THE HE SPEX TAJt. The debate, "Resolved that Bistnnrk's policy is tho best, for tlio German people," followed, with A. A. Fnurot oa the affirmative. Germany, a quarter of n century ago, was a collection of petty powers with no executive, no unity of thought, no national feeling. Germany to day, is strong, centralized, practically democratic, and dictates the policy of Europe. The change has been brought about by the genius of Bismnrk. A half century ago, liminnrk recognized that centralization was neces sary. He forced unity upon the people. His victory over the French raised his popularity. Ho has strengthened the government and ameliorated the condition of the people. The customs union, compulsory education, uni versal suffrage, all are due to Bismnrk. If he has been slow, he has been sure. If he has disregarded law, the coiiHtitutiou, and the people, it has been for some good object- His faults do not affect the result of his policy. Mr. Faurot was ill at ease, and hesitated in his delivery. This detracted from the force of his article. .1. W. McCrosky sustained the negative. Bismnrk has disregarded tlie people's rights; trampled upon the con stitution; hampered private enterprise; restricted the presB; and madethe government a despotism. Criticized, ho points to Germanin, queen of Europe. Freedom at home is sacrificed for prestige abroad. Content is only apparent. The true feeling is shown by the emigration to America of IJOO per day. Bismnrk's government re quires an immense standing arm', with resultant enor mous taxes and enforced service. A government relying qu suppression of free criticism is weak. The empire leans on Bismnrk. Wlieu he dies, no other mind can con tinue his course; Germany will pass through the revolu tion he has only retarded. But for him, Germany to-day would have liberal government. He ib the evil genius of Germany. Mr. McCrosky wb animated, earnest., and natural. Ho appealed directly to the audience. Wm. O'Shea executed " Lizzie Polku," on the cornet, with admirable clearness and precision. Being encored, heroBpondedwith, " When the Swallows Homeward Fly,'' playing the last strains with the mute. The essayist r the program was F. C. Taylor, who t rented of "A Cuming Corporation." Therisingpolitical importance of " trusts'' was noted. They have their evils, but. they serve great purposes. The highest devel opment of our resources requires great aggregations of capital. The substitution of niuuicipal for private cor ' porntions was urged. The safety valve of the Great West has enabled America to neglect economics. Europe can teach us lessons. In Glasgow public lodging-housesi wash-houses, hospitals, and stra't-rail ways are owned by the municipality. They are operated with great saving to tho poorer ciassos, and profit to the city. English cities are following the example. Why not we? By mu nicipal lodging-houses the rent question would be settled; crime and vice would decrease. Other enterprises could bo operated advantageously by the city. Increase of duties and responsibility would produce better city offi cials. Office tenure could be during good behaviour. Borne changes in city gaveniment necessuiy, but results worth while. The essa' was eiitedaining and instruct ive. A monotonous rise and fall of emphasis somewhat marred the delivery. " Was He a Statesman," wis the title of an oration by Miss Minnie DePue. Anarchy iB one of the worst evils. Such was the condition of Rome when the battle of tho Collinc Gate mado Sulla her master. Ho saved her from destruction, and delayed tho empire. His object was to build up the prosperity of Rome. True he persecuted and confiscated, but his measures were good. To his friends he was loyal. Ho was the first to recognize tho rights of municipalities in the state. His legislation was almost uniformly wise. He was a temporary dyko against tho current towards empire. When he became a private citi zen, his power remained the same. There was no greater man in his period. He was a statesman. The oration was marked by terse, graphic descriptions. The orator had a fine, graceful stage appearance. Her voice was remarkably clear and expressive. She was animated and thoroughly in earnest. Mr. Brigham closed the program with a vocal solo, "Dreams," which gave an opportunity of showing tfce great compass of hiB fine voice. The audience then dispersed as far as tho outer doors of the University. An unexpected thunder-shower pro vented exit. Many were the inward groans as the thought of hack-hire flitted through tho minds of poor students. Carriages were in such demand that it was 1 a.m. before all could get away. UNIVERSITY UNION EXHIBITION. The audience at the Union Exhibition, Saturday, Juno 7th, was scarcely as large as on the preceding evening, but was very fair. A largely increased number of um brellas showed that Friday night's experience was re membered. Mr. J. B. Barnaby appeared as the first on the pro gram, with a boss solo, "My Native Country," which was well executed. Continued applause brought only a bow of acknowledgment. A eulogy of "Charles Stewart Parnell" was then de livered by F. F. Almy. Parnell comes from a union of A.glo-Irish and Yankee stock. He is of quiet., thought ful disposition, imbued with strong patriotism. He en tered Parliament with a purpose to better tho condition of the Irish people, and soon became leader of the ''home rule" party. He originated the "obstruction policy," and helped organize the Land League. Progress towards home rule was hindered by the rash acts of the Irish. At lost tlie Pornellites gained balance of power in the Com mons. The government resorted to the notorious Times forgery. The overthrow of the case helped Ireland's cause. The tory government must fall. The liberals will grant home rule. Parnell has won the victory. He is one of the most devoted, sagacious, loyal, and unselfish statesmen that ever led a country through peril to safety. Tlie eulogy was perhaps too minute in its biographical details for tho highest interest. It was carefully written. Mr. Almy spoke with extreme deliberation. His delh'gry jacked animation, and was too didactic An oration, "A Phase of the Labor Question," was next listened to. It was delivered by Miss May Tower. This article was strikingly original in both matter and delivery. If all the faces of Gideon's children could be combined by composite photography, there would be two faces the workingman and the workingwoman. A;d oh, the misery there would be in that woman's