THE HESPERIAN. . -- V - Charles Englchard, formerly of '91, is farming near Rising City. He intends to resume his work at the University next year. H. J. Edmiston, '92, went to Bloomington, 111., last week to attend the general convention of the Phi Delta Tlicta fra ternity. Wc wonder what success the boys had in rustling an ad. for the Pan-hki.i.enico-zephrunk at the laundry one day last week. The members of the batallion were amused on dress pa rade to sec the frantic but vain efforts of the adjutant to draw his sword. Ask Skiles and Troyer about how they put in laboratory work in geology. They can give you some good points on how to kill time. The University authorities have tendered the board of ag riculturc the use of Grant Memorial hall for the annual corn exhibit in January. A bran new "Oberlin" (two plank andintervnl) walk now stretches its weary length over to Ncbrask hall. 'Tis well it arrived before the mud. Any one wishing a subscription to LiJfincotVs Magazine can get one at greatly reduced rates by applying to O. G. Miller, business manager. A. C. Cope started the new elcctiic lighting plant which was put in at the asylum this fall by the Western Engineering company, one day last week. Bring down your second-hand Wells' plane and solid ge ometries to The Hesperian office. Now is the accepted time ifyou want to sell them. What a pity that so much heat should be wasted in the reading room. Enough is generated in one day to warm sev eral buildings of the size of ours. Lieutenant Dudley received a hearty welcome from the boys last week- He has many friends in the University among both the faculty and students. Gund, '93, who was laid up with a sprained ankle, as a result of the cane rush, is about again. He is able to navi gate with the aid of his well-earned cane. We feared for a time that a cheap boy would have to be hired to keep the reading room door shut, but that expense has been averted by a patent spring attachment. McCrosky, '91, is the most dignified man in the Univer sity. We hope he may soon be rid of the troublesome super fluity, which is responsible for his cxhalted mien. The first preps complain that they have great difficulty in preparing many of their lessons because all the dictionaries are monopolized by the Seniors in studying pol. econ. The invitations of the University Y. M. C. A. completely choke. 1. up the mail boxes in the steward's office last week. Wc wish the sowers a speedy and abundant harvest. The ardor with which one of the second prep boys, upon bended knee, was caught explaining physics examples to one of the second prep girls was worthy of a better cause. If a ten year-old boy will climb a tree forty feet high for walnuts, how long will it take the board of regents to heat the University by steam? Please send the answer immediately. Messrs. Stockton, flarkley, Bruggcr and Almy are elec trical engineering boys who arc carrying work with the Elec trical Light company. It is a great benefit to the boys to get the practical cle:tricl work at the same time they are getting the theoretical work in the class room. Hoaglund became so enfatuatcd over his record made at target practice that he stabbed himself with his bayonet while on the way home The wound did not prove fatal, however. License to wed was granted to E. Hunt, aged twenty sev en, and Miss , aged twenty-nine, one day last week. We always thought Professor Ebenezcrwas older than that. Oh, that we were all directors of the experiment station, that we might have a nice fire place' to sit by while the other unfortunates shiver about in cold recitation rooms or labora tories. Professor Lees' family relic, a large clock which has been in the Lees family for over 150 years, has been placed in his lecture room and is an object of admiration for preps and other people. The boys from the debating clubs become very hilarious at times, but it is remarkable how soon they quiet down when a gentleman from down town with brass buttons speaks peace to them. Prep: "Who was that small chap, with round shoulders and stiff moustache, that hangs his head so sort of important that took Professor Caldwell's class when he was sick? Is he a prof, or what? Miss Cochran dropped her University duties last Tuesday long enough to attend a. wedding in the city. We admit that this was a pleasant diversion from the monotonous round of music lesson giving. More new botanical books continually arrive and the li brary becomes more complete each week. Among the new ones is a collection of the writings of Dr. Gray which is inter esting and valuable. It looked quite homelike to sec Professor Shimek gather his class about him, in front of his gasoline stove, on a cold day, and pass around a large volume for each one to take turns in reading from. Scene, Thirty-second and Prospect streets. Freshman looking for his girl, cautiously rings the door bell. Hired girl comes to the door. Freshman: "Does Miss ah hem ah ah." He faints. The cadets had target practice again last Saturday, some thing over twenty participating. The scores were "wcry warious," ranging from 3 to 21 out of a possible 25. The distance was 200 yards. A. C. Cope spent a day or two at Plattsmouth last week during the electrical exposition there. An electrical manu factory has just been opened there for the manufacture of clectiic lighting goods. Darkley now wears the apron and carries the lad.ler in Stockton's place of electric, lamp washing.- Stockton has Bigelow's former place in running the dynamos, and Uigelow has received a higher position. Miller has been busily engaged for the last two weeks in overhauling the old type in this sanctum' until now we have sufficient type to set up four additional pages of matter, and have a few fonts for sale beside. A. F. Woods is performing some interesting experiments in physiological botany, relative to the growth of plants, tliei sensitiveness to light and heat. Some ingenious apparatus has been constructed by Mr. Woods. President Schaefler and Regent Richardson of the state university of Iowa visited our institution a few days ago on a tour of inspection. We understand that they are soon to erect a chemical laboratory, and came especially to visit ours.