THE HESPERIAN. RM A BEAUTIFULLY UPHOLSTERED RECLINING CHAIR that is the very embodimentofcaso and luxury; n friendly game of Whist, n choice volume from thotvell stocked library, a promenade from car to car (tho handsome vestibule exclud ing all dust, smoke, rain or Trind, and thus rendering the promenade a delightful and novel pastime). A sumptuous weal that cones in the nick of time, and "jnst strikes tho spot" The quiet en joywentof a fragrant Havana in a charmingly decorated and gorgeous smok ing apartment, and tnally a peaceful sleep in a bed of snowy linen and downy softness. Snch is life en the "BURLINGTON1' ROUTE. What other lino or combination f lines can offer yon these advantages I NOT ONE. Please re member this when next yon travel. My snperior advantages enable me to ticket to and from Europe at the lowest rates, and to secure desirable ; cabins in advance of sailings. The generous patronago accorded me by prominent people of Omaha, Lincoln and other Nebraska cities attest the popularity of this oHce. MttgSCWBBiwmlCBjW ilJLMMHRHiJiimVHHImBHHflKr Information of all kinds per taining to Railroad or Ocean Steamship Tickets promptly an swered. G. W. HOLDREGE, Gcifl Mgr., 3. FRANCIS, G. P. and T. A., OMAHA, NEB. r M Jf.OS cr w r CS -ctiAS City Passenger and Ticket Agt. LINCOLN, NEB. Lincoln Shirt Factory, Dealers in-:- Gents' Fine, Furnishing Goods.-:-n8so. io st AGENTS FOR PEERLESS STEAM LA UN DRY PEERLESS STEAM LAUNDRY. 327-329-331 NORTH 12TH STREET, TELEPHONE 199. FINE LAUNDRY WORK A SPECIALTY. A. T. LEMING & Ca BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS ARTISTIC PAPER HANGINGS. MOULDINGS, WINDOW SHADES, FANCY GOODS, PHOTOGRAPH AND ARTISTS MATERIALS. ( 1100 STREET. LEN'COIiN, - - ' NEBKASJKA. The Place to Buy Y our Groceries is at McShane & Son's, 510 NORTH FOURTEENTH STREET dealer In Staple and Fancy Groceries. Provisions and Flour consfantly on hand. Students' trade solicited. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 352.