Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, February 15, 1890, Page 10, Image 10

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The Earlhamite publishes n pleasing hit of poetry entitled
'Lake Huron."
Have the sand to say "no" and the grit to say "yes "
Nebraska Mute Journal.
That piece of poetry entitled "Allorlei" in the Octident is
exceedingly well named. It is, moreover, nil n lie to call it
The Ogonlz Mosaic is well supplied with marriage notices.
The Ogontz girls must b; simply great.. We wish it were nit
so far off.
The Industrailist conlians an interesting and instructive
aitclc on the newly invented huttcr-cxtractor. Read it,
every farmer's son of you.
The Hesperian prints but little poetry. After reading
the poetry lying ajouud loose in the college world, we arc not
at all sorry. From further remarks we forbear.
Michigyn colleges and universities arc wrestling with the
. question whether to join the oratorical association. Come
on, Michigan, don't be afraid. We'll let you in.
Fastar Miscellany presents in its January number an ele
gant and artistic backispiecc to its literary colums. It bears
the inscnplion: 'White; exquisitely perfumed; pure."
The January number of the Mcmieken Review has an addi
tion, an exchange column. The editor docs well in one par
ticular at least, he puts in several gallant words for the ladies
of Hamilton.
The wail of the CotiptPEtat as to Tins Hesperian stand
on the fraternity question is an indication of the late editor's
effective work and an encouragement to the present board to
proceed in the same direction.
The Hesperian, ol the University of Nebraska is waging
unrelenting war on "foils." Northueseru
Thank you. Wc are trying to do our duty by them.
Don't you wish you could?
The "prep hat" has appeared on the campus of ihc U.
of Pacific, and the 1 haros resents this presumption on the part
of the first and second year "prep." Rockford Seminary
Magazine. Moral: "Abolish 'prepdom'."
"The Hesperian contains many good things, and among
them an advertisement of "cigars, tobacco, etc." -Doan
This from the Owl, the representative of a denominational
This editor in his rambhngs among exchange scamc across
one modest appearing paper, the Norfolk Collegian. His eye
first rested upon the exchange column. He read it.
"Ah!" thought he, "What is this?" His instinct said it was a
young ladies paper. Why? It was gushing.
There is civil war in the Illinois Wcslcyan. The Elite
Journal and the Athenian are at swords' points. It is the
literary society against the wiles of the fraternity. In reply
to the sneering (illusions and assertions of the Athenian the
Journal uses some vigorous language. It speaks the truth
offended by covert sneers. The Journal speaks after
(his fashion: "Prove your statement or be content to let it be
called unprovable and untrue as it is." That is right, friend
Journal give them as good as they send; you are equal to it.
The Earlhamite siill insists that we have no genuine lit
'crary department. The trouble with the exchange editor of
the Earhattiale is that he fails to recognize the aim of The
Hesperian. The Hesperian would be no mere collocation
of essays, no bulky university studies or review; it strives not
to make a great showing with treatises, dry and exhaustive
enough to kill a philosopher; that is not its province, it would
be a live college paper, one to interest its subscribers, the
students; in fact, it would be n real college newspaper. The
Earlhamite is no doubt n good paper in its line but it is not
our style; that is all. The Hesperian is managed nnd
written by its editors, each nnn seeing to his own department.
Call on Edddd. Ccrf & Coooo.
Skinner lets good rigs at low prices.
Hals and caps at Ed. Ccrl & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Call on Hiving for cadet gloves and caps.
Clothing foi everybody at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Go to Ed. Cci f & Co. for furnishing goods.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Special prices to students at T. Hiving & Co's.
Go to the Capital City Shirt Factory for your shirts. 93;
O street.
Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students pat
onagc solicited.
Get your shirts and underwear at the Captal City Shirt
Factory. 939 O street.
Ten per cent off to all students, al J. Z. Hriscoe's boot and
shoe store 1329 O Street.
L. G. Chevront, 1221 O street, oysters and lunch, can
dies, cigars, tobacco, etc. Give him a call.
Any one wishing a subscription to Lippincotfs Magazine
can get one at greatly reduced rates by applying to O. G.
Miller, business manager.
If you can't "keep your shirt on," then go to the Capital
City Shirt Factory and purchase one al a very low price thai
will stay on. 939 O street.
For instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short hand,
type wilting or telegraphy, the Lincoln business College is
the best place to go. Uver 600 students last year.
Clements, the Popular Photographer, will give special
inducements to all University students who have their photo's
taken before March 1st. Every student had better cull at
his gallery and get his special rates.
Prof. Loisettc's Memory System is creating greater inter
est than ever in all parts of the country, and all persons wish
ing to improve their memory should send for his prospectus
free as advertised in another column.
T. Ewirg & Co have now an opportunity to show off an im
mense slock of clothing to great advantage. Their new quai
ters 1115-17 0 street arc undoubtedly ihe finest in the city.
Call around and inspect both store and goods.
$75 00 to $250.00 a month can be made working for us.
Persons preferred who can furnish a horse and give their
whole time to the business. Sparc moments may be profit
ably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities.
11. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1009 Main St., Richmond, Va.
5,000 good active agents wanted at once, cither sex, to intro
ducc this great work. Heie a chance for you. Any one can
sell the book, as the whole i orld i isntercsted. The book will
contain a full account of all ol Stanley's explorations in Africa,
and especially of his latest expedition for the Relief of Emm
lley. About' 600 pages and 100 entirely new illustrations,
maps, etc. Complete canvassing outfit witli all instructions
will be mailed on receipt of 40c. Do not delay in writing; or
der outfit and get t rritory at once. The only genuine mw
Stanley book out. Address Peerless Publishing Co., 80S
810, 812 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo.