; rfrTsfr&jjjT' ''' ;p . t , " , ' ' frli" ! v A. ; 4 THE HESPERIAN. yvi .'M "! for sQ,TT.A.:R,:e iDELzTa- ao to J li pj AJDira OT&VWmU BOITOBi r fc, I' - I". t r - vi 4.SJ , i . All of the Latest Styles and Best Qualities at Lowest Prices. 1125 O Stv Lincoln, Neb. MIKADO STUDIO, Cor. 14th and P St., Lincoln, Neb. iSPICTURES FORg . I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF VIEWS. Sntisfacton Guaranteed. Photos at Reduced Rates. MW DENTIST- J(f. Get Your Shirts and Underwear AT THE -. va " t Capital City Shirt Factory, ; r 039 O Street. v M 1&9 ( iM5ti ff&stomr to fe Qityr Telephone 153. 1105 O Street. Lincoln Book Emporium, 130 So. lOtli, under Y. M. O. A., Students will find a Well Selected Stock of Books 1 Stationery, And a Fine Line of POCKET or "BAGSTER" or "OX FORD" COMPREHENSIVE TEACHERS' BI BLES, and the best helps for Bible Students. THOH. FAAVHLL. Prof. Loisette's MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In Bplto of adulterated imitations which miss the theory, and praotical results of the Orwiiml, in spite of tlin grossest misrepresentations by envious would4o comp titan), andinspiteof "basnnttempt8torob"hlm of thn fruit of liiB labors, (nil of which demonstrnto the undoubted suneriority and popularity of his teaching). Prof. Lnisetto's Art of Nevor Forgetting is recognised to-day In both Hemispheres ns marking nnKpochin Memory Culture. Ills Prospectus (sent post freo) gives opinionH of people (n all parts of tho globe who have act ually studind his HyMem by correspondent), showing th.t his System is vxeil onj while briuo utmhed. Dot aftertrartl: thatant biml enn bt learned in a xi nolo rea'lintitiiiiml'intnilf ring cut nt,,l'c IforPiwpcctuB, Terms and Testimonials address i'rof. A. IiOISKTTli, 237 Fifth Avenue, N.Y Odell's Dining Parlors, Montgomery's New Block, Uio, 1121 and 1123 N stieet, Lincoln. Neb. S. J. ODELL, Proprietor. - MEALS 25c. $4.50 PER WEEK. LINCOLN SAVINGS BANK! SAFE DEPOSIT CO. CAPITAL, $250,000. .LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000. interest paid on deposits at tlioratoot flvo percent por annum for all full calondor montlm. Sntbito rent In burglar proof nml tire proof ruuHn, at annual rental of $5 and upwards. Money to loan on real eatato and collateral. Your Savings Account Solicited. HENmY E. LEWIS, President. A. F. S. STUART, Vioe President. JOHN H, MoGLAY, Treasurer. K. WELCH, Teller. DIRECTORS. H. J. Walsh. A. P. S. Stuart. Henry E. Lewis. H. P. Lau. Wm. McLaughlin. John H. McClay. W.H.McCreory. John 8. Wright. Fred Williams. BANK HOURS. 9:30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. SATURDAY EVENINGS, 0 to 8 o'clock. All loyal students will subscribe for The Hesperian, the paper that represents us. vfl J' - -, , .v f y n ,i,rVs Tt'teAtoai $JxLsi:Ui aa .;iiiini.i it mMmAKm14 -''' ' ..n ; TT '