THE HESPERIAN. 9 y- A DOZEN DECADES HENCE. 'Tie vory strange, ' , How man will change, And things In coiicquenro. Though now wo fall, Right must prevail A (lozon decades hence. That man from brute Did cvoluto Will mako nodlfl'oronce; Though nawa dronin, Wo'll warm by steam A dozen decados hence. If lu Giant lmll Wo hnve a ball. o ono will it Inconec. Tho band each Jnno Will learn n tunc, A. dozen decades honco. Wo'll have to cram For no oxam, For bouquets, no expense; Wo'll have our gym. Complete and trim, A (lozon decades hence. The following were found by Mr. Webber on his last summer's trip, and nrc new additions to the flora of Nebras ka, and of America.: A smut, Tuberculina persicina (Ditm.) Sacc, destroying the rust Aecidium compositarum, Mart., parasitic on Lygodesmia jnncea, Don. This was found at Marsland, Dawes county, Neb. Parasitic on the same rust was found Darlitca jilum (IKv.) Cast. On the Dismal river, Thomas county, Fucinnia thesii (Derv.) Chasillwas also found on Comandra pallida, A. DC. The specimen familiar to our students as Aecidium pustulalttm, Curt., is perhaps a synonym of this. OBITUARY. Dikd. -On October 30, at the home of her parents in this city, Martha Elinor Ililtner. Her death was caused by heart disease, aggravated by other complaints and was quite un expected. The deceased was a graduate of the Lincoln high school in the class of '87, and then entered the Freshman class of the University. While Miss Ililtner did not become generally known among our "students, her winning nature made friends of all she met, and her sudden death carried sorrow to many hearts in the University. During her stay among us, Miss Ililtner was a member of the Palladian society, which showed its respect for her memory by adjourning its meeting of November 1. Tin: IIkspickian extends sympathy to the bereaved family and to the University friends of the deceased. EXCHANGE. DIRECT POINTERS, Call on Edddd. Cerf & Coooo. Skinner lets good rigs at low prices. Hats and caps at Ed. Cerf & Co's. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's. Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps. Clothing foi everybody at Ed. Cerf & Co's. The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's. Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist. Glasses fitted. 1115 O street, Lincoln, Neb. IIX-OMENED Ills arms, with strong and firm ombraco, Her dainty form enfold, And sho had blnshod her sweet consont When ho his story told. "And do you swear to keop your troth t" She asked with loving air; lie gazed Into her upturned face, "Yes, by yon olm, I swoar." A year passed by, his two grow cold, Of his heart sho'dlost tho holm; Sho blamed his fault, but tho fact was UiIb Tho tree was Bllppory olm. Yale Record. The Hamilton Review is an interesting paper. The Earlhamile contains several interesting essays. The Volatile has again appeared and is a welcome visitor. The Lombard Review contains an interesting essay on llyron. At Muhlenberg students are compelled to joiuone of the literary societies. The Coup d' Etat deserves the support of Knox college students. It is an excellent paper. Pennsylvania university will soon be co-educational in all departments. Thus docs co-education advance. The high school Times exchange man should change the date at the head of his column. In most respects the paper is satisfactory. At Syracuse a party of Sophomores took a half-dozen Freshmen into a swamp, blindfolded them, shaved half their heads and turned them loose. November 13 was the date set for the opening of the new Catholic university at Washington. The ceremonies of the opening arc to last four davs. The Beacon from Boston university is one of our most val uable exchanges. The editorial is good and other depart ments arc well filled with choice matter. The Occident of October 25 contains a very interesting essay on the poet Gray. The exchange department is filled almost entirely with reprint. The November 1 number con tains a good essay on the Saxon epic "Ucowulf." A hundred college students in Kansas have signified their willingness to go as missionaries to Soudan. Nebraska needs all the missionary efforts of her college students, but in spite of this fact quite a number arc determined to go on foreign missionary work. The Argonaut of November 2 contains an editorial de nouncing the action of fraternity people there in tearing down a call of some barbs in the Senior class for a meeting in their interest. Ann Arbor is often referred to as a place where the fiats are respectable. Johns Hopkins university has been given $108,000 to be used as an emergency fund. That great institution is grad ually rccovciing from the financial ruin which at one time threatened it. Within the past six months it has received donations to the extent of $300,000, 4 We have received a sample copy of a comparatively new magazine, Germania. It is published semi-monthly in New Hampshire. It is published in the interest of students of German. All the matter contained is in German. We will place this copy' in the library and those desiring to read it can do so. IS K