T HE HESPERIAN. Uousscnn who infused into it vital energy, and his works, in turn, lent inspiration to the English school to whom he owed so much. In the violence ol their repulsion this school went to the opposite extreme of sickly scntimcntalism, expatiating at tedious length on the benutics of scenes in nature, the de scription of which may be cither delightful or spiritless. Henry Mackenzie is one of this school who is not as distaste ful to people of to day as were some ol his colleagues. He has copied in a measure after Struc, but fortunately has not in full measured his literary vices. The hero in Mackenzie's "Man of Feeling" is one of those timid, delicate individuals, who, in their effort to approximate to an ideal conduct of life are made the victims of the unscrupulous wiles of their prac tical fellow men. This mojest personage, Harlcy, after re peated urgings of friends, summoned up sufficient courage to go to London in order to try to get a lease of some crown lands, which lay contiguous to his little paternal estates. When he artived in London he was made the easy victim of the rascals who infest the great city. He placed confidence in his ability as a physiognomist, and was fleeced by the ccutlcman with the honest face. He visited Bedlam and was deeply affected by the accounts made by some ol the patients concerning the wrongs they had endured. He was thrown into the company of the vicious, and learned much that made him hate the social system under which unscrupulous men of rank made use of their eminence to corrupt the morals of those beneath them in the social scale. Harlcy did not attain the object of his journey, the lease of the crown lands. Alter a varied experience he reached his home and soon after died. The circumstances of his death arc peculiar. He has long cherished tender regards for a young lady of the neighbor hood. But such is his nature that he dares not broach his love till at the point of death, and dies in broaching it. While there may be something to admire in the conscien tiousness of this person, it is still true that a world populated by Harlcys would be monotenous, stationary. The whole vexed question whether in this world, constituted rs it is, it is ever right to use means that can be justified only by the end, was at once decided by him by determining always to do that which his conscience prompted him to do. While this is theoretically the correct thing to do, it often lends to inter esting complication. Irresolution would be the chief fault of any public man who would adhere inflexibly to such a course. This book, along with others, written by authors holding the same views with Mackenzie, did a great work in exposing the shams of high life in the eighteenth century, and showing how an artless country dweller may suffer at the hands of those who should protect them. not be estimated. It creates a desire for excitement and leads to gambling in all its other forms. True some are lucky enough to draw the prizes, but it is only a gnme of chance and the money drawn will probably again be invested in other things of a like nature. On the other hand the stock holders are always sure ol carrying off the prize. It is noth ing but a scheme to make money, and succeeds admirably in this line or the lottery would not be operated on so largc-a scale. Even il the lottery docs pay a large sum of money into the treasury the stockholders get the greater part ol this sum", and perhaps all of it, from the people themselves. If then some plan could be adopted by which the people could pay the sum directly, or indirectly into the state iund it would be a great credit to North Dakota besides raising the stan dard of morals in the whole couutry. The rulings of Speaker Reed are attracting universal at tention, and arc the cause of many comments in the leading newspapers of our country. Mr. Reed has taken the respon sibility on his own shoulders and without precedent in the history of the nation has made rulings in direct opposition to established custom. For two months the house has been without rules, thus giving Reed full control. The rules had been ready for adoption for some time, but for several reasons they were not brought in until the question of contested scats had been settled. The minority was not allowed by Speaker Reed to hinder the workings of the majority as has been the custom heretofore. While we do not uphold the the democrats in their action, yet wc do say that we think the the method used by Reed in violating this long established custom was unfortunate. The constitution provides that the house shall determine the rules by which it shall be governed. Why then were these rules not introduced before important dusiness was tran sacted? If the republicans wished to establish new rules they had a perfect right to do so. The whole thing looks like a scheme that had been mapped out beforehand and the only excuse Reed is able give for his actions is that he was afraid the democrats were going to do some scheming and he ruled that way in order to foil their plans. CURRENT COMMENT. The North Dakota legislature is yet very young, but already a bill has been introduced which if passed will be a source of regret in the years to come. The people of North Dakota do not want to license and legalize lotteries. Why pass laws prohibiting gambling dens from keeping open doors and then charter gambling on a larger scale in the shape of a lottery? Even if the evils of this institution were not known it would be bad enough, but with such an example as the "Louisiana state lottery" before the people ol North Dakota it would be the height of absurdity for them to pass such a law. The bill has already gone through the house but there is considerable agitation over the matter and the probabilities that the peo ple will come to their senses and check it before it before it is too laic. The debating lendences of a luUei of this kind may The recent triumph of Parncll over the London Times is a victory which may well cause any one, interested in Home Rule for Ireland to rejoice. Some time ago a series of letters were published by the London Times which if they had been true, would have great ly injured Mr. Parncll and the Home Rule party. Happily these were proved to have been forgeries, committed by the enemies of right and justice. Mr. Parncll then sued the Lon don Times for libel, and that paper has compromised by paying him heavy damages. By this compromise the London Times acknowledges the unjustice it has done him, and the cause which he has espoused. Mr. Parncll early took up the cause of Ireland, and has spent his whole time in try ing to free her people by giving them Home Rule. He has met with difficulty after difficulty and, although the end is not yet in sight he is confident that the cause he so strongly champions will finally result in making Ireland independent of England. Politically, Parncll has many enemies who have left no stone unturned in trying to injure him and his cause. Think ing that by injuring the leader they may also injure the party, of which he is the head they perpertated many underhand schemes upon Parncll all of which have miserably failed. J25ffl