Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 16, 1889, Page 9, Image 9

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Any one wishing a subscription to LippintotPs Afagatin
can get one nt greatly reduced rates by applying to O. G.
Miller, business manager.
Hayden, the photographer, Is now prepared to make those
little stamp photos, so neat to use on visiting cards, letterheads
etc. Call around and investigate.
Paul Burleigh, '93 has been compelled to leave school on
account of Ill-health. His physician does not think It advis
able for him to return before next year.
"That's the long and short of it" remarked a dignified
senior pointing to Professor Caldwell and Professor Fosslcr
who were coming up the walk together.
Professor D. F. Eastcrday has been quite sick for two
weeks, and the band has been worrying along without an in
structor. We arc glad to notice that he was back at his post
again this week.
The regular winter meeting of the board of regents will
be held at the University, beginnning December 17. That
is just one week before the close of the fall term. It is the
first time that such a thing has occurred, for several years at
Our business manager, O. G. Miller, will start on a trip,
cast and south in a lew days to spend the holidays at his old
home in North Carolina. He will take a jaunt down to
Charleston and to Washington, returning about the middle of
Dr. Gcigcr performed a little detective operation on a tramp
who took a fancy to a lap-robe in fiont of the University last
week. The tramp outran the doctor as the latter was yet
weak fiom his recent illness, else the police court would have
had another victim.
The precocious patriotism of a couple of our military men
who wished to fire a salute on the receipt of the news of the
death of Jeff Davis, was emphatically squelched by Lieutenant
Griffith, and their attempt afterward to secure the piece and
"fire it anyhow" was unsuccessful.
Our " Miscellany" editor took a flying trip home on the
evening of Thanksgiving day, and returned the following morn
ing. He reports that he attended an oyster supper in the
evening, and put in the rest of the night "sitting up" and that
the "after part" was by far the better part of the night.
Baron dc Stoughton, the biological irrigation man, has
turned his genius in a new direction. After devouring a peck
of apples and several sacks of pop-corn at the Union social he
went home and dreamed he was being sued for breach of prom
ise by two different parties.
The Delian society gave a special program the night of De
cember 6. There were present besides many University stud
ents and city people, three literary societies from Wesleyan
university and one from the Christian university. The lower
part of the chapel was filled and some seats in the gallery oc
cupied. A very good program was rendered though it was
perhaps a little too lengthy.
Steward Dales is rejoicing over the arrival of a fine electric
clock from Hippe of Neufchatel, Switzerland. This ingenius
timepiece has no spring and docs not have to be wound up
with a key. It is operated solely by the gravitation of the earth
iand the current of a three cell battery. The workmanship is
of the finest. This clock will hereafter have charge of ringing
the bells in the various buildings. On its arrival it could ring
only at the full hours, and it took delicate manipulation on the
part of Thompson the jewelcr,to adjust it to ring on the cxpir
ation the full hours in the morning, and nt the half-hours
in the afternoon.
The following conversation was recently overheard among
a crowd of juniors recently: First Junior; "Are you as Cross
as ever?" Second Dittos "You must be very Green to think
such a thing as that." Third Ditto: "'At would seem to be
the case." Fourth Ditto: "To hear you talk people would
say that you were Lou-ny," Fifth Ditto: "You fellows ought
to have Moore sense than to " Just then a wild and vicious
Soph hurried past murmuring as he went: "Sic semper McGin
nis." On Thursday, December 5, was held a meeting for the re
organization of the local oratorical association. About sixty
students were present and considerable interest was manifested.
E. R. Holmes was elected president for the ensuing year; 11.
A. Reese, vice-president, and Geo. L, Sheldon, secretary and
treasurer. The time for the local contest was fixed for the first
Saturday in February which will be Fcburary I, 1890. A com
mittee on local contest was appointed and a committee to
make arrangements for the inter-state contest was provided
Another of those nice blotters of which we have already
made mention shows a winged cherub carrying a Dictionary
Holder under one arm saying: "I am making a flying trip in
the interest of education. The basis of education is the dic
tionary, and the base of the dictionary should be a Noycs Hol
der. The valued unabridged is of little value unless it is get
atablc (look this word up). A book held edge up gets full of
dust, soiled and spoiled unless hugged together with strong
springs. Only the Holders mantactured by La Verne V.
Noycs, the originator and inventor of Book Holders, have
such springs." Send to him, at Chicago, a two-cent stamp to
pay postage and receive in return this series of blotters.
Call on Edddd. Cerf & Coooo.
Skinner lets good rigs at low prices.
Hats and caps at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Call on Ewlng for cadet gloves and caps.
Clothing for everybody at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Go to Ed. Cerf & Co. for furnishing goods.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
It pays students to get their shoes at liriscoc & Cooky,
1329 O St.
Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students pat
ronage solicited.
Ten per cent off to all students, at J. Z. Hriscoe's boot mid
shoe store 1329 O Street.
Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist. Glasses
fitted. 11150 street, Lincoln, Neb.
Students will do well to call at Westerficld's for a good
hair cut and bath. Burr Block. Sec ad.
For any thing in the line of millinery, cloaks and genera
"feminine fixin's" University girls should visit Mis.W.E. Gos
per's, 1 1 14 O street.
Mrs. W. E. Gosper, the milliner, is now ready to give the
girls of the University some special bargains in cloaks for she
is selling at cost. 1 1 14 O sued.
For instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short hand,
type wiiting or telegraphy, the Lincoln Business College is
the best place to go. Over 600 students last year.