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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1889)
w " m rnirnnu iwniiiimiiittMi III IHP WWWW1)tTHiiiHI J JiUl THE HESPERIAN. Jv-i" v UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. . ) i Vol. XIX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 1. 1889. No. I. THE HESPERIAN x Issued semi-monthly by the HESPERIAN Publishing Associ ntion, of the University of Nebraska. E. R. HOLMES, Editor-in-Chief. ASSOCIATES: RACHEL E. MANLEY, 'oo, E. P. llROWN, '91. F. F. ALMY '90, - - - j. . Mcdonald, '92, L. E. TROYMR, '92, f D. V. HUSH, '91, - - corresponding. Literary. Comment. Ijocai.. Exchange RUSINI-SS MANAGERS : I. . SAVER. O. G. MILLER. ikrms or srjisaniPTiON: One coju , per college year, One copy, one college term iiigle copy, ti.oo 35 .10 ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. AI.UMM AND EX-STUDENTS. Sliconl ciulcnvor will be made to innkc The Hespkrian interesting to former students. Please send us your sub scriptions. Addi ess all communications to The Hesperian, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. EDITORIAL NOTES. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PALLADIAN LITERARY SOCIETY. T. 11. Marsi.and, Pros. D. V. Rush, Scc'y .' UNIVERSITY UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. 1 h K F., Pres. Miss I-ouisic Pound. Sec'y DELIAN LITERARY OCIETY. K 11. Woods, Pres. y. H. Makhlk. Sec'y. UNIVERSITY V, M C. A. H. 1. Duncan-son, Pres. 'if A. Williams, Sec'y t UNIVERSITY Y.jlW C. A. Mi May Tower, Pres. MisJfNiE Hqnnell, Sec'y diun SCIENTIFIC E. R. 1 inoi.m, Pres. T.T II. Maksland, Sec'y CLASSICAL SOS'ETY. Mis Lai ra Haggard, Pies. 2 MODERN LANGUAGE CLUU. C. E. TlNGLi'.v, Pres. .' The Hesperian xetends greetings Jo the hosts of new students and takes the occasion to remind that this paper is published in the interests of the in stitution of which they, are now a part. We shall strive to make the paper interesting. If we do not succeed, drop in and tell us about it. The Hesperian hereby announces itself as a can didate for the patronage of every true friend of the University, subject to the approval of each individual mind. We shall try to advance every new movement for the University's welfare, and we shall ever be ready to fight that which we deem prejudicial to her interests. There appears to be a disposition on the part of a certain section of the' University to boycott The Hesperian. We are sorry to lose any part of the support of the paper; byt we can live without those who refuse us their subscriptions. Moreover, such a move will effectually remove a gag which has of late been oppressive. We await developments. Melancholy though it be, it is nevetheless true that the propoitionate number of young ladies in the University is decreasing. The number of joung men entering this "fall is phenomenally large. The t number of oui:g ladies is discouraginglysmall. We have not been able to get a satisfactory explanation of the fact, but several solutions have been suggested. We have been told that the "educational fad" adop ted by society young ladies, resulting in a large num ber of special students, not remarkable fophrillfano , has so lowered the reputation of University co-eds that many mothers refuse to send their daughters. This may or may not be true. If such an impression is abroad, it should be corrected. No sensible, stud lous girl need fear that she camot do good work in the University. Thcie are those in the Univershv, both male and female, who are in it for no good and who hurt its reputation. The door of a siatt iiisihn lion ran not be shut on tnfler though they injure it. We hope if any false prejudices jue keeping awav young ladies, that these may be overcome and the west side of the chapel fill with beauty and grace at the same rare that the east side has filled with youth ful awkwardness and ninnlv strength. Sv-xma w