Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 15, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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m s
er meant that the "society" element of the Univer
sity must inevitably collect in the fraternities, where
they exist, we emphatically agree. We have always
held that the frivolous, the shirking, will naturally
tend to associate themselves in organizations that have
for '.heir main objects, social, rather than scholarly,
ends. Experience in our own institution proves this
to be true. Do not understand that we mean to con
demn, as "frivolous" and "shirking," all fraternity
members. A few do not have these characteristics
many do, Take up any college paper from an insti
tution where fraternities are strong, and your eye is
met, at every glance, with notices of dances, parties,
and banquets. Such frequency of social events can
not fail to be detrimental to sound scholarship, and
to earnest endeavor. Enjoyable they certainly are,
but to compare their benefit with that of regular col
lege work is absurd. No real student can afford to
regularly devote more than one evening a week to
social enjoyment, besides the occasional evenings de
manded by entertainments and class socials. If the
frequency of indulgences of this kind is left to indi
vidual desire, and is increased by the competition of
various organizations devoted to social ends, scholar
ship must suffer. The literary societies offer all the
social culture that is necessary, and all that is best
during a college course; for social culture, though im
portant, should be subordinated, during this period,
to mental development. The social clement of liter
ary society work is so combined with literary work,
that it is practically impossible to extend it at the ex
pense of the more beneficial part. There is thus a
check upon the tendency to neglect school-work for
more alluring pursuits. In the fraternities the whole
tendency is to give freer rein to the social instincts.
Every thinking student should consider these things,
as well as many others, before deciding between the
fraternities and the literary societies.
The Pitman system is the best. Moran's Short-hand
primer gives the system in a nutshell. It is just "the thing"
for beginners. Price 25 cents. Sample pages free. Ad
Louis, Mo.
It pays students to get their shoes at Briscoe & Cooks,
1329 O St.
Skinner keeps gentle and stylish horses. Students pat
ronage solicited.
Students will do well to call at Westerfield's for a good
hair cut and hath. Burr Block. Sec ad.
Go to Steiner & Schuctz for your stationery, pocket cut
lery, and drugs. Corner 12th and P Sts.
L. G. Chevront, 1221 O street, oysters and lunch, can
dies, cigars, tobacco, etc. Give him a call.
"We build pants for gentlemen only" at Browning, King
& Co's agency, 11S north Tenth street. Overcoats dirt
The Russian government offers a prize of 2,000 francs for
the best essay on the part played by John Howard in the
history of prison reform. George Kcnnan, who is a writer
of ability, should compete and should add to his production
an appendix, setting forth how much is left in Russia for a
second John Howard to do.
The Critic, speaking of the Century, well says that the
latter is a magazine for all time. The character of its subject
matter is such as to give it a stable reputation. Some people
seem to think that periodicals, especially well known ones,
arc not worth consideration; when in reality it is only by the
presentation of ideas when they arc current, that any lasting
effect can be produced.
Those students who are engaged in the study of the history
of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries will be glad to hear
of "France under Richelieu and Mazarin," by James B. Per
kins. The great cardinal is too little known. Most people
have only a dim idea that he lived some time ago, that he
had a great deal of power, and that he was a very fine man.
Anything that will increase our information regarding him
will be very welcome, particularly as there is, in English, no
full account of his period.
Ad. 1. Baudelier, in the Nation, discusses a topic of in
terest to all Westerners since it deals with the first explora
tion of what is now Nebraska, Kansas and Colorado. Quiv
era, in the Southwest, is one of the best known terms, although
just where Quivcra was is-not definitely known. It was sup
posed to be a country very rich in minerals, and as such at
tracted the cupidity of the Spaniard, But the expedition of
Coronado in 1 541, dispelled all'thcsc dreams. That leader
reached a place on the plains, according to this writer, about
200 miles northeast of Great Bend in Kansas. Another ex
pedition in 15S5 reached the borders ol Kansas and Colorado,
only to perish in a ptairic fire. Another expedition in 1599
reached the same point, or the country a little beyond. Sev
eral more attempts to reach the supposed promised land were
made with less success. The writer says, "Not one of the
Spanish expeditions in search of the Quivcra resulted in more
than positive increase of geographical knowledge. In that
respect we arc largely indebted this phantom of the Quivcra.
It carried the Spaniards into Colorado, Kansas and probably
Nebraska." Another writer on this subject, a Nchraskan,
has thought that the expedition of Coronado penetrated far
ther than northeastern Kansas, and that a point in southeast
ern Nebraska was reached. The matter is unimportant but
interesting, as it marks the first appearance of white men on
the Great American Desert. If Coronado really ever saw
Nebraska, then Nebraska's history may be said to date from
his expedition.
One of the latest magazines to be found in the library is
The Nationalist. This is devoted largely to problems of so
cial reform, and consequently will be in demand among Soho
mores until November 15. The Nationalist knows no party
and no politics but humanity.
Among many German writers there is a fantastic vein
that is quite pleasing. One of the most entertaining books
showing this that has found its way hither is a little produc
tion of Baumbach's "Frau Holde" by name. Itisapoem
made up of folk songs, and is almost wholly descriptive of