Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 15, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    peasant life liiThuringia. A metrical translation would, it is
believed, be enjoyed by those that do not attempt the original
text. Since, however, no such translation exists, at least the
students of German may enjoy this little gem.
A good story to rend when one is not in search of anything
particularly substantial is "Kith and Kin," by Jessie Father
gill. It is a story of Yorkshire, England, and in it is described
a large meeting of Liberals in a vast manufacturing city. The
story has quite a good plot, and is not at all trashy. The tone
is good, and the moral is well, read it and find out for your
Oftentimes our ideas of books depend much upon the way
that they arc read. A book that we ourselves rend docs not
give us the same impression if we hear it read by some one
else. How will it be when our books arc phonographic cyl
inders, as Edward Bellamy has been pleased to imagine in
With the Eyes Shut?" Will the majority of critics and re
viewers find themselves in Othello's plight, or will they di
reel their energies towards the professional readers that die
tale to phonographs? Bellamy docs not tell us of the fntc of
this large class ol human beings. Perhaps, in the future, to
satisfy this curiosity, he may write a monograph on "The In
volution of the Critic.
'lhe books of William Dean IIowclls have a great attrac
tion for the writer of this department. There is a quaint
humor about Howells, and an attention to details that is
really delightful. Ii. "Annie Kilburn" we scephilanthrophy
as practised by some misguided people, and in "Silas Lap
ham" arc chronicled the woes of the newly rich. Uut one of
the most entertaining of Howells' books is "Their Wedding
Journey." Uasil and Isabel March are exceedingly practical
people; ami,, in the bliss of a wedding journey, Isabel does not
forget that Basil has an appetite that is insatiable. Happy
Uasil to be so appreciated! Then, too, at Niagara, Isabel
enjoys more than the calaiact, the blissful grooms and their
blushing brides, By all means read this account of a wedding
journey, if you haven't already done so. The Marchs' exper
ience in a crowded J Quebec hotel is exceedingly amusing.
J- T.
Chili, as he would hac were he consul-general to Hong
Kong; or why an United States officer cannot invest his capi
tal in any private enterprise which he may sec fit. The press
seem jealous of any man, whoever he may be, who has en
ergy enough to improve the opportunity which he 1ms.
If the newspaper accounts be true, the Australian ballot
system was a decided success in the city of Boston in the elec
tion that was held there a few days since. It seems to us
that any system that would tend to increase the difficulty of
stuffing ballot boxes and of intimidating voters should meet
with the approval ol all candid and fair minded men. Per
haps il Governor Hill, ol New York, is the nominee of the
democratic party in '92, he may have some difficulty in pur-
suading honest men that his veto of the Australian ballot
system was not caused by selfish, not to say worse, motives.
The alleged cause of the veto seems exceedingly flimsy and
has been found by experience to be purely imaginary. The
Australian ballot system is now employed in, at least two
states, and in both it has been found succcsslul. We hope to
see, in the near future, this system of voting, or some other
that gives as universal satisfaction, used in every state and
territory in the country.
There is a nuisance that we have refrained from com
menting upon before because we had hoped that it would
disappear, but the thing has not disappeared, nor has it
waned, but seems to wax stronger every day. We refer to
the aggregation of small boys that assemble on the campus
every day when the companies arc drilling, and every time
that some of the boys attempt to have a little sport with the
foot ball. We wonder if something cannot be done" to relieve
us of this evil. It seems to us that if nothing better can be
done that the powers that be could induce some of the police
to come up and arrest a few of the pests. The Lincoln police
show great interest in the students by running up here to the
University whenever the boys are practicing the college yell.
Why do they not show the same interest in squelching the
aggregation of ragamuffins that is rapidly becoming intolerable?
The fact that the laculty has appointed a committee to
consider the advisability of dropping the fust preparatory
year, is an excellent proof that we arc enjoying a substantial
growth here in the University, and also that the number of
high schools which arc preparing students for the second year
is increasing rapidly. It can only be a question of a very
short time when there will be no need for the Latin school
and the University may be limited to its proper sphere to
furnish higher education for the youth of the state.
The papers are trying to raise a howl because Patrick
Egan, in an address before a meeting of Chilian millers, re
marked upon the crudeness of their milling machinery, and
announced his intention "to order from the United States,
machinery and workmen like those used there in order to
make known the progress realized in that important industry."
They seem to fear that Egan will turn his mission to profit
by going into the milling business on his own account.
We would like to know why a man has not as much right
to invest his capital in Chili mills, when he is minister to
An now the vice-president of the United States has de
cided to make an honest penny by engaging in the saloon
business. While it may not be contrary to law for any citi
zen of this country to engage in any business that the law
sanctions, yet it docs not seem that Mr. Morton has taken
something from the dignity that he, as holding the next to
the highest office in the gift of the people is supposed to pos
sess. The liquor men all over the country seem to be highly
elated over the fact that now an officer of high dignity has
engaged in their calling. Mr. Morton has not only lowered
his dignity and that of the office which he holds, but has also
openly violated the laws regulating the liquor traffic in force
in the District of Columbia, for in failing to secure the signa
tures of the requisite number of property owners in the vicin-,
ity of the proposed cstablishmcn, he proceeded to set the
mill rolling. When the highest officers in the land violate
the very laws that they themselves should enforce, what can
be expected of common people?
The Pan-American congress has been making a tour
through the conntry, and visiting the chief points of interest
in our land for the past few weeks. It seems to us, although
we admire James G. Blaine, that there.;, is something gro
tesque, if not absolutely ridiculous, in wasting so much ener
gy, money and time that must necessarily be consumed in
showing these visitors around the country. How arc we to