Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 02, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Did it ever occur to you what a complicated affair a big
railroad is? To &o into all the details would take too long,
hut some day when you are not very busy and have a good
opportunity make a study of a railroad in operation. The
result will be both instructive and entertaining.
The result of the recent election in Iowa augurs ill for the
prohibitory law in that state. Within the next two or three
years a desperate effort will be made to repeal that law. It is
to be hoped that the prohibition believers in Iowajwill unite in
the common cause against the liquor clement, and that the
repeal of the law will be prevented. Possibly by next year we
may be able to encourage our temperance brothers across the
line by our vote on the prohibition question.
The Union Pacific is the greatest railway system in the
United States. For several years past the company has been
hampered by its debt to the government. Last winter, how
ever, congress granted an extension of time on the debt. The
result is good. The company has begun a scries of improve
ments which extend ever the entire system. Smaller roads
arc being leased, several new extensions arc being built, and
other extensive improvements made. It is pleasant to sec
such results from the extension of the company's debt. It
certainly disproves the statement of sundry anti-monopoly
newspapers, which predicted entirely different results from
those which are being worked out.
The Western art exhibition in Omaha is something which
should.be encouraged by the citizens of Nebraska. All fine
art exhibitions should be encouraged. Every student should
visit the exhibit of the Haydcn art club in the senate chamber
before it closes. The study of art tends to develop the best
qualities of our natures, inspires us with a love for that which
is beautiful, teaches us to admire that which is pure and noble
and elevates us to a better, nobler condition. Do not let the
opportunity pass by, but go and study the beautiful etchings
and other works before it is too late. Although you may
know nothing of art, two or three hours spent in studying
those pictures may awaken in you a sense which has never
been cultivated, but which, when developed, will make you
nobler and better fitted to live with your fellow men.
ricd out, will make the Catholic clement more for good than
ever before, and will break down the selfishness which has
heretofore governed its actions. On the other hand, however, it
may be urged that this is only a move to make the Catholic
forces more centralized, so that they can work more advan
tageously for their own interests. It is to be hoped, however,
that love for our country's welfare is the motive. Resolu
tions were passed condemning anarchy, nihilism, etc., and
in favor of more restrictions on the sale ofliquor, and also for
a better observance of the Sunday laws. Taken altogether,
the work of the congress is encouraging, as it indicates that
eventually the heretofore impassible barriers which have sep
arated Catholics and Protestants mry be broken down.
The recent session of the Catholic. lay congress which met
at Washington at the dedication of the new Catholic university
will mark an epoch in Catholic church history. The Catholic
church has for ages held that it was unchangeable, and that
the dogmas and theories which it has always held would
continue to govern it in the future. But the recent congress
took several steps that will do much toward making the Cath
olic church less exclusive and more liberal in its views with
regard to other religious denominations. One of the most im
portant steps taken was in regard to secret societies. The
Catholic church has tor a long period been governed by regula
tions providing that no member of that church could belong
to a secret society. The new stand taken by this congress
will permit Catholics to belong to any of the secret orders ex
cepting the Masonic lodge. This exception will eventually
be done away with, and on the secret society question the
Catholic church will be like other churches. Another impor
tant move was to encourage Catholics to take more interest
in matters pertaining to the public welfare. This plan, if car-
A good deal is being said by the papers of the state over
the Roscwater-Gougar affair at Tekamah. The Bee has printed
several columns of clippings from other papers in regard to the
affair, and of course, according to these, Mr. Rosewater is a
much abused man. But that dodge won't work. Mrs. Gougar
may, or not, have proof for her charges. Be that as it may,
the vast majority of the citizens of Nebraska, who know Rose
water by reputation, know o f but little that is good that can
be said of him. He sought to have a chance to display his
cheek at that meeting in Tekamah, but Mrs. Gougar took
the wind out of his sails by refusing to listen to him or to let
him speak. We did not presume to say whether Mrs. Uougar
or any other woman has any business going around making
speeches of that kind, but we arc firmly convinced that Mr.
Rosewater would have been better off had he remained at
It is to be hoped that the decision of the New York supreme
court, declaring tne will of Samuel J. Tilden invalid, will be
reversed by the court of appeals. The contest was made by
a nephew who thought he haden't icccivcd his share of the
estate, and it is possible lhat he may win his point. The
great issue at stake in the will is that it contains a provision
for the endowment of a library in New York City. A large
sum of mony is set aside for its support, and a vast collection
of Mi. Tilden's famous library is included in the donation.
If the decision of the supreme court is sustained, New York
will lose all this splendid gift. The nephew got as much as
the others and had no reason to complain. Let us hope that
the good of the many will cause the decision to be reversed
and that the question of a few paltry dollars will not prevail
over one wherein the public good will be so advanced as by
the establishment of Mr. Tilden's proposed library.
Students, you can save money by buying your boots and
shoes of Webster & Rogers, 1043 O street.
For anything in the line of millinery, cloaks and genera
"feminine fixin's" University girls should visit Mrs. W.E.JGos
per's, 1 1 14 O street.
A two cent stamp sent to L. W. Noyes, Chicago, will bring
you a package of fine quality blotters. One showing a cun
ning little cupid dressed only in a traveling cap and grip.is ic
presented as saying: "l am a 'runner' for La Verne W. Noyes,
the well-known maker of Dictionary Holders, and am here to
point out the'fact thatja book held with the edge up will become
filled with dust, soiled and spoiled unless hugged together with
strong springs. The Noyes Holders are the only ones thus
closely clasping the book. About 125,000 are now in use, and
the later makes arc so greatly improved indeed are so perfect
that Mr. Noyes is sad because nothing more is desired or can
be done in this direction."