B2dE2!2iESS THE HESPERIAN. O Students wishing microscopes should call nt Tin: IIksi'KK ian office and examine the stock kept by Saycr & Miller lie lore purchasing elsewhere. They arc prepared to give you wholesale prices. A Sophomore In the Freshman rhetoric class, when called upon to correct n sentence rcfTcring to Dcsdemona and Ilcr mionc, "There was chastity in each," wrote on the hoard t "Each was chased." Arthur E. Cross, a former student or the University, was in Lincoln, Thursday and Friday, attending to business. While Mr. Cross was in school he was a very active in cm be i of the Palladian society; so of course he could not stay in the city over Friday without visiting his old society. The Freshman mathematical class will study higher alge bra for the remainder of the term. Professor Hitchcock will give lectures on the subject, instead of having the students buy new books and then only use them for a few weeks. The class will take up conic sections in the spring term. Fogarty in a poetical mood: "Out from the realms of darkness, out from oblivion's night, came the cry, that Helen's hair,was red, and the wooden horse was white." He changes to the following when he sees the lady composi tor scowling: "Excuse me, please; I forgot your name was Helen.". Professor L. E. Hicks delivered a lecture before the farm ers' institute at Elwood, Gosper county, Neb., February 7. The purpose of this institute is to have the farmers assemble together, and discuss questions relating to agriculture and stock raising, and in this way determine which will be the most profitable. Mr. Lawrence Bruncr, who has been in the employ of the government for several years as entomologist, recently re ceived an official oath of citizenship which be was requested to sign. It seems a clerk, supposing he was a foreigner, sent the papers of citizenship to be signed before Mr. Bruner could receive his salary. Monday last a committee from the faculty, consisting of Professors Bcssey, Hicks and Caldwell, met a like commit tee from the Senior class, Messrs A. F. Woods, Peterson andMarsh to make arrangements for commencement exer cises. It was decided to attempt to procure some prominent speaker to deliver the oration at commencement. We hope the Juniors will not be offended because we do not give the full list ol officers elected last week. But fearing the supply of type will not stand the strain we mention but the following: President, Miss Baker; vice-president, Hib bard; secretary, Hclvic; correspond secretary, Ned Brown; treasurer, Miss Bonnell; historian, II. A. Reese; lawyer, Mc Crosky; keeper of seals, Farout. In the last issue the notice of O. G. Miller's return was crowded out. The IIksI'EKIAN business manager passed six weeks in North Carallna, visiting friends and relatives. He says the weather was delightful in the South, and he is enthu siastic over the mellow, flowing scenery of the Blue Ridge mountains. Miller passed several days in Memphis, Tcnn., where he was much interested in the largest ice factory in the world. Professor Howard is in rccicpt of a very cordial and ap preciative letter from the well known historian, James Bryce, M. P., author of "The Holy Roman Empire" and "The American Commonwealth." Mr. Bryce compliments Profes sor Howard very highly upon his successful treatment of the local constitutional history of the United states, and expresses his satisfaction as having so good an authority to consult on points difficult of access. Within the last few days Professor Nicholson has received a large variety of chat Is and two hydrometers from Germany. One of the hydrometers consists of nineteen pieces of tubing, and is lined for taking specific gravity of different liquid?; the other consists of three piecci and is used for determining the specific gravity of sugar. The charts will prove to be very beneficial in illustrating the process of making gases and in explaining many other chemical operations to his classes. Although Professor L. E. Hicks had a somewhat hard, and toilsome trip to the Black Hills, yet it proved to be an in teresting and a very profitable one. He reports a great quantity, as well as a fair quality, of tin in the vicinity of Harney's peak. The professor worked both early and late while in the Hills, but, judging from the fine specimens he brought back with him, he was amply paid for his labor. After he has analyzed his specimens they will be placed in the University museum. The walls of the faculty room have recently been adorned with the pictures of Professor Elliot of Harvard, Hon. Seth Law, the new president of Columbia college, ex President Wolscy of Yale, ex-President McCash of Princeton, Miss Freeman, the former president of Wcllcsley, President Gil man of Johns Hopkins, and President C. K. Adams of Cor nell. It is well worth ones time to look at this collection, especially if he is so fortunate as to hear Professor Bcsscy's remarks on the learned persons. E. II. McMasters, who was a member of the class of '90 during the school year of 1885-6, from Pawnee City, died last week in Chicago of typhoid fever. Mr. McMasters was a student at the Northwestern university, at Evanston, 111., at the time of his dca'h. He was taking a course preparatory to entering the ministry. During his year's attendance here Mr. McMastcr made many warm friends who will be much grieved to hear of his sad death. The Hesperian extends its sympathy to the bereaved family in their great affliction. Every year many applications from school officers for teachers to take positions in the public schools are received by the faculty. Many of the University students expect to engage fn teaching, but the difficulty is that in most cases the professors do not know to what particular student to refer any application. It is now proposed to establish a teachers' bureau in the chancellor's office. Any student who wishes to teach may leave a card in the office, giving the following par ticulars: Name, address, class, age, terms taught, position desired, specialty if any, and any other information which will be of service. A list will be made of all who leave their names, and it is hoped that it will enable students to obtain the positions for which they arc fitted. The first appearance of Edwards and Neumann in public: These two young gent'emen, having hcrmiled themselves for many mouths, assiduously digging away at school tasks, con eluded to breathe the open air and to exercise their white goer; accordingly last Sunday they were seen driving down O street at a terrific- rate. When lo! Horrorsll Meher culclll Their glee was suddenly subsided, when, in the pres ence of many spectators, their noble steed tangled his feet, kissed the ground, broke a shaft, overturned the buggy and sent our heroes headlong on the hard pavement. The fine animal having gained its equilibrium, started for home, but before it had gone many miles was seized by an ever-ready (?) policeman and led back to the disconceited owners. Th s officer kindly advised the boys to drill their horse on some side street before again attempting to appear on Lincoln's main boulevard. wtom rass TfW ijjggg