Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Our local rustlers arc no good, hence the scarcity. Devil.
Evidently the stndents do not realize, judging from the.
attendance at classes Arbor Day, that "they are here on
A Senior called at the Elite for his proofs. The lady
clerk brought it with the remark, "Here is yours, that of
your wife will be ready in just a moment."
V. V. Robertson, formerly of '89, has been heard from.
The students will be glad to know that he enjoys his new
location and is pleased with his work.
Frank V. Kramer, '88, and Arthur Curtice, formerly '90,
were delegates to the prohibition convention. They stayed
with a few of the boys while in town.
While one of the band boys was mashing the Beatrice
girls, it was rather mean of the others to shout to him that
his wife was wailing for him at the hotel.
Junior. (viewing the ladies cornet band) "Say, I believe
that women can play as skillfully as men." Soph. "Umph!
they ought to. They arc better at tongueing.',
Freshman. "Where are you going?" Senior Prep.
"After specimens." Freshman, ''Have you botany this
term." Senior Prep. "No, and the Juniors have sold all
they had."
The athletic association has received a request for a pho
tograph of our ball team and of the gymnasium, to be used
in an article on "Western College Athletics" to appear in
Outing soon.
A number ol Freshmen and Sophomores wefe exceedingly
riled on returning this term to find that the faculty had
passed an ex-post facto rule prohibiting them from taking
more than sixteen hours.
A joint debate will be held by the Palladian and Union
boys' debating clubs next Saturday evening, May 4. The
debate will be impromptu. Turn out if you want to hear
some extemparaneous eloquence.
Church is on the high road to sell destruction. He has
purchased a wooden bicycle. The place where he practices
is as yet unknown. He threatens instant death to the one
who tiies to wattti his performances.
Dr. F. "Mr. Church, how did you translate 'Siete voi
nella cantina?" Mr. Chuch. " 'Are you in the why-eh
professor, I forget the meaning of "cantina." Dr. F.
"Next." Mr. C. (suddenly) "Oh, I recollect it now. 'Are
you in the soup?' "
G. H. Ellsworth has given up school for this term. He
He went Monday to Oklahoma to rake in the shekels from
the boomers who are anxious to get claims staked out. H.
E. Shotwcll, a former student, will also be one of the party.
Their friends bid them a tearful farewell and are now
patiently awaiting the news of their sudden death.
The first of a series of public lectures by Dr. A. G. War
ner on economic subjects was given in the chapel on last
Thursday. Admission was free by ticket, and the chapel
was filled at the time for the lecture to begin. The attend,
ance and attention would indicate that the venture is appre
ciated by the students and the educated public of the city.
Professor G. E. Barber started Friday for a summer of
travel and study in Europe. He will visit the points of inter
est and instruction of France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany
and England. With the study that he has expended in pre
paring for this trip and the points of Professor Bessey's trip
last summer we predict for him a most pleasant and profitable
The college Y. M. C. A. state confuence was held here
April 19-21. There were in attendance college boys from
Doanc, Hastings, Fairfiehl, Bcllevuc and Fairbury colleges,
and the state normal. The address given Friday evening by
Dr. Drudger was well attended, as was also the talk by Mr.
Wilder, Saturday evening. The day meetings were held in
the Union hall, and .the hall was well filled , and especially
on Sunday afternoon. All students who attended as well as
the visiting students seemed to enjoy the conference very
Call on Edddd. Ccrf & Cooo.
Go to Ewing's for spring hats.
Hats and caps at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Cadet suits, gloves and caps at Ewing's.
Manley has the cream of the candy trade.
Go to Ed. Ccrf & Co. for furnishing goods.
Clothing for every body at Ed. Ccrf & Co's.
The latest styles in hats at Ed. Cerf & Co's.
Special prices to students at T. Ewing & Co's.
Webster & Rodgers, boots and shoes, 1023 O St.
Students will receive best of attention at Manley's.
Ten per cent off to students at Webster & Rodger's.
Manley keeps a full line of confectionery goods, give him
a call.
Largest line of boots, shoes and rubbers in the city at
Webster & Rodger's.
Large and well selected stock of millinery at Mrs. W. E.
Gosper's, 1 1 14 O street.
Go to Mrs. Gospcrs' and look at millinery before buying
elsewhere. 1 1 14 O street.
L. G. Chevrontj 1221 O street, keeps candies nuts and
fruits. Students, buy of him.
R. C. Manley always has a full line of candy, fruits, and
nuts, and does right by students.
Big bargains in a line of school hats for ladies and misses
at Mrs. W. E. Gosper's, 1 1 14 O street.
The time is approaching when many students are casting
about for something to do during summer. Peihaps a large
number can most advantageously take up the business of can
vassing. This requires no capital but pluck and enterprise
and frequently brings large returns in a short time. While
on this head we wish to call attention to an advertisement on
another page for Forshce & McMakin, Cincinnati, Ohio.
They have a number of saleable articles for agents besides
those noted in their adv. If you arc thinking at all of enter
ing this business write to them for terms and you will not
regret it.
A SPLENDID BOOK. We will" send you a copy, ol
"Successful Writing" a literary compendium for authors,
editors, reporters, correspondents, lawyers, teachers, stu
dents, etc., with a dictionary of synononyms and antonyms -specially
prepared for the use of writers. Highly praised by
the press and literary people everywhere. It retails for$i and
is worth ten times the price to any one desirous of becoming
a newspaper correspondent free if you will send us the
names and post-ffice addresses of all the local newspaper cor
respondents and poets that you may know (if only two or
more) also name and postoffice addresses of newly married
people any mother who has a child less than two years old;
also book agents if you know of any. Books sent promptly
on receipt of names (enclose 13c. for postage). Addressf
American Publishers' Association, Central Block, Chicago.
7K In tOKfl A MONTU can bo made working for us.
91 U IB fuu Agent a preferred who can furnish a horse and
give their whole time to tho business. Sparc moments may be
profitably employed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. D.
V JUHNSO.N & CO., 1003 Main street, ltlchmond, Va N.D. -Ladles
employ e.l also. Never mind about sending stamp for reply. Come
quick. Yonrs for bis, D. F. J. & Co.