Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 16, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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In his message lo congress President Harrison recom
mends that congress should give special attention to the
combinations or capital commonly called "trusts." This is
eminently proper. It seems as if the great corporations
would, if unrestrained, soon control the politics of the country.
While, as a rule, vc believe that the more liberty that can be
given to any person or combination of persons the better, yet
if capital must control the people or be controlled by them,
then vc prefer the latter alternative.
Hy the death o! Jcflcrson Davis one of the most conspicu
ous actors in the late civil war has passed away. One by
one those who participated in that great strife disappear from
the stage of life and soon they will be known only in memory.
As yet party strife has not cooled enough for many of us in
the North lo view with deliberation the actions ol this
man or to consider the causes that urged him on to take his
stand with the southern confederacy. Many of us arc too
apt to regard the name Jcfi Davis as a synonym for treason;
but then we should remember that the question of stale's
rights never was settled until in the civil war, and that Davis
chose his path as duly seemed lo point it out to him.
Wc were told in chapel the other morning that some of us
needed to take more physical exercise; that in our hurry to
gain mental culture we should not forget to train tnir bodies
in athletic sports; that several of us should not spend quite so
much time in laboring over lessons but should go out and en
gage in the cxhihrating garae ol foot-ball. Now while we do
not flcny that foot-ball is on the whole a very desirable sport,
yet there may be a lew of us who feel that such sport is a lit
tle tao rough, lhatjthcrc is danger of getting maimed or other
wise injured when one is knocked down and fallen upon by a
dozen or more big fellows. Wc also believe that wc should
not be limited lo one single athletic sport and long (or the time
when wc can have a gymnasium in which advantage for phy
sical culture may be enjoyed by all the students, the weak as
well as the strong and vigorous.
In glancing through a magazine the other day wc ran
across an article that seemed to sound familiar, in fact it was
an extract from an address delivered on the "Causes of Pov
erty" in the chapel last spring. The lecture when first de
livered set us to thinking. The strangest part to us, at least,
was the method of showing that neither Karl Marx nor Henry
George nor Malthus is right when he proposes a single rem
edy for all our social evils. That no single cause produces
all poverty is well enough shown when we suppose a Robin
son Crusoe on an island all alone by himself. If he makes
wine from the berries and drinks too much, or is lazy or not
careful and shrewd in the selection of a place for his abode
he may starve to death or so injure his body that he is unable
to support himself. But suppose that when Crusoe first comes
to the island he gets posscssession of all the land ; it is his
because he first occupied it; then suppose another Crusoe
should accidentally be cast upon the same shore, would not
Crusoe No. 2 be compelled to support Crusoe No. 1? The first
Crusoe could then afford to be lazy; he could drink all the
wine he pleased and vet there would not be the slightest
danger that he would starve lo death. Thus it may be
shown that in one case laziness, or intemperance, or lack of
foresight might cause the destruction of one person while in a
second case all three of them combined could not cause even
the slightest degree of want to another.
Students, you can save money by buying your boots and
shoes of Webster & Rogers, 1043 O street.
Exams are nice things. Some of the Seniors have as
many as four set for the same hour of the same day. It this
continues wc fear that our alumni will not receive so great an
addition next June as wc anticipated.
A belter man than Mr. Wilron could not have been select
ed lo start the prohibition ball rolling among the students.
He is an alumnus of our university, who has always kept up
a relationship with his alma mater, so that he is almost uni
versally known and honored by the student body. This
frieiylly sympathy wit'i the student hotly politic, made it
very appropriate for him to launch the student league into
Wc arc creditably informed that one of the Freshmen,
who has had several encounters with the Sophs and second
preps, after his last encounter a couple of weeks ago, went
down town and invested four large shekels in a gun. He now
ventures out occasionally after dusk, without a policeman,
guarded by his faithful "special" and his gun. We would
respectfully recommend his tactics to the several Seniors who
are now trembling so from fright at the threats of a Soph,
who is going to "do them up" the first time he "catches
them out alone." Verily these are great times at the Uni
vcisity of Nebraska.
The address of H. H. Wilson before the students' non
partisan club last Saturday evening was the most candid, con
cise, and convincing talk wc ever had the pleasure of listen
ing to, upon the subject of prohibition. Mr. Wilson, after
admitting all the points that the other side of the question
could in any justice claim, proceeded to conclusively prove
that prohibition would be a good thing for this state, from a
moral, a physical, or from an economical standpoint. His
address covered more ground completely, and answered more
arguments against prohibition than anything we have ever
heard or read upon the question.
A rumor was floating about the halls one day this week
that the secretary of war had recommended that a battalion
be added to each regiment of the United States' army, and
that the second lieutenants of these new battalions be ap
pointed from the alumni of our state universities, who hold
commissions from the military departments thereof. It was
rumored that that scheme had assumed considerable import
ance, that it was before a committee, and that Lieutenant
Dudley of Fort Leavenworth had been asked for his opinion
upon the matter and had replied strongly favoring the
scheme. The matter has not received a sufficiently tangible
form to warrant comment, but wc mention it merely as a
matter of news.
We have been informed that there is supposed to be a
watchman on duty about the university buildings until mid
night each night. If so he must be of the pattern of the pro
verbial policeman who is never to be found on his beat, or,
when found there is always asleep. A valuable fur lap-robe
was stolen from a buggy directly in front of the main hall on
Friday night last duringthe society programs, and on Saturday
night an unsuccessful attempt w - .iade to effect an entrance to
the boiler house by prying orn window. A week previous
a fellow was discovered b jeiger in the act of purloining
a lap-robe from a buggy in irontof the main hall at just about