Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 15, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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How happy is the Senior, happy thing,
While he has a pretty maiden, on the string,
But how his thoughts do tussle,
O'er the fact that he must rustle,
Or he minus a diploma in the spring.
Wc hear that the "Two Johns," Margarty and Fohlc held
the bag in a game that savored much of the old time snipe
hunt one evening last week. They report game plenty hut
hard to capture.
One of the senior girls is wearing a handsome diamond
ring, and an alumnus of the U. of N, who is a very particu
lar friend of hers, is erecting a residence in Lincoln. What
shall the harvest be?
T. N. Nichol, of Gates College, Neligh, represented that
institution in the interests of oratory at the convention Satur
day. He is local rustler (or the Gates Index. While in the
city he visited with Mr. T. E. Chappel.
Geo. L. Sheldon and Will Brook with their botanical
cases departed Friday afternoon. The formci to rummage
around Ncliawka; the latter to ransack the bluffs from Ash
land to the Platte, and to show the Ashland high schoolitcs
to botanize.
The unusual amount of encrg y that is being expended by
science professors upon the revirsion of the course is expected
to alleviate the crush ol laboratory work during the Sopho
more and Junior year without materially changing the quan
tity or quality of the work done during the entire course.
The Palladians have accepted a proposition of Messrs.
Chase and Wheeler, both U. of N. '83, to give an entertain
ment in the University chapel Friday evening. The features
of the program will be a lecture by Mr. Chase and music by
Mr. Wheeler and an Omaha quartetttc.
The commencement invitations will be the most novel
ever sent out from the University of Nebraska. They will
be engraved and printed by Drcka, of Philadelphia, and
besides the class autographs so much admired in the invi
tations of '88, will contain two composite photographs, one
of the boys and one of the coeds of the class. They will be
a very neat invitation.
The State Oratorical association met in the University
chapel last Saturday. Delegates were present fiom Wes
leyan, Doanc and Gates college. Gates college was admit
ted to the association. Next year's contest will be held in
Lincoln, under the auspices of Weslcyan, on the fourth Fri
day in February, 1890. The constitution was revised and
committees appointed to make a new set of by-laws and to
draft a letter of instruction to judges of delivery.
The band boys with their coeds spent a very enjoyable
evening last Saturday. They met at the Uni with the appar
rent intention of going out on a serenade, and promenaded
out to Eighteenth aud L to the accompanient of the Major
drum, before Males thought to remember that it was the
occasion of his twenty-first birthday and to conclude that he
was marching the band out to scicnade himself. They
persed early Sunday morning. Bryan receives
neatly working up the surprise.
The marriage of Mr. Will T. Gadd and Miss Lydia G.
Reynolds last week was one of those pleasant surprises that
are hardly a surpr.se after all. Miss Reynolds is well known
among University pi,pplc, having been a studeut for several
years past. Mr. Gadd is "son" in the well known real estate
firm of E. T. Gadd & Son of the city. They left iinmcdi
ately for a short 'our in the south aud east. Meanwhile their
student friends are discussing the situation and preparing to
give them a hearty reception on their return.
The University nine tried its luck with the Eaton & Smith's
for a second time last Saturday. The score as given below
shows that our boys can play ball a little bit. There were sev.
cral dificrcnccs during the game which came near making war.
Our boys claiir. that they would have won the game had the
umpire been square. The score is as follows:
1 2345 6789
Eaton & Smith 05 060300 2 to
University.... 1 1 2 I o o 3 o 1 9
Batteries, Uni, Woods and Goodoll; E. & S., Kimmcrcr and
The board of editors has thought that the students might
appreciate a double Commencement number of The Hesper
ian, containing reports of all exercises and synopses, at least,
of all the commencement orations. This would be the most
convenient form in which to have a full account of the week
to preserve or to send to friends. But this will mean a large
extra outlay of money on the part of the business manager.
It will be necessary for a large number of extra copies to be
taken by the faculty and students or the expense cannot be
borne. It rests with you then, whether you will have a full
or a scant report of Commencement week. If encouragement
is shown you will have the double edition. Give your names
to the business manager or to any of the editors with the
number of extra copies you will take.
credit for
Call on Edddd. Ccrf & Cooo.
Go to Ewing's for spring hats.
Hats and caps at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Manley has the cream of the candy trade.
Go to Ed. Ccrf & Co. for furnishing goods.
Clothing for every body at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
Webster & Rodgcrs, boots and shoes, 1023 O St.
Students will receive best of attention at Manley's.
Ten per cent .off to students at Webster & Rodger's.
Mahley keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him
a call.
Largest line of boots, shoes and rubbers in the city at
Webster & Rodger's.
Large and well selected stock of millinery at Mrs. W. E.
Gosper's-, 1 1 14 O street.
Go to Mrs. Gospers' and look at millinery before buying
scwhere. 1 1 14 O street.
R. C. Manley always has a full line of candy, fruits, and
nuts, and docs right by students.
Big bargains in a line of school hats for ladies and misses
at Mrs. W. E. Gosper's, 1114 O street.
L. G. Chcvront, 1221 O St , keeps all kinds of confection
ery and makes all the summer drinks. Drop in.
Do not fail to send for catalogue and specimens of pen
manship to the Lincoln Business College and Institute of
Penmanship, Short-Hand and Typewriting, Lincoln, Neb.
UUAUTEll at once, everywhere, an Agent, Man or Wor
" tu Profitable business. LIBERAL PAY. All I
R. II. Wood-
not necessary. Special inducement to Teachers and
Students for Summer. Give references,
ward & Co., Baltimore, Md.
C7E in tOKfl A MONTH can l.c made working for us.
yf 0 lU VfcvU Agent b preferred who can furnish a horse aud
give their wholo time to the business. Sparc mom -uts may bo
urniliably employed also. A fow vacancies 111 towns aud cities. U.
K.K)11NM. & CO .1000 Main street. l(l:lmond. Va N.B.-ricaso
state ago and biulnoss experience Never mind about Bonding
I stamp for reply. B. F. J. & Co,