Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 16, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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dusk. Several times in the hist month and a hnlf, students
have effected entrance into the various buildings, unmolested.
If the watchman is kept and paid for the protection of univer
sity property, or to prevent purloining and general mis
chief on the campus, vc advise the authorities to sec that pro
tection is afforded. If the watchman is purely ornamental,
wc compliment the authorities on thicr artistic taste in making
the selection.
The students are taking a praiseworthy stand in preparing
for the prohibitory amendment campaign. There arc but a
small number of students who do not favor the adoption of
the amendment, but there arc also few who care to take an
active part in the campaign, or who would do so unless a
more active interest is awakened in them by an agitation of
the question. By a little work on the part of the students
who take an active interest in the question, the University
vote may be made almost a solid phalanx for prohibition.
Besides this, the interest that may be aroused in the Univer
sity may be spread throughout the state wherever the stud
ents go to spend their several vacations that come between
now and next fall. The result of a little work now in the
proper way will not be easily overestimated.
Quite a numerously signed petition of "Whereas" and
"Be it resolved" was circulating among the students last
week. The mission of the petition was to reach the hearts
of the faculty, if they have any, and to secure the closing
ol school at least one day earlier. As it is now arranged
school will not close until the afternoon of December 24, and
all students who cannot reach home on the afternoon trains
of that day will be compelled to lose the Christmas eve cx
exerciscs at home, which, to many of the students is the
most enjoyable of the holidays. For those who cannot reach
home on that day the pleasure of Christmas will be wholly
destroyed. We do not think the faculty have done fairly in
holding us over Sunday lor two days of school in the Christ
mas week, and we trust they may yet right that matter.
The Journal of Tuesday, December 10, in a half column
editorial opposes an idea that is now being agitated at Wash
ington by Senator Edmunds, and throughout the country by
educated men the idea of a national university. The Journal
does not oflcr a single objection to a national university at
Washington, that is not applicable to state universities on
a smaller scale. The comparison oi this university to the
state universities is exactly as fitting to the state universities
and the high schools in a smaller degree. The writer of the
article fails entirely to grasp the proper idea. It is proposed
to make this university a university in the highest sense of
the word, to make it to the other universities what Johns
Hopkins, and Clark universities are ultimately intended to
be; to make it to other universities what the high school is to
the common school, and what the state university is to the
high school, to make a university of specialists, for fitting
specialists for research, investigation and professional work;
to make such a university on a firm anil sufficient financial
basis so that it may not be hampered in its work as privately
endowed institutions are liable to be. The Journal should
know that the students of Johns Hopkins proper, arc from
all parts of the country, and are not the rich, but arc the
students of the country. Those who have studied at Hop
kins, after completing oik in the University ol Nebraska,
are not our rich students but our able students; students with
ability, energy and ambition. A university such as the
national university should be, should be situated where the
best facilities for study are to be found, and the petty
matter of railroad fare will never keep the true student from
it. The vast Libraries and collections in the various depart
ments, nnd in the Smithsonian at Washington will doubly
repay the expense of travel. In conclusion we would like to
emphasize that it is not the rich but students who graduate at
universities. The rich simply take . courses in polishing
To the Editor of The Hesperian:
Sir: Iscc from an cditornl in the last Hesperian that the
Sigma Chi aggregation has been rejoicing over the fact that
it was not represented in the local oratorical contest of last
year; and has been concluding rather hastily, that if it had
been, etc. Fcrmit me to jog the memory of the aforesaid ag.
grcgation a little. The fraternities, it will be remembered were
represented (presumably by their best man), and that by a
member of 'he aggregation. He wrote an oration; but, on
showing it to one of the best judges of oratory in the city, he
was told, "never to go into any contest with that oration if
he did not want to make an egregious ass of himself." This
was perhaps a month before the contest. Sufficient time was
thus given for the aggregation with its superior powers to pro
duce another oration. They had no oration in the contest,
however. If the aggregation wish to hear more interesting
facts connected with the contest last year, they have only to
say so.
To the Editor of The IIksibiuax.
Sir. Why cannot something Jc done to improve the
looks of our campus? As it is, what with ash heaps here,
dirt heaps there, and unsightly wagon ruts everywhere, it is
well-nigh the most hideous spot of ground in the city of Lin
coln. The trees arc bruised and their limbs biokcn.
The barb wire, instead of being up on the posts where it
should be, lies on the ground. The dirt heaps, caused by lay
ing steam pipes, arc lctt unnoticed. Stones and bricks, coal,
shavings, chips nnd leaves, give it more the appearance of a
neglected barn-yard than of the surroundings of a place of
culture. The hideous, gallows-like supporter of the electric
light gives one the cold chills, by suggesting all the horrors
of retributive justice. The ground is disfigured by paths,
due, no doubt, to laziness, but more to the natural preference
for weeds over mud as the medium of communication with
the city. If wc must have dirt, give it to us, at least, more
evenly distributed. If barb wire is necessary let us have it
in its natural and intended place not on the ground. If we
cannot have anything except cinders and broken bricks to
walk on, why, give us at least cinders and broken bricks.
The upholder of the electric light would look less anarchial
if fifty cents worth of paint were expended on it. A hund
red dollars could be put to excellent use in a general cleaning
up and in removing the air of shiftlcssncss. This might not
have the much desired effect of inculcating an unspeakable
love of the beauties of nature, but it would remove the sense
oi her utter irremediable ludicrousness.
P. C. II.
L. G. Chevront, 1221 U street, oysters and lunch, can
dies, cigars, tobacco, etc. Give him a call.
"Wc build pants for gentlemen only" at Browning, King
& Go's agency, 118 north Tenth street. Overcoats dirt