THE HESPERIAN. k D. F. EASTERDAY, Instructor In Instrumental Music, RESIDENCE 2530 Ylno Strnot. OFFICE Room 2, Btnto Block TELEPHONE 40. STAMP PORTRAITS! J, H. ALLIN'S v Billiard - Parlor. 134 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. HSSM LLf L.. H iTX m FJL II nil Jk lit BlVKSvx' mxmmpjM U&ul cniiitlw mill .....1 1fV Bouton application. AUUreBB A.'N. P. 0. Box 527. Thoso beautiful llttlu pictures nro reduced fiom cabinet or curd photo- grupiiH, nun noing gum mud mid ncrniratoa. nrn jtho'oxact sl.o and Imago oi a postage stamp, ash inovoltv tor vlsltlne. ox- ennngo cams, joitor neaus, otc . tliov nro unonunllod. bond us vour boat nhoto ifcubluot profcrrod) and 81 25 onclosod and wo will roturulng tho.orlglnal. Samplu MIS. P.lMjrE.Jf JTNK, Olllcc 3)5 South 12th Stroat. Tel. No 9. Residence Tel. No. 615. JOHNSON, Lincoln. Nub. IMI. WALT, BOOT AND SHOE MAKFR : Repairing Neatly and Promptly Dono: Burr Block, N 12th street, A FINE LINE OF Trunks, Traveling Bags, etc . AT THE TRUNKJJF AOTORY, 208 So. llth.8t. Tolt-phono 003. Trunks Repaired or TakcnJn.Tradc. , W, & Office, Rooms,, 70, .77 .and. 78, Burr, Block JU..OPEN DAYAND.NIQHT. Can Bo Reached Through Tolcphoho .No. 200 D. L. Dowd's Health Exerciser For Brain-workers and Set iltntary People: Gontlomon Ladles, Youths; tho Athlcto iriuvauu. Acompioiogym naslum. Takes up but 0 In auaro floor-room: now. scl untitle, durabln. comprohon slvo. chean. Indorsed by 20.' ixxi physicians, lawyers, clorgymon. editors and othors now uBlng it. 80 nil for Illustrated circular. 40 ong's! no cnargo. rror. u. u. Dowd, Sclontluc, Physical and Vocal Culturo, 0Eaetl4tlist.,Now xorK. Dr. C. A. SHOEMAKER, COUNTY : CORONER. Office 116 S. nth St. Telephone 685. Lincoln, Neb. DR. L, H, ROBBINS, RESIDENCE 1801 N Street. OFFCE 1 127 O St., Room 2. Toloplxon.o 620. o3cj J SsSJ hit gSSSgP Tho Best ii&IK-tSIIW vJBLl vMSniwppsr',.. .uhmrsk MmmSfSSm WMIslSSStiSBM. BBSSMm1 WASHER We will guiranteo thoLOYBLL" WA8HEB to lo betterwork ana do It cosier and in loss timo tban any otnor macniuo in tho world, warranted flvo years, and u it don't wasn me ficlothos clean without rubbing, wo will refund the money. AGENTS WANTED'Trr that agents are making from $75 to $150 per month. Farmcra tnsbfi OArt n RA 4iitrlifi wlnta. T fifllna Vmvn rrrAftt Rlirrrft! WBdllng this Washer. Retail price, only $5. Samplo to thoso desiring an agency u. Also tuc licieDrnteu ahiaiunu WItlNGEIlS at manufacturers' lowest prices. Wo Invito tho investigation. Send your address on a postal card for furthor particulars. LOlfELL WASHER CO., Erie, Pa. 19 ?2D IB9 a-2 52 g 5jq - 5, s e-ag a .si" 2 B 2 k OH a 2 . 1 , . -LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR .A Printing and Stationery V."7 WITH SAYER & MILLER, ' r Hesnerian Office. Universitv. r ' j 3J2 irSSrei Bt ta. I