atMMM4B THE HESPERIAN. i fc wp 0U arc stealing The Hesperian again, Wc took occasion last year to rebuke this sort ot petty lhicvine from the mail boxes. It seems our words have been forgotten or there arc some new students who do not recognize the rights of private property. If the paper is not worth the subscription price to you it is an exceedingly small trick to filch it from some one who thinks it is worth a dollar a year to him. Next to stealing the paper outright, as some do, the next smallest trick is to take another man's paper out, read it, and then shove it back in the box. Eithei subscribe, or let the paper alone. MT is a well known fact that a large proportion of 1. the students are in favor of prohibition. The fight will soon be on in this state. Much aid can be rendered by students if some organization is effected whereby the combined influences of the University is brought to bear on the campaign. A non-partisan league would be the only form in which all varieties of "prohib" could work to the best advantage. Hearty co-operation from the alumni of the city is promised in any movement of the kind. Tuin this over in in your minds and when the time comes to act be ready to lend your aid and counsel. JtjE present to our readers on this fine November morning ten pages of reading matter instead of eight. We have endeavored to produce this change, not by spreading ourselves twenty-five per cent thin ner, but by adding two pages of the same standard quality which has characterized The Hesperian for many years past. 1 his enlargement, although it en ables us to give our subscribers more for their money, which we are very glad to do, is a result of an in creased advertising patronage. We can thus not promise it as a permanent thing, but will continue it as long as our business manager can afford it. Wo have also added to our equipment a new set of leads and some new rules which will much to the neatness of our pages. These also are bought with the busi ness manager's private money the only way new material can be gotten for The Hesperian and the thanks of the subscribers are again due to him. m T the suggestion of some of the faculty we hive undertaken the compilation of a list of all peri odicals accessible to the students. The list will in clude not only those on the library tables, but those kept in the scientfic departments and many taken by the faculty and kept .in their rooms. This is some thing which has never before been attempted here, and is no small task. When completed the list will be published in The Hesperian. This number of the paper will be a most valuable reference book for every student for some time to come, and everyone should secure a copy. The number of peridicals will surprise most of our readers. E are sorry to see so much hoodlumism turned loose on our campus, more particularly on Saturday nights. Fun is proper within certain lim its. Noise seems a necessary accompaiment of fun sometimes. But in the pursuance of fun no one has any right to torture others in the vicinity. No one has any business yelling on the campus after 10 o'clock at night. Tired, and perhaps sick, people are all around trying to get rest. The police of the city have stood a great deal from the boys, but they propose to put a stop to such disturbances of the peace. Before this issue is in the hands of our read ers, Hallow'en will be a thing of the past. Wc pre sume there will be the usual amount of malicious mis chief. We sincerely hope the police will arrest every University student who attempts to violate the law. Harmless jokes are often productive of much fun, but students who do not confine themselves to such should be punished. 'HE prosperity of the literary societies was noted in our last issue. However, all this seeming life and activity must be only a showy prelude to a sudden extinction. They must be acting on the ad vice "Be merry, for to-morrow ye die." As wc re marked before this must necessarily be so, for some of the fraternity men solemnly announced the speedy deatli of these "old fogy" institutions away along last year. We give this information solely for the benefit of the second-hand dealers. 1 here are a good many hundred dollars' worth of pianos, chairs, gavels, carpets and half-used secretary books which will be disposed of at great bargains when the final smash up comes. It is well that somebody should be on hind to profit by the catastrophe. NE who has watched the internal life of the University for the last five or six years, must be pained at the development of aristocracy at the ex pense of democracy. In a college where the pursuits of all are similar, where the educational advantages are extended equally to all, and every student should have an equal chance for improvement, there should be no room for the false and superficialy standards of the social world. If one student is set above an other it should be only on the ground of superior character or superior intellect. Especially shonld this equality be the rule in an institution which is supported by the humblest tax-payers of the state as well as its millionaires. The state University is in tended to afford to every young man and woman in the state the means of a higher education, This -A