'T' 10 THE HESPERIAN. w I The DoPauw Adz contains a good essay on "Dangerous Literature." The only objection is that it is clipped from the Indianapolis Journal. The article deals with the tendency of novelists to produce immorality by their works. It is an article which should be read by everyone. The Washburn Argo prints a directory giving the addrcs ses of all the students attending that institution. Something oi this kind would be a sweet boon to the boys who forget where their company for society lives and trudge up and down searching in vain for the place on Friday nights. The Kentucky university Tablet discusses the co-educational question, at some length in its October number. Al though co-education has only recently been introduced there the results are very satisfactory. The general tendency is to make the boys better, morally and socially. From the Pharos we learn that at the University of the Pacific even the preps have gone into the busincsss of wear ing class hats. With the Preps in many of the colleges or ganizing it looks as though the dignity of class organization, which at one time existed, will eventually be wiped out. The enrollment at Ann Arbor this year is 2,100. While we arc deploring the fact that the proportionate number of young ladies in attendance at our University is decreasing, at Ann Arbor the number is on the increase. The new girls arc from the giddy class girls who are going to school for ap pearance sake. Up to the present the Donne Owl has refused to come from its perch to make this office a visit. The Owl was once a good paper and visited us regularly. Since our university ball club went to Crete and did the Doane club to the tune of about 25 to 3, however, the Owl has not appeared. Pos sibly it went down in the rubbish with the Doane ball club. Up to the present time we have received nearly a hundred exchanges. Some papers with which we desire to exchange have not been received, however. The fault may be in mail ing. We will try to keep our list corrected and have the ad dresses properly written and hope other exchange men will try to do likewise. By a little attention many irregularities may be avoided and more satisfaction had all around. The Iowa Wesleyan is a neat paper. The matter con tained is well classified into departments, making it pleasant reading. The Wesleyan has a great deal to show in regard to religious matters, as though piety reigned there supreme. In the ads, however, we notice a large cigarette ad. liut then, we suppose cigarrcttcs arc not bad. Cigarettes will blight the religious tendencies in a man's heart quicker than benzine will kill a cockroach. The Southern University Monthly contains an essay en titled, "Whither Arc We Tending?" The article is a review ol the history oi Christianity and a prophesy of its future. The writer fancies to himself the day when "every tongue shall confess the name of Jesus." He argues that the world is growing better. This will be good reading for those who believe that the world is becoming worse. It is cheerful to contemplate that we arc living in an age when men arc able to enthuse in this manner upon their hobby. The Dcnison Collegian exchange man takes occasion to remark upon the lack of courtesy of the manager of this de partment of Till'. IIicsi'KKiAN in saying anything about the fraternities. He says wc arc ignorant on the subject. We do not presume to know as much as some people nboitt these organizations, but the Collegian man must not think that it is ignorance which is the reason for the hostility lo fraternities, In this university the fraternities arc detrimental to the best iliti...i. nl tl.. cintlnntc cimtia nf i1ini linviiur members from mit.ii.aiQ ui in. iu. .o,o...w w. .. ...... Q the worst clement in the University. If the Collegian man happens to be in a place where lip to the present the fratern ities have succeeded in keeping out the bad, he is fortunate. But such is not the case everywhere. The Collegian man is ignorant. If he is a good, conscientious man, does he not be come as guilty as the rest in defending fraternities in colleges when he knows nothing of the kind of men in them? By the way, what kind of a college is Denison? In the editorial wc notice that an old gentleman who quit school at Denison thirty years ago at the end of the Junior year has returned at the age of sixty-six to graduate with the class of 'po. Deni son must be a great institution if no advancement is made in the work done in thirty years. PKOG11ESS OF INVENTIONS SINCE 1815. In 1845 the present owners of the Scientific American newspaper commenced its publication, and soon after establish ed abureuu for the procunngof patents for inventions at home and in foreign contnes. During the year 1845 there were only 502 patents issued from the U. S. Patent Office, and the total issue from the establishment of the Patent Office, up to the end of that year, numbered only 4,347. Up to the first of July this year there have been granted 406,413, showing that since the commencement of the pub lication of the Scientific American.ihcrc have been issued from the U. S. Patent Office 402,166 patents, and about one third more applications have been made than have been granted, showing the ingenuity of our people to be phenomenal, and much greater than even the enormous number of patents issued indicates. Probably a good many of our readers have had bus iness transacted through the offices of the Scientific American in New York or Washington, and are familiar with Munn & Co.'s mode of doing business, but those who have not will be interested in knowing something about this, the oldest patent soliciting firm in the country, probably in the world. Persons visiting the offices of the Scientific American, 361 Broadway, N. Y., for the first time, will be surprised, on enter ing the main office, to find such an extensive and ele gantly equipped establishment, with its walnut counters, desks, and chairs to correspond, and its enormous safes, and such a large number of draughtsmen, specification writers, and clerks, all busy as bees, reminding one of a large banking or insurance office, with its hundred employees. In conversation with one of the firm, who had commenced the business of soliciting patents in connection with the pub lication of the Scientific American, more than forty years ago, I learned that his firm had made application for patents tor upward of ouc hundred thousand inventors in the United States, and several thousand in different Ibricgn countries, and had filed as many cases in the Patent Office in a single month as there were patents issued during the entire first year of their business career. This gentleman has seen the Patent Offiice grow from a sapling to a sturdy oak, and he modestly hinted that maiiy thought the Scientific American, with its large cir culation, had performed no mean share in stimulating inven tions and advancing the interests of the Patent Office. But it is not alone the patent soliciting that occupies the attention of the one hundred persons employed by Munn &Co., but a large number arc engaged on the four publications issued weekly and monthly from their office, 361 Broadway, N. Y., viz.: The Scientific American, the Scientific American Supplement, the Export Edition of the Scientific American, and the Architects and Builders Edition of the Scientific American. The first two publications arc issued every week, and the latter two, the first of every month. L. W. Noycs of Chicago, the maker of Dictionary Holders, sends upon receipt of a two cent stamp to pay postage, a scries of very pretty blotters of most excellent quality. One has a cut of a little drum-major cupid at the head of two long columns of Dictionary Holders, and this is his speech: "lama quiet littlc'drummcr' for the Noycs Holders. It is my mission to call attention to the fact that these arc the only Holders that have strong springs to hug the book firmly together, thus keep ing the dust out of the upturned edges. The possession of Noyc's Dictionary Holders has made about 125,000 families happy and accurate in the use of words, Buy a Noycs Diction ary Holder from your bookseller and see how much more fre quently you will refer to the dictionary." 4 L Bjaj