Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 02, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Since Jack Chowin's return the "clioo choo" or the gas
engine, r.nd the whir-r r r r of the dynamo allrnct crowds of
curious preps rind tutors to the south windows of the main build
ing basement.
The three University people who arc "farthest from home,"
Professors Lees and Allen and Mr McClatchic were mauc en
tirnly oblivious to that fact on Thanksgiving through the hospi
tality of Chancellor and Mrs. Dcsscy.
Efforts arc being made to establish a club among the students
whereby gold watches may be obtained at the rate of $35
each and the money to be paid in weekly instalments
of one dollar. For further particulars call oriTitK Hesperian
Dusincss manger.
The Daron (exhorting the debating club): "Gentlemen,
the purpose of tins club should be to encourage impromptu
speaking; I come here to learn to think ofl hand and to speak
on my feet." Voice from the crowd (meditatively): "Jim
iny, that's an awful big subject to tackle."
The department of physics has just received two very
valuable sets of books, direct from Germany. They will be
of much use as reference books. They are, Poggendorfi's
"Annalcn d. Phisik u. Chcmic," 170 volumes, and Wiede
mann "Annalcn d. Thisik u. Chcmic," 62 volumes.
Miss Nellie Scott we are glad to learn, is back to stay for
a time at least. Despite the inducements offered by the new
conservatory of music she has decided to complete her course
of music at the Univcasity. We trust she will find it more
pleasant, and fully as profitable here as she would have found
it at the conservatory.
Geo. Hall succeeded in tearing himself away from his
arduous duties on the farm, and removing the hayseed for a few
days visit to Lincoln and the Uni. about the time of the state
Y. W. C. A. convention. We presume that George was a
visiting delegate. lie reports that hogs threshed a good crop,
and potatoes shelled out well this year.
Since our last issue the house of Miss HulifTson's father,
some distance from town, was entirely consumed by fire. It
is likely that in consequence Miss Ruliflson will leave school
and engage in teaching. The Hesperian but voices the
feelings of all Miss Ruliflson's friends in extending heartiest
sympathy to her in this unforsccn calamity.
The following clipping from a letter, written by a young
lady (not a Uni. student) to a University friend of hers, is self
explanatory: "Your piece in the The Hesperian about the
prep girls getting mashed on the boys of the upper classes
did not go very well with some of them, Miss for instance.
She and I were together yesterday and she was real mad.
I'll tell you what, Mr Saycr had better not ask her to go with
him again."
On the evening of November 20, an appreciative and cul
tured audience assembled in the Presbyterian church in re
sponse to the kind invitation of Mrs. Rachel Lloyd. They
came with the expectation of hearing a fine program and
their hopes were fully realized. The music, which was ex
cellent, was given by Mr. Mcnzcndorf, Miss Cochran, Rev.
E. II. Chapin, Mrs. W. O. Jones, and Jos. Wurzburg. The
literary portion of the entertainment was devoted to that
prince of poets, Robert Drowning. The various articles,
each of which aided the other in giving to ' the audience a
deeper and fuller understanding of the poet, were de
livered by Rev. E. A. Curtis, Professor Sherman, Professor
Hunt and Rev. E. H. Chapin. Not only do such occasions
give pleasure to the people of Lincoln, but they tend to give
to the public broader and juster ideas of University culture
and training.
While our last issue was in press we received the unwel
come news that the illness of George Fosslcr had terminated
fatally. Mr. Fosslcr had been attending the medical school
at Iowa City, and while there had had a tooth removed.
This was followed by fevers and symptpms of lock jaw. He
returned to his home in this city and soon grew worse. Ty
poid symptoms complicated the trouble and his spine was
affected. On Thursday, November 1, he died. Mr. Fosslcr
had been a special student in chemistry in the University for
two years, and though of a quiet, retiring nature had made
many friends. We extend sympathy to the family, relatives
and friends of the deceased.
One day last week Quartermaster Hall was disagreeably
surprised to find that his fine fur-collared overcoat had been
removed from the hall where he had hung it. After a night
of grief, his mourning was changed to joy by the news from
police station that coat and thief were awaiting his inspec
tion. It is altogether probable that the thief will take up
his abode in the penitentiary for laying his sacrcligious hands
on that fur-collared overcoat. However Mr. Hall is not so
jubilant as he at first felt piivilcgcd to be. The coat now be
longs to "the court" as evidence, and if Mr. ThiePs case
dos get in this term of court, the owner can't get pos
session of the garment until some time late in January.
One of the most valuable of the many seminars, clubs and
so forth that arc beginning to be so important a factor in Uni
versity work, is the biographical journal club. This is com
posed of Dr. Kingslcy, Dr. Desscy, Entomologist Druncr, In
structor Webber and some half dozen of the upper classmen
who are interested in biographical research. Papers written
by eminent investigators, either of this country or of Europe,
are assigned to the members, who read them, reporting to
the club the essential points. Thus the members are kept
posted as to recent investigations with a much less individual
expenditure of time than would otherwise be necessary.
The department of physics has just received, in the last
week, Thompson's composite balance, for the direct mcasur
ment of electrical energy, current and voltage; Thompson's
static volt meter, which works on the principle of the electro
meter, to read from 50 to 12,000 volts; Cardcn volt meter
which depends upon the heating cflcct of the electric current
and the expansion of metal by heat, reads from I to 150
volts. These instruments now complete the electrical appara
tus, so the electrical mcasurments of either static, or direct or
alternating currents may be acurately determined from one
five-millionth to 500 ampcrsc; and potentials of from one to
twelve thousand volts may be accurately determined. This
gives us as complete an electrical testing equipment as any
school in the West. There is also a new bridge and resist
ance set of the post-office pattern, by Eliott Dros., enroute,
which will be here in a few days. This is considered a very
excellent piece of testing aparatus.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
Ten per cent off to all students, at J. Z. Driscoc's boot and
shoe store 1329 O Street.
Mrs. W. E. Gosper, the milliner, is now ready to give the
girls of the University some special bargains in cloaks for she
is selling at cost. 1 114 O street.
T. Ewing & Co have now an opportunity to show ofTan im
mense stock of clothing to great advantage. Their new quar
ters 1115-17 O street are undoubtedly the finest in the city.
I Call around and inspect both store and goods.