Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 15, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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up by everyone anil you hear nothing else for awhile. This
hns been the course with very ninny things nml notably with
the foot-ball club project which has been talked of for years
without ever getting farther than a preliminary list of names.
Now, within a week, four clubs arc organized, simply because
a challenge from another college has been received.
The poor Sophomores have not struck it so rich in Ger
man as they anticipated. Their castles that had been built
upon the change of instructor took a sad tumble one day last
week. An examination was given, chiefly on the vocabulary.
One hundred words were pronounced by the instructor, and
the student wrote the English meaning of the words in the
order that they were pronounced. The papers were handed
back Tuesday and the marks ranged from 36 to 100. Our
editor, who was the sixteenth to receive his paper back, got
a passing mark of 60. The Sophs are how of the opinion
that German under the new instructor is "not what she
The Hesperian makes no pretensions of printing the
news, as do the Ne7vs, and "Daily Hesperian" of this city,
but, although they have both taken a turn at the electric
lights upon the dome of the capitol, we will also add our
mite. We had the pleasure of spending last Sabbath in the
north-eastern part of this county, twenty to twenty-five miles
from Lincoln, and were surprised at the brilliancy with which
these lights illuminate the surrounding country. The chick
ens no longer think of going to roost until 11:45 '" l,c even
ing, when they calmy crawl in and watch for the lights to go
out. The farmers now husk a load of corn each evening
after supper. However, the young bloods of the country
object to the lights being run on Sunday nights as they con
sidcr it an unnecessary desecration of the Sabbath.
There is a picture of the cane rush on exhibition in The
Hesperian office. This may not be astonishing news. That
isn't what we mentioned it for. Hut the presence of said
picture furnishes an opportunity for a little observation on
human nature. There were two parties in the cane rush.
One of them got whipped. Now the quality of that picture
varies according to whether the gazer whipped, or was
whipped, in the contest. The latter don't sec much in the
picture to admire: "It is taken too far back; too far to one side;
it is not clear cut; the figures arc too small; it wasn't taken
at the right moment; it isn't much account anyway." The
victorious party arc enthusiastic in their admiration. "Just
look at ; sec that couple hug the ground; caught 'cm
just right; pretty good, I say." Strange that such different
opinions should be held of a thing which any casual observer
could pass a just judgment upon.
Once upon a time the senior preps of the University of
Nebraska decreed in their innermost sou',', that, no prevent
ing Providence they would congregate on the east bank of the
Antelope, where they would spread the festal board and they,
together with the senioress preps, would partake of the lac
teal fluid, so dear to theirhearts. Some of the college men (?)
learning of the bounteous spread preparing for their younger
brothers were actuated by jealousy or copiousness to rouse
in the minds of the senior preps abnormal images of hydrants,
ropes, rascals in the form of preps and Frcshics, and of the
havoc that could be wrought by the improper combination of
these. As the appointed time approached the imaginations of
the senior preps were worked up to an alarming activity.
At the proper time the Noble, and the Fleet, two senior
preps, on tiptoe (of expectancy) descended to the earth and
started in search of their scnioresscs. They were met by the
Goodc, an upper classman who informed them that the Fiends
had assembled in large numbers, armed with ropes and hy
drants for their destruction, but if they would place them
selves under his guidance he would safely pilot them to the
abode of their senioress preps.
"If they pursue me, I'll flee," remarked the Fleet.
"If they assail me, I have a pop," added the Noble.
"Fear not," assured the Goodc.
They started; a whistle; a yell; a clatter of feet. With
one agonized look backward the Fleet and the Noble were off '
like the wind, and after telescoping three Fiends and a screen
door they sifcly reached the room of another senior prep,
locked the door, barricaded it with two trunks and a bed
stead and took a retrospect of the field from the window.
"The woods is full of 'evn. I run right over one big duffer.
See! There arc about forty over there, (pointing to a pile of
paving brick). If they jump on to me I'll shoot."
The Goode, after a consultation with the other five Fiends
as to the best track for the next run, with the aid of two other
Innocents, again led forth-ths two senior preps to start them
on their way. After several chases and narrow escapes they
reached the cast bank of the festive Antelope, where the fes
tal board was spread and recounted their adventures to the
rythm of the rapidly disappearing bread and milk.
To the Editor of The IIespeuian:
Dear Sir: Will you allow me a word in your columns in
regard to the library, as many of the students are unacquaint
ed with its arrangement. Although a printed catalogue can
not be furnished at present, there is a written catalogue,
properly indexed, in which any student may find the name of
the author, and the title of every book in the library; and
when he has found a book which he wishes to read, it will be
supplied on application to the librarian, if it is on the shelves.
Magazine literature, and books upon the librarian's desk,
or upon the tables, may be taken to the reading room to use;
but no student has a right to remove any book outside the
reading room, without permission from the librarian; and
when taking books to the reading room they should be shown
to the librarian, that she may not be put to the unnecessary
trouble of hunting for the same books for other people.
When permission is given to remove any book or paper from
the building, a blank will be furnished at the librarian's desk,
which the student must fill out, invariably, before remov
ing it.
Students can frequently save much time for reading by
asking for the books they wish to use, instead of trying to
Mild them when they are on the shelves; and, at any time,
during library hours, students can get information, on any
point concerning library matters, on application to the li
brarian. Respectfully,
Ellen Smith.
Go to Ed. Ccrf & Co. for furnishing goods.
Any one wishing a subscription to Lippineott's Magnzin
can get one at greatly reduced rates by applying to O. G.
Miller, business manager.
T. Ewing & Co have now an opportunity to show off an im
mense stock of clothing to great advantage. Their new quar
ters 1115-17 O street are undoubtedly the finest.in the city.
Call around and inspect both store and goods.