Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 12, 1889, Page 13, Image 13

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question tho solution of which devolves upon tho student of social
sclonco. In Russia tho Kovcrnmont Is despotic nnd tlio power of tho
Czar unchecked, but by Ills fenrfl. In Amerlcu, tho people govern
themselves. In Uussla, educational Institutions uro tho hot-bods of
of a revolutionary spirit that seekH to overthrow tho oxIstlitK form
of government. In America, education Is tho surest pledge of tho
stability of existing Institutions' Itusslu faces tho past; America, the
future, IlURsin Is conservative, and clings to tho traditions of tho
past. American civilization Is progressive, constantly seeking to
ronllzo bettor conditions. Yot Tolstoi nnd Henry (leorgo stand on
common ground. They propose the same remedy of sclf-rcuuucl-atlou
for widely different ovIIh.
Theoretically, Tolstot and Houry Qeorgo are both right; but tho I
theories of both apply only to a perfect stnto of society, when men
lovo each otlior, and livo for tho'good of each other; whon selfishness
again to meet in this honornblo assombly, whero I now loavo off, I
will begin ngaln nnow." nut ho nover appoarod In public llfo again.
Tho noxt day ho was a cIobo prlsonor In tho Towor. Four years of
Illegal Imprisonment killed him. When ids son nskod for tho body,
tho king ropllod, Lot Sir John Eliot's body bo burled in tho church
of tho parish whore ho died."
Sir John Kllot marks an era In Hrltlsh Parliamentary oloquonco.
Ills short, clear sontonees wero In marked contrast to tho verbosity
of contemporary orators. Howas always In earnest. Ilia firm and
magnetic presence commanded unlvorsal attention and respect. Ho
had, In great perfection, somo of tho highest qualities of an orator,
clearness of statement, facility In handling dotalls, richness of ex
pression, and power In declamation. Tho vohomonco nnd passion of
ids words, his vivacious and caustic allusions, and his fearless Invoc
tlve, struck a now noto In English eloquence Ho nover turned nsldo
Is unknown; when courts and prisons aro'empty for luck of criminals; ! or lost tho grasp of his subject. Directness of aim, roIontlesB pur-
whon In short, tho mlllenlum dawns, then, and not boforo, can j
uiinli 41ififilfi.i lift ..1,4- I.i4.t n .Wfin4lfi.il .1 i til Inn t liii WiMitli fa lififli nti !
nil vii tiivifi ivn uu fit.' miu ,f. imiivi.i ..ff.....uii... a. law. in iwiii i.f-
strnct,and coucroto; both theoretical, and practical. A truth that
In not both, Is only half a truth. Is has no vnluo In Itself. Its value
lies In Its utility. Tho theories of theso men nro valueless, except to
theorlzors. becauso they aro Inpractlcablo. No teacher of art would
hnvo his pupils begin tholr study by copying a mastorpleco of Rap
hael, or of Michael Augolo. Tho pupil must llrst bo taught to draw
In outline. So the reformer must treat men as Imperfect, and pro
pose reforms that will npply to men In existing conditions.
Measured by this standard, tho two radicals, as reformer., nro not
practical. Doth propose tho samo reform, while tho conditions are
different, and tho two nut Ions hnvo fow things In common, lloth
sot up a ntandard of perfection beyond tho capabilities of natural
man. lloth would overthrow tho natural law of growth, and reach
perfection nt a single bound. Failure, under such circumstances. Is
Mr. Tingloy spoko slowly and tliHtimstly, with sincerity
of tonn and manner. Ho wuh a littlo .stiff nnd formal,
and both subject matter mid delivery lacked entiriiHiiiHiu.
C. II. Newcomer followed with a tribute to
Kir John I'llot recognized nnd advocated tho Individual rhrhts of
man. Ho was tho KIIJuli of tho revolution ; ho helped to prepare the
way for It. His bold nnd anlont spirit urged ldm on In times (hat
tried men's souls. Ho anticipated tho groat Impeiiclimuuts of I'.vm
nnd Hampden, nnd paved the way for Cromwell,
ThoHtunrts claimed the divine right of kings. Kir John Kllot bo"
lleved In tho divinity of man iih man. He recognized the sovereign,
Inherent, Inallonable rights of the Individual, with which no tyrant
might Justly Interfere. Ho had an Instinctive hatred of tyranny and
oppression, from whutover source they might come, whether from
king, from favorite, or from Prtrllumoiit Itself. Ho opposed Charles
I, not because ho was king, but because ho unjustly oppressed his
fellowmnn. He did not qm-stlon his right to rule, being king, but
he opposed the usurpation, by him, of power and authority granted
to tho people anil to Parliament by tho Ureal Charter.
Kir John Kllot was it stnU'smnn. At u time when the affairs of re
ligion wore ruled li.v (ho state, ho took a statesman's view of religion.
Ho was neither a Puritan fanatic nor a zealot of Home. Although
a high-churchman, no one more consistently advocated religious tol
eration, With him, natural Justice anil equity trnuseended nil sectar
ian claims. In defense of these his courage never failed.
Charles I never culled a Parliament except to relieve his necessities.
He even preferred to lose his subsidies, or to raise thorn by Illegal
measures, than to havn Parliament Investigate his Illegal acts of
oppression. Tho power behind (ho throne was tho favorite, the
Duke of Hueklughnm, (ho least able, the most tyrannical, the most
dobaucheil minister, over employed In stato-crnft. Kir John Kllot
boldly declared that ho v. us tho cause of all their grievances, and
was met with a hearty " Well spokon, Hlr John Kllot," from all
Asovonts drive forward, groatsconescomo to view, a whole House
lu tears I That Parliament was no common assembly, not a com
pany of weak persons, but of strong, sagacious lawyers, daring, res
olute inon, mou of learning and culture aghast at tho ruin falling
upon the country. Kllot was tho chief actor in this, one of tho most
exciting and momorab'o. as well as ouo of tho most Important,
scenes lu tho history of tho Houso of Commons. Amid repeated
knocklngs of the Illack Hod for admittance, his volco rang out clear,
Ann, and atroug, uttorlng uIb last words In Parliament: "Ah for
myself, I further protest, as I am a gontlomnn, If my fortuno bo ever
suit of principles to their logical consequences, Inlloxlblo porsonal
vigor and persistence distinguish his speeches from thoso of all his
Tow great reformers live to ronp tho fruits of their labor. Nearly
ovory great cause demands, as tho price of buccoss, tho blood of somo
martyr. Sir John Kllot elosod his career whon tho conflict was rag
lug. Hut ho bequeathed his spirit to his successors. Without an
Kllot t Intro would never hnvo been a Pym or a Hntupdou. Pym and
Hampden mado Cromwell possible. Without Cromwell thoro would
have boon no revolution of KIKS, with Its bequest to tho world of a
broader Idea of political freedom. If to-day there Is a universal
recognition of tho rights of man, as man; If equality beforo tho law
Is conceded to all classes of men ; It tho accidents of social and olllclnl
position nro coming to bo loss esteemed than the Inherent rights of
men as men; If Individual liberty Is becoming less a uamo and more
a reality; If the atmosphere of political llfo Is purer, freer, morn In
vigorating than over beforo, It Is, lu part, at least, becnuso Sir John
Kllot hud convictions, dared tho remorseless power of tint king by
uttering them, nnd sealed his loyalty to them witli his life.
Mr. Newcomer's tone was (scarcely natural, though IiIh
voice waH flexible, and ho spoke too rapidly. Ho wins
perfectly at ease, and though no gestures wore used, there
was no monotony.
As n brief resplto from oratory Mmo. Weber sang
"Cavatina," from "Uobortlo Diablo," with much skill and
O. W. Kifor then appeared. His oration was entitled,
.Tamos Otis and Patrick Henry wore braver patriots, In a moro
critical time, than tho signers of tho Declaration of Independence.
That document declared that, tho freedom of tho American colonies
had become a necessity. It meant that the people wero ready to
begin a revolution, and lo appeal to force of arms to defend and to
maintain (heir rights. The declaration was a bruvo net. Thoso
that signed II. put their lives and fortunes In Jeopardy . mil the
courage and pal riot Ism that produced II had been awakened.
Ilfleon years before, by tho (wo apostles of American freedom
James Oils nnd Patrick limiry. When John Hancock, iih Wendell
Phillips said, "wrote his name so large that (leorgo tho Third
could rend It across the ocean," three millions of people, tho entire
population of tho colonies, were as fully commit led to Dm net us ho,
and stood ready lo Justify It with blood and with treasure. Hut,
lift ecu yours before, Otis and Henry stood ulonongnlnst theusurpa
tlons and exactions oi (ho crown. They began the contest, single
It has been well said that, "the American Hevolulloii was not
dramatic, but heroic." It wus not (ho sudden outburst of passion
ate men, but tho calm determined action of men who had been
almost driven to anus. Tho like of the American Revolution has
mtvor boon seen. It was tho culmination of eonturle.H of strugglo
between freedom and despotism. Tho colonial patriots did not
begin It until they wero tilled with the true heroic spirit of liberty.
That spirit of liberty was born far from American shores. It had
passed its youth lu tho forests of (lennnny. It had shown Its might
at Humiymedo. It had mockod at tho "Divine Hlght if Kings."
It had euiistfd tho revolution of KWS In Knglaud. It hud beon trans
planted to America. For over a hundred years It nourished Its
mighty youth; then like Milton's vision of Kugland, rousing Itself
and shaking its invincible lockB, it startlod the world by Itsboldness
and activity. Won attacked, It became llerco and nggresslvo.
ItBtlrrod the hearts of tho colonlBts to their deepest dopths. The