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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1889)
THE HESPERIAN. V UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Vol. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER Is, 1889. No. II. THE HESPERIAN Issued semi-monthly by the IIkspkrian Publishing Associ ation, of the University of Nebraska. E. R. HOLMES, Editor-in-Chief, associates: I. II. FOGARTY, 9i, k. r. DROWN, 'oi. F. V. ALMY 'oo, j. n. Mcdonald, '92, 1 L. E. TROVER, '92, f Dan W. BUSH, '91, - Miscellany. Literary. Commknt. Local. 'Exchange. O. G. MILLER, BUSINESS MANAGER. Perhaps we did not sufficiently impress our mean ing, last issue, in regard to our advertisers. We meant that you should notice who advertise in this issue and give them your trade. Visions of a new chapel building flit before the eyes of the faculty as they watch the late-comers hunt in vain for a seat and at last settle beside a pretty girl. The gallery-gods must soon be a regu lar part of the assembly. TERMS OK SUUSCRIPTION: One copy, per college year, .... S1.00 One copy, one college term 35 Single copy, 10 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. ALUMNI AND EX-STUDENTS. Special endeavor will be made to make The Hesperian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub criptions. Address all communications to The IlESPERiAN.Univcrsity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. T. H. Marsland, Pres. . Dan V. Hush, Scc'y UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Frank F. Almy, Pies. Miss Louise Pound, Sec'y The various literary societies have been well at tended this fall and their prospects are bright. This is as it should be. We might go on and give the us ual advice to the new students, but have no doubt the "workers" for the various societies have already whispered in the ears of said newcomers all that it is necessary to say. To those who would criticise our use of "Dr." before our engineer's name, we would say that the number of doctors in our faculty has become so alarm ingly large that for fear of offending by omission we have decided to "doctor" every official of the insti tution. It's a little irregular but will be safest in the long run. Then all hail, Doctor Johannes Gruen! DELIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. F. II. Woods, Prcs. C. D. Schell. Scc'y. UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. F. C. Taylor, Pres. F. F. Almx, Scc'y UNIVERSITY Y. W. C. A. Miss May Tower, Prcs. Miss Jennie Bonnell, Sec'y SCIENTIFIC CLUB. A. F. Woods, Prcs. A. M. Trover, Scc'y CLASSICAL SOCIETY. Miss Lai ra Haggard, Pres. MODERN LANGUAGE CLUB. C. E. Timsley, Prcs. It is always well for students to appreciate the quality and standing of the institution they attend. Therefore we print the following extracf. from a let ler to one of our faculty, written by a state entomol ogist and a man noted in natural history circles. He says, "I do not wonder, from what I hear of Ne braska University, that you are pleased with the out look. It seems to be clearly in the lead west of the Mississippi which is to say that it is in advance of many similar institutions on this side of the river." Coming as this does entirely unsought and unexpect ed, it is very gratifying. May. we all aid in making the University to take the place it is surely destined to attain. The completion of Nebraska Hall, making a sep arate home for the sciences and their devotees, sep arates the students of the various departments more than ever. This tendency has its bad effects. One of the great objects of a college education is to broad en the mind of the student. The association with those of kindred tastes and pursuits only, tends in.