THE HESPERIAN. U V"" tTK iAL tmi ' 1 i 0 t I 1. fit It? j i 4 N appropriated for any other purpose. It belongs to the Unl veislly. Why should it not nil be given? A change in the law pioviding that the legislature shall appropriate the sum total of I lit- univctsity fund nt each session, and that this fund shall he placed at the disposal of a hoard of regents to con sist of twelve or more would be one of the best steps that could be taken to insure the permanency and progress of our University. The barbs will have to surrender unconditionally tluc ar gument that fraternities arc expensive This charge" is groundless. The following is the expense account of one of the well known Phis. It is too good to keep any longer now that the frats have boycotted The Hkspkkian because we didn't notice them enough. This account is a strong argument that nt least the Phi fraternity is a cheap one. Here is the list: Car fare $i 20 Dra ALUMNI ALLUSIONS, 2; Ribbon 10 Shoes tended 50 Dray 35 Billiards oj Oil 05 Meal ticket 4 50 The railroad fare is something which could not have been cheaper. We all have to bow down to the soulless corpora tions and pay our money to them. The draymen in Lincoln have a combine and twenty five cents is the minimum fee for hauling. Ten cents worth of prety ribbon to wear with a sparkling little Irat pin is surely very cheap. Of course we all have to go to the shoemaker. The thiry-fivc cents for another dray would seom to indicate that it is cheaper to move than to pay rent. Billiards, 5 cents 1 What extrava gance! We wonder if his papa knows that he is here spending such great amounts for billiards. Oil, five cents! Hair oil, we suppose, for the Phi in question is a very dandified little fellow. Meal tickets $4.50. This is cheap, to be sure, when we remember that at Dclmonico's in New York single meals sometimes cost as much as twenty dollars. Taken as a whole and judging from this expense account we must admit that it is cheap living here in a fraternity. COMMUNICATION. To the Editor of The Uebi'brian. The question is frequently asked, "Is there a file of the Journal in the library?" and I would like to say a word through your paper about the abuse of the 'Journal in the reading room. The paper is brought to the library at 8:30 a. rn. and placed where any student may have access to it for legitimate pip poses, and if it were properly used would be in good condition to file; but the few unscrupulous persons, who do not hesitate to use the margins for scribbling, to cl p articles from its pages or to steal copies from the room, or to tramp upon a page of it which may accidentally fall to the floor, succeed in ruining the file week after week. Could the names of those persons be known proper measures would be taken to prevent such lawlessness; but such things are always done in a sneaking way, and until the better class of students shall create a public sentiment so strong against the abuse of public property, that the one who docs those things shall be despised as he deserves, and his work become known we can not hope to have a full file of the Journal in the library. UliKARIAN. Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist, fitted. 1115O street, Lincoln, Neb. Glasses '89. Logan Stephens is principal of the se-niuaiy at Hen nctt. r '84. W. II. Lichty, was in Lincoln recently. He has been in business in Philadelphia. '89. We arc reliably informed that G. II. Hauglimnn got Wade at the Kirmcss one day last week. '89. Rev. I). D. Forsyth has organized chautauqun read ing society at his home in Custer country. '87. C. S. Polk was in the city one day about the, begin ning of the month, attending to a case in the supreme court. '88. Mr. J. G. Smith has completed his bulletin of, the work done on the stale farm in the past year, and soon ex pects to have it published. STRAY PICK-UPS. Charter day. Russell was in Ord last Sunday. Six of the faculty were in chapel on the 6th. When will the Freshmen celebrate over finishing Trig? Wednesday Miss Hall was called to her home in Verdon. Truly some of the Seniors arc fond of the conservatory for its music. It is said that the boys are taking steps toward organizing a base ball club. 1 Miss Fitch, a former student, was seen in the University halls, February 6. L. C. French, a student here during the. fall term, is teach ing near DeWitt. , . Hon. Milton J. Hull visited the Delian society on the evening ol the 71I1. The North Platte Telegraph- copied the Sophomorian'1 s article on Hoagland. Miss Jessie and C. B. Goodell passed the 9th and loth at their home in Wilbcr. Mrs. W. S. Perrin, formerly Miss Lynn, of Roca, called At the University on the 6th. 'I Almy has so much work to do that it is necessary foi him to skip classes sometimes. An evening drawing school has been started in connection with the Haydon art club. Lieutenant Griffith reviewed the battalion for the first time in the armory, February 7. Mr. James Christy, from Akron, O., a relative of Dr. Warner, was here on the 7th. Miss Anna Attwood, '93, was keot ftom her classes a few days last week on acco nt of ckues . G. II. Palmer was seen in the halls a short time ago. He is in the insurance business at Omaha. Tinker denies that his mustache is yellov. Maybe you are able to see that we were mistaken. The battalion drilled out on the campus February 10. This speaks well for Nebraska weather. Don't ask Barkley about the joke that Bigclow perpetra ted on him for he may get mad if you do. We wish the Senior boys would remember their friends by presenting them with one of their photos the onejn. which they appear with their mortar boards and canes. wmmmmmmm fOTWWfWWBJJpgW 'Mimk1.'