THE HESPERIAN V UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. v k a W r Vol. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, DECEMBER 2, 1889. No. V. THE HESPERIAN. Issued semi-monthly by the Hesperian Publishing Associ ntion, of the University of Nebraska. E. R. HOLMES, Editor-in-Chief-associates: Fkank F. ALMY '90, E. P. BROWN, oi. ". 13. FOGARTY, qi, b. Mcdonald, '92, L. E. TROYER, '92, f Dan V. BUSH, '91, - Miscellany. Literary. Comment. Local. Exchange. O. G. MILLER, BUSINESS MANAGER. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, One copy, one college term Single copy, S.oo 35 .10 ADVERTISING rates ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI and -ex-students. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Address all communications to The IlE,sl'ERlAN,University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. IfF the University of Nebraska is going into the dJHL foot ball business in earnest, as now seems prob able, it will be necessary to properly clothe the Uni versity team. Canvas suits for the eleven would cost about $35. We have no doubt that our liberal minded faculty have large amounts of cash laid by which they will be glad to donate in so worthy A cause. Let some young man with pleasing address and plenty of cheek pioceed to interview the faculty, separately of courser, and use such arguments, either mental or physical, as will produce the largest sum total of subscription. SOCIETY DIRECTOR Y PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. T. H. Marsland, Pres. Dan V. Bush, Scc'y. UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Frank F. Almy, Pros. Miss Louise Pound, Scc'y. F. II. Woods, Pres. DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. C. D. Schell. Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. F. C. Taylor, Pres. F. F. Almy, Scc'y UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss Rosa Bouton, Pres. Miss Jennie Bonnell, Scc'y. SCIENTIFIC CLUB. A. F. Woods, Pres. A. M. Troyer, Scc'y. CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Edwin Farmer, Pres. j. B. Fogarty, Sec'y. MODERN LANGUAGE CLUB. C. E. TlNGLEY, Pres, HE formation of a college foot ball team will necessitate some substantial backing. The ath letic association should be made more of power than it has been. There should be more than two or three meetings during the year. The collection of dues should be enforced, and no one not a member in good standing should be allowed to use the prop erty of the association. 1 he association should have the direction of all athletic affairs, the formation of college teams in ttye various sports, the laying out of grounds, etc. In all probability a room could be had in Grant Memorial hall for the permanent home of the association. Put the athletic association on a firm basis, and college sports and field-day will as sume a character they have never had here. m E publish in another column a communication from a subscriber, criticising a department of The Hesperian. This particular criticism would perhaps have accomplished its object if only the editor of the department criticised had read it. Its publication is more for the purpose of inviting further criticism of the paper. We do not promise to heed every criticism. Tl at would be impossible, But by a fuller knowledge of our readers' views and expectations we may be able to make the paper more acceptable. While admitting that "Current Com ment," like all other departments of the paper, has not been conducted in an ideal manner, ve must dissent, to some extent, from ' our correspondent's views. Any article to be valuable must reflect indi viduality, Comments, on any subject, which do not show forth opinion are watery. No one objects to