Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 15, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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bc benefitted? Of course the representatives of the other
nations imy he expected to derive some advantage by ob.
serving our prosperous condition and by learning the causes'
of our prosperity, but vc must confess that the advantage
which we may derive from this congress is purely Imaginary.
We certainly cannot feel the'need of an alliance with any of
the nations that arc represented in the congress, because,
while such an alliance might embroil us in any amount of
trouble, it would be of no value to us, for we arc big enough
to protect ourselves, and we ought certainly to be noble
minded enough not to intrude upon the rights of others.
Looking at the affair from another point of view, will trade
be benefitted?. The high protective tariff shuts out all, or
nearly all, foreign products. Now if trade with the states of
South nn Central America is to be increased, the tarlfl must
be reduced and thus the very issue upon which the republi
cans rode into power must be abandoned.
I low would it please the wool growers of this country to
be compelled to compete with the wool producers of South
America? In the vast plains of South America there arc im
mense numbers of sheep raised with scarcely any cost to the
owner, while many of the rivers arc navigable for large ships
hundreds of miles from their mouths, thus furnishing cheap
transportation to our seaport cities. Again, how would it
please our farmers and stock raisers to be compelled to com
pete with South American capitalists on an equal footing for
our home market? All these things combine to make Jim
Blaine, the great apostle ot high tariff, appear exceedingly
ridiculous. But some one may say that wc can ship manufac
tured goods to South America and preserve our tariff laws in
their present form. Now we must not suppose that the rep
resentatives of these counties can fail to observe the great
progress in population and wealth that our nation has made
during the last twenty-five ycais, and, if they are of an in
quisitive turn of mind, may ask Mr. Blaine, "What Is the
cause of your extraordinary success?" and then Jim, with a
heart full of patriotic enthusiasm can answer, as have the
campaign orators, "Our prosperity is due solely to our tarifl
laws." Then when the strangers go home perhaps they
may wish to profit by our example and accordingly frame
such high tariff laws as will drive our manufactured wares
entirely from their markets. Ij
Again wc repeat that wc fail utterly to see how this con
gress is to benefit us unless through it we gain the right to
trade freely with our Southern neighbors, and then if it be a
good thing to have free trade with South America, why not
have free trade with Canada? And if it be a good thing to
have free trade with America, why would it be a bad thing
to have free trade with the rest of the world?
The business manager has for sale a little gymnasium out
fit that is the neatest thing of .the kind going. The advertise
ment may be found in another column. This is just the
thing for any student, lady or gentleman. It is easily put
up, or taken down, takes scarcely any space in the room and
is most effective. Three of these machines are in use among
the students, and reference is made to E. R. Holmes, J. S.
Pcery and J. B. McDonald as to the merits of the machine.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
Students, you can save money by buying your boots and
shoes of Webster & Rogers, IC43 O street.
For instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short-hand,
type wiiting or telegraphy, the Lincoln Business College is
the best place to go.
No, dear prep girl, you must not think that all the boys
In the upper classes arc mashed on you, even though you re
ceive numerous invitations to attend society and church.
You arc young, and as yet unaccustomed to the cold, cruel
world. Doubtless you arc llattcrcd by the attention that the
various societies lavish so profusely upon you, but then time
will surely open your eyes to the foolishness of your way.
Perhaps after you grow accustomed to our habits you will
cease to think that every boy who greets you with a smile is
smitten by your charms. Of course you arc pretty and wedo
not blame you for that, but then you arc slightly at fault for
being vain and conceited.
We would like to sec the great body of students take
more interest in the affairs of the University than they do.
It seems to us that it would be a good plan to establish a
column for communications in Till". HksI'KKIAN, if the ma
jority of the students would lake sufficient interest in the pa
per and' in the condition of affairs to make such a column
profitable and interesting. A beginning was made in that
direction in our last number, and wc hope that in the near
future it may be found convenient to reserve in each number
a column in which each student may have a chance to ex
press his views upon any subject or to call attention to any
reform that might be advantageous.
There is a noticeable lack of system in all associations in
the University. The societies are run in a sort of go-as-you
please manner. Few members know the provisions of the
constitution, and unless there is a crisis in politics, it is
allowed to slumber in sweet peace the whole year through.
The parliamentary proceedings consist principally of "usual
motions" and suspension of rules. The Hksi'KKIAN associa
tion has run without a constitution for three years. There is
a strong tendency to have just as little formality as possible
:n all meetings, no matter for what purpose. This is not
right. Order, system, parliamentary rules, are useful, and
the efficiency of every organization in the University would
be increased if there were more of those things introduced.
When our friend, the promiscuous Fie-Delta Frata, gets
completely snowed in, it is a cold day. A very good story
has been going the rounds at his expense.
One day soon after Dr. Kingsley had reached here, as he
was standing looking at notices upon the bulletin board our
promiscuous '89er sauntered up to him and opened up the ball
with, "Ah! I believe I have forgotten your name. Let me
see. What :lass did you say you were in?" Dr. Kingsley
informed our inconigible that he was a member of the faculty.
After learning that Dr. Kingsley was not an instructor but
that he had charge of a department, our friend talked seri
ously of taking twenty or thirty hours of work under him,
then slid gracefully in pursuit of smaller game.
The growth of enthusiasm on some particular subject, in
the University, is a little curious to an onlooker. First a few
individuals will talk about some project. It seems to fall on
deaf care. If the agitators are persevering they will endeav
or to arouse interest by some decided move. This usually
fails. Then the original agitntors grow disgusted and cease
to trouble their brains. From time to time some one men
tions the subject, and that is all. Then, through some acci
dent, some outside pressure, the subject is revived, is taken