Lincoln,- Neil DR. L, H, BOBBINS, RESIDENCE 1801 N Street. OFFCE 1 127 O St., Room 2. Toloph.ono D20.