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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1890)
. ' ' - l-Vgyj v '. 'X : A I T HE HESPERIAN. w. T fcjlfciP't , FOB SQ,TT-A.E;EI r)E.X4lT3-.-e2-0 TO Ml IS .y Wj W ,.H X ' "it BiMKBRS CltCmOQI & HOITSS All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. 1125 O St., Lincoln, Neb. fm j?( DENTIST- Telephone 153. 1105 OStrcet. Lincoln Book Emporium, 139 So. lOth, under Y. M. C. A., Students will find a Well Selected Stock or Books "I Stationery, -And a Fine Line of POCKET or "BAGSTER" or "OX FORD" COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS' BI BLES, and the best helps for Bible Students. THOS. FAWI3LL. Prof. Loisette's M Cm OH I DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spita of adulterated imitations which miss the theory, and practical result of the Origin!, inspltoot the grossest misrepresentations by enyioas would-be competitors, and in spi to of "baso at tempts to rob"him of tho fruit of hislabor8,(aU of which demonstrate the undoubted superiority and popularity of hla teaching). Prof. Loisette's Art of Norer Forgetting is recognlted today In both Hemispheres as marking an Epoch in Memory Culture. IIisProspectuB(BCntposlfreo)giro8 opinions of people in all parts of the globe who have act ually studlod his System by correspondence, showing thf.t his System is used anfv uhile bring ntudietl, not Hfttncard; that any hookcttnbelearnrdinatinole readina,mind-teatuierinictirtd, c. For Prospectus, Terms and Testimonials address Prof. A. iOISETTJB, 237 Fifth Avcbhc, N.Y W. Pettier & ro. FRESH AND SALT MEATS 1 20 South Eleventh Street. LINCOLN, NEB. --- LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR Printing and Stationery WITI-I SAYER & MILLER, Hesperian Office, - University. LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK 9 SAFE DEPOSIT CO. CAPITAL, $250,000. JLIABIMTX OF STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000. interest paid ob deposits at the rate of fire per cent per annum for all full calendar month!). Safes to rent in burglar proof and tire proof vaults, at annual rental of $5 and upwards. Money toloan on real estate and collateral. Your Savings Account Solicited. HEX&Y E. LEWIS, President - A. P. 8. STUAM, Vice President. JOHN H. McCLAY, Treasurer. R. "WELCH, TeUer. 1 DIRECTORS. H. J. Walsh. A. P. S. Stuart. Henry E. Lewis. ' H. P. Lau. Wh, McLaughlin. John H. McClay. fv W.H.McCrecry. John B. Wright. Fred "Williams. ' r ,. " BANK HOURS. 9:30 a.m. to 3.30 r.M. SATURDAY EVENINGS, 6 to S o'clock. ' ja H 'i 4 '4t j i-M ' St ...J - in '3! f. ' , .'a ' 1 '?m V t 4 14 ,. ... j .. . ' tllVJ. ' .. -. '. ; . . - . .