KHHpHJjwni TJ ttkiPEktAN. tt "j j i , AVlth Htrlfo and weary cares left out. And there forever shall It stay, Till memory, too, shnll pass away; An over present Hourco of Joy, Which time nor enro shnll over cloy. What mntter If, with school-days o'er, Wo find a stormy son before? For four long years wo'vb rigged the ship Tlmt wo might safely make tho trip. Twns built to wenthor roughest hoiih, To plow a stormy main with ease. Tomorrow la the launching day. Tho Ocenn murmurH, "Up I nwnyl" If success should fall our trip to crown, With tljiug colors we'll go down. What mutter If, with school-work done, Wo find iv life-work just begnn? For this tho long yearn' work was given, Wnrp inndo, that life's web might bo woven. If 'tis colored fair nnd tho woof Ih truo Tho pattern may bo old or new. Tho weaver mny novor tho pattern know. For tho right side only to God will show. Wo aro rendy today to bo up and away, Far distant to stray From tho scenes wo lovo best; With no thought of sorrow, No care for the morrow. For all tho glad earth Is by beauty caressed. Thero'H u race to bo run, wenry work to be done, Perchance prizes for nono. Wo may no'or reach tho goal, Hut, when Ufo'a fitful fever and trials nro over, Wo Bhall rest, though tho nges still past uh shall roll. A single thought wo think today The rustling leaves the words recnll, 'TIs writ on every friendly face. It echoes through tho silent hall. Tho words In every nook wo trnco, Hut words shall fall tho tnlo to tell. Dear college friends, and college days, TIs only this, " Farewell, farewell." The audience showed their appreciation of '808 poetic ability by very hearty applause. An oration by T. S. Allen closed tho program. This was a line production, finely delivered. Wo givo tho main points of it below. rnouitKss. Human history never wenrles In covering with Imperishable prnlso the deeds of Its heroes. Tho post. Is adorned with n galaxy of names whose sincerity of purpose, excellence of charnuter, and devotion to country. mndo possible our prcseutclvillzntlon. Hut thepresent civ ilization Is ouly one link In tho chain of progress. There aro prob lems demanding solution to-day as momentous as any since the world began. National prosperity Is threatened nnd Individual rights aro endangered. Tho ago Is demanding reforms. It domauds for tho masses an equal participation In tho natural advantages of tho onrth. It demands that tho lines of progress shall bo extended, and that the last relics of barbarism shall bo eradicated. And under tho same Irresistible law of progress that has been the guldlngpriu clplo of our liberties, It demands freedom of Intercourse among na tions. Itdemuuds laws thatwlllunltecapltalund labor imil thereby silence forever tho socialist and tho annrchlst. Thero should be no conflict tietwocon these two productive forcos. The ono Is tho cor ollary of the other. Hut wo 11 nd differences and conflicts, and until theso two onomlca agree to work for ono common interest, all tho difficulties cannot bo settled. Will that time over come? To-dny masters of Industry rulo. They treat their employees as machinery, whoso vnluo Is proportionate with tho nmount of work each ono Is able to do. And the protecting wlngof thegovernment Is over them with tho oxcuso that It Is all for tho "general welfare" of tho people. Oh, general welfare, what sins have been committed Inthynnmol It was for theo that monnrchs In ngcspnst ruled without morcy ; for theo that religious fanntics persecuted with Are and sword; It Is for theo that tho prisons of Siberia are filled with the best citizens of ItusHln; for theo that 7,000,000 Irishmen aro debarred from the rights of u homo parliament nnd denied tho privileges of citizenship, and nt thy behest to-day iv largo number of American citizens aro held In bondage by tho taskmasters of Industry. Class legislation, which Is always dangerous, oxlsts. It destroys tho vitality of law and en dangers tho growth of national Institutions. It tends towards sec tional strife as now Industries como Into existence. Tho few rule nt the expense of tho many. If you deslro national unity mnko overy man n freeman In deed nnd In fact, for no nation can live In pence unless tho citizen shnll bo n man nnd not n slave. If you mako laws thnt elovnto ono class and degrade another, you smooth tho way to anarchy. Men will not always bo held In subjection by arbitrary laws. Tho cries of famishing chlldron and tho prayers of starving women to a merciful .lohovnh find an answer In tho clnsh of bravo men's bnyonots. History confirms tho fact that In every Instance whore ono class has flourished nt tho expense of another, revolution ultimately followed. To avert this danger, then, our nation must guard tho equality of her citizens. Not nlono tho political equality, but tho Industrial equality as well. An idle and Ignorant class must not bo allowed to grow up from which Invincible armies can be con structed. Tho Institutions of our country nro too dear to bo thus trampled upon. Instituted by tho swords of our fathers, defended by patriotic men In trying wars, hallowed by tho tears of sympa thizing and anxious mothers, shnll they fall? Nations mny battle against nature, but tho truo rulo which de mands for nil mon "liberty, equal rights and Justice" must eventu ally prevail. Give the laboring man tho snmo privileges Intholndns trial world that ho enjoys In tho political. Unfetter Industry and encourage chnrlty nnd brotherly lovo, and the destiny of tho Amer ican laborer will bo socure. Tho monuments of other civilizations were destroyed by tho mis taken nnd greedy policy of plutocrats; baton the broken structures have been erected others whoso shadows fall upon nil quarters of the world. Will tho now monument bo enduring or will they, like the parent stocks, bo severed from tho truo path of duty and crumblo? It Is for us, tho men nnd women of to-dny, to soy. hot us not stand Idly by whon courageous and patriotic hearts aro needed. Our na tion Is hi tho march of progress, but It Is yet In its Infancy. Tho first centonnry lias but pnssod. The highway of our civilization is yet untrod. Let. uh step upon Its pavement and follow Its course, gath ering by tho waysldothat prurience, which Is thopnrt of wisdom, thnt vigilance, which Is tho price of liberty. VALKIIICTOIIY. My clnsamntes, yon have chosen mo to expressyoursentlments to riuy. My lips almost refuse to speak when I remember that collego life Is over for us forever. Our collego years nro now history. The old chronicle Is now before u-t, and tho sedate miiso from her graven tablets dictates for the future. Wo have long been Joined together lu alms nnd Interests so often worked and planned togotherin har mony f()r our common good that to separate Is like breaking the tissues of united strength. It Is with sadness that, wo leave theso old halls, but with a sadness brightened by many pleasant memories. Wo go forth to meet our destiny with that feeling which sincere grat itude nlono Inspires, nnd wherever tho future shall And us, however high our names may bo Inscribed on the roll of fame, lot us never forgot thnt the opportunities lien-afforded mndo It possible for us to succeed. We cannot recall tho past; It bus gono forever. Hut be fore us the path of duty lies. 1'ursulng It confidently, calmly, cour ageously, we can each and nil reflect on our nlnm mat er noblo honors. Lot this ono thought bo tho guiding star of tho class of '&!) destiny, as wo say to her and to oach other, faro well. ThoclasH then .adjourned to tho reading room and cn enjoyed a social dinner in their own select company. May '00 have as interesting a "Class Day." FIELD DAY SPORTS. Saturday, Juno 8, was sob apart for tho annual display of athetotics. Tho ground was wot and more rain thrdat oned, but in tho morning an attempt as mado to carry out tho exercises. Frizes had been secured for all but ono of tho oxorcises, and a ropo kept back spectators. So much improvement over Inst yoar. Professor Shimok, Professor Emory, nnd G. II. Frank fortor woro tho judges. G. B. Frankfortor noted as scorer, Tho 100 yards dash was won by A. M. Troyor in 10 secondB, Nowcomor Becond. Prizo, $4.00 shaving not. "Of tho threo contestants in tho half mile run, Geo. Hall carno