Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 12, 1889, Image 18

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Oluj fi.iu.;
or Marvels of tho Uiiivcrnoi a graphic, description of
the wonderful thing in Nature i thrilling adventure
on Land And Boa renowned discoveries of (treat ex-
glorers. Published In Knirlish and flennan. 862 pages,
Illustrations. A QKEAT BOOK TO SELL. Illus
trated circulars and oxtra terms to apents FREE.
FOR.SIIKI3 & HcMAKIN, ClucluHUtl. O.
A now Invention for making
ColTcoand Tea, better than any
thing now in uso i saves H of tho
Colreo and can boused with any
Coirco or Tea Pot. Samjilo will tie
sent by mail for twenty cents In
stamps. Aeenfn Wanted to
send for full particulars of this
and other fast selling articles.
Forsheo& McMakln.Cinclnnatl.O.
T jV I
Is prepared to fill all Styles of ARTISTIC DESIGNS with CHOICE CUT
100 New Style Baskets from New York.
Orders may lie left nt Green House, 1G12 D street, or 120 Hurr block.
From Prof. H. B. McCollum, Sup I. City Schools, Central City, Neb.
In making a recent purchase of a cyclopedia for use in our public schools, I did a good deal of work in the way of
examining and comparing cyclopedias. In comparing Johnson's Univp.ksai. Cyclopedia with the last edition of
Appletoii's, which I have in my own library, I find it (Johnson's) later than Appletoifs by at least ten years, and, especially
on live scientific subjects, sometimes more than that. I also compared it with the International to some extent, and the
result was I purchased Johnson's. The more I sec of it, the better I like it. For school use especially, I consider it
preferable to any I have seen, including AppleWn's, Chamber's, Library of Universal Knowledge, International, and
Mkssks. A. J. Johnson & Company, Publishers; Huitai.o, N. Y. December 21, 188S.
Gentlemen: The next fen- years will witness a great change in educational ideas. The possibilities of self-culture
arc to be emphasized, and the means of aid and direction increased. After a careful examination of "Johnson's Universal
Cyclopedia," I am convinced that while it is excellently adapted to the needs of piofessional and business men, it is
eminently useful to the earnest, thorough self-educator. This work, with its corps of contributors, offers accurate articles
on the widest range of subjects. To the value of trustworthy information is added the inspiiation of personality associated
with great names. I heartily commend this cyclopedia to all, and especially to those who are pursuing self-set cc
the great university of life. J-( Bishop) John II. ViNcr.NT, Chancellor Chautauqua University.
courser in
Prepared according to the directions of Prof. E. N. IIosi'OKD,
Dyspepsia, Nervotcsness, Exhaustion, Headache, Tired Brain.
And all Diseases arising from Indigestion and Nerve Exhaustion.
This is not compound "patent medicine," but a preparation of the phosphates and phosphoric acid in
the form required by the system.
It aids digestion without injury; and is a beneficial food and tonic for the brain and nerves.
It makes a delicious drink with water and sugar only, and agrees with such stimulants as are necessary
to take. Descriptive pamphlet free. CAUTION: Be sure the word "fforsord's" is printed on the label.
All other others are spurious. Never sold in bulk.
Rumford Chemical Works, - Providence, R. I.