Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 02, 1889, Image 12
MM THE HESPERIAN. ES9SSSH5 PSS Cornor 10th and P Stroots- DEPARTMENT STORE. Dry : Goods, 64 if , i8 Em. Stock the Largest in the City. LINCOLN, NEB DYEING AND CLEANING AT 1222 O STREET. Capital Steam Dyeing and Cleaning Works. LADIES AND GENTS' CLOTHING CLEANED, DYED AND RE PAIRED. Orders by Mail or Express Will Receive Prompt Attention SATISFACTION GUARANTEED . "W-ZCZLSTGrlEIR, & ZGhA-ZEaZIEir, IDWs COAL WMM Office 122 North Eleventh St., Richards Block. IMI THE FINEST LINE OF FABRICS IFOIR LADIES "WIE.A.:R,. 1U HIS 1-UUWD IN THE CITY IS SHOWN BY 133-139 SOUTH IITH STREET- A. T. LEMING & CO. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS NEBRASKA. ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS. MOULDINGS. WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOODS, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND ARTISTS MATERIALS. ' UIKSOSTRF.FX LINCOLN. - . W. KIERNAN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fish 3-ATVTTr! A "KTT "mn-rC! 1 43 North Twelfth street. - k- Telephone No. 037 College of Physicians and Surgeons, OF CHICAGO. One of the Largest, Finest, and Best Arranged College Buildings In this country. Heated by Steam throughout and perfectly lighted and ventilated. CLINICAL ADVANTAGES UNSURPASSED. ,'KnrrnSAnr:Ti,Jr'Ve?.JJcH,o,i 8' A. McWIJIIftmfl. I). A. K. Ktoolo. I.. St. John. Hunry Palmer. F. B. Waxham. J. B. Harpor. A. W. v.w?i?i0-A'Klu " J'Curt,HH' w-Q-i w.K.nrt,, j.T.wi. u. j.'iiwftTCVMi REGULAR SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 24TH. FEES :-Matriculatlou. f 5.00; General Ticket, admitting to ull the lecture and including all Dractlcnl work In Hlntological and PhysJ. ologlcal Laboratories fCO.OO. " v For farther Information, addrcH WK E. QUDrE( KD(f Sco'y, 3160 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. Or, A, BEEVES JACKCOW, Prei,, 271 Miohigan Ave., Cbioa. A