THE HESPERIAN. Lnst Tuesday the visiting 'committee of the experiment station, consisting ol ex-Governor Furnas, V. R. Robertson, and G. J. Carpenter inspected the affairs of the station. They found all in good running order. The carpenters are soon to put in shelving in the green house at Nebraska hall and then there will be an excellent op portunity to get button hole boquets, providing there arc any flowers and you stand in with the scientifs. The librarian delivered a very eloquent address in the reading room last week. Those so fortunate as to hear it say that it was rich, rare and racy throughout and that the speaker held the audience in breathless silence to the end. Messrs. Thurber, Wagner, A. M., and L. E. Troyerwent to Omaha, Thursday, to attend the Y. M. C. A. state conven tion which met there October 24 8. We predict that the boys had a very pleasant and profitable time at the convention. At the meeting of the classical club, October 19, the fol lowing officers were elected: President, Ed. Farmer; vice president. Mattie Hutchinson; recording secretary, J. I). Fo garty; corresponding secretary, W. F. Wolfe; treasurer, C. 13. Newcomer. The cadets were to have had target practice again, a week ago at a range of 200 yards, but owing to the fact that several missed the hill at 100 yards it was thought desirable to wait till a higher hill could be found ere the 200 yards range was attempted. Stephens, the world renowned ex-pitcher of the U. of N. baseball nine, walked up the aisle in the chapel one day last week. We understand that "Spider" still keeps up his record of twisting the spherical orb, and pounding up the hands of some unfortunate catcher. It was amusing to see Saycr rushing around at about 3:30 p. m., Thursday, hunting for a Y. M. C. A. man that wasn't going to use his credentials to the state convention. Not that he wanted to attend the convention, oh, nol He wanted to take in Gilmore's concert. The foot ball team of the University of South Dakota, has challenged the U. of N. for a game of football. Young Ne braska blood should not allow this challenge to go unaccepted but should organize a team that would impart terror to the South Dakotans at Vermillion. The members of the Senior class in drainage and irriga tion are always unanamous in whatever comes up. If one kicks the rest kick also, ifone is late to recitation the rest arc also, if one skips class so do the others. The fact is Stough ton composes the entire class. Lieutenant Griffith has been promoted to be first-lieutenant in the 18th infantry, vice Geo. S. Iloyt, promoted to be captain and assistant in quartermaster's department. Lieutenant Griffith is to be congratulated on his early pro motion. It will make no difference in his situation here. One oi the new students, a Freshman, is mashed. No. being able to talk about his girl in the day time lie speaks of her in his sleep. A few nights ago as his room mate was re tiring he heard the Freshman mumbling, "I will, too, go with Miss ." The names of all parties are withheld for the present. The recruits were assigned to the companies at inspection about a wetk ago, and an awkward squad they truly were. It was amusing to see them keep the "position of a soldier" while walking stiff kneed trying to keep step. The only thing lacking was Males, with his song' "Do you, think I'll, make a, soldier, soldier." On Sunday last, Guy A. Brown, lather of our literary ed itor, died at his home in this city of consumption. Mr. Hrown had been long In public office and stood high in the esteem of all who knew him. lie had been fating for some time so that his death was not unexpected. TtlK Hesperian extends Its heartfelt sympathy to the family of the deceased. Our cx-cd last issue noticed a California scheme to dis courage specials. A certain U. of N. girl has originated a practice which, if continued in, may drive at least the male variety of the species out of existence. Receiving two invi tations to society, this young lady Interviewed the librarian and accepted the offer of the one who was "straight." The University orchestra, which rendered such enjoyable music last year at many University entertainments, has been re-organized and promises to be better even than formerly. It will be composed of the following musicians: Gustave C. Mcnzcndorf, conductor; Miss Ida Bicrwirth, 2d violin; I). N. Lehmcr, 2d violin; Lucius Bumstcad, bass viol; Charles Reams, flute; Frank Johns, 1st clarionet; James J. Sayer, tst comet; F. J. Drczec, 2d comet; Otto G. Miller, trombone; Miss Ermina D. Cochran, piano. Professor Bcssey spent several days last week in attend ance at a meeting ol the western society of naturalists. The second annual meeting was held at Madison, Wis., October 23 and 24, in the magnificent new fire proof science building of Wisconsin university 200 feet long, five stories high, and costing over a quarter of a million. Among the papers read was one by Professor Bessey on "What shall we do with the beginner?" The officers for the commlngyeur are, presi dent, Dr. C. E. Bessey; secretary, Dr. J. S. Kingsley; treas urer, Professor Coulter, of Crawfordsville, and three vice presidents from prominent western universities. DIRECT EOTNTERS. Call on Edddd. Cerf & Coooo. Skinner lets good rigs at low prices. Hats and caps at Ed. Cert & Co's. Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's. Call on Ewing for cadet gloves and caps. Go to Ed. Cerf & Co. for furnishing good?. Clothing for everybody at Ed. Cerf & Co's. The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's. Dr. Garten, eye, car, nose and throat specialist. Glasses fitted. 1 1 15 O street, Lincoln, Neb. Students, you can save money by buying your boots and r.hocs of Webster & Rogers, 1043 O street. "Wc build pants for gentlemen only" at Browning, King & Co's agency, 118 north Tenth street. Overcoats dirt cheap. For instruction in book-keeping, penmanship, short hand, type wiiting or telegraphy, the Lincoln Business College is the best place to go. FOB SALE. The business manager has for sale a little gymnasium out fit that is the neatest thing ol the kind going. The advertise ment may -be found in another column. This is just the thing for any student, lady or gentleman. It is easily put up, or taken down, takes scarcely any space in the loom and is most effective. Three of these machines are in use among the students, and reference is made to E. R. Holmes, J. S. Pcery and J. B. McDonald as to the merits of the machine ' V 1 - tnmymmimmmmm