Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Academia Acta, Hiawatha, Kansas; new paper; good
locals; some chestnuts; success to you.
Congratulations for that new cover, Portfolio. Suppose
it is to celebrate your recent oratorical victory.
Ann Arbor has a regularly detailed U. S. navy officer for
the classes in marine engineering and shipbuilding.
The Dcnison Collegian is a very neat paper and its inter
ior is on a par with the exterior in many particulars.
The Pulse, Grinncll, Iowa; new venture; suggestive name;
neat cover; honest work; too much praise of itself reprinted.
Congratulations and good wishes.
University Voice, Wooster, Ohio; a newspaper in form
and in matter. Might be well to fill up that page occupied
by Talmage's sermon with some original matter.
The high school Register of Omaha visits us pretty regu
larly, and though small is neatly printed, and considerable
care is shown in editing. Some improvement might be made
in "Notes."
On account of the consolidation of Grant Memorial uni
versity, the latter name will hereafter disappear from the list
of American colleges, and the former will be the name of
the new institution formed.
The Academic, St. Albans, Vermont; not pretty; too
clumsy; departments fairly well sustained; too much self
gratulation; considerable backbone in the exchange depart
ment. Why not publish oftcner?
The Adelphian, Brooklyn; size and appearance very good;
editorials, tolerable; locals rather scanty; "Literary Chit-
well selected; some rather wild flights of imagination
in the stories; exchange exceedingly chatty and informal.
St. Albans high school has a congress somewhat similar
to the Amherst senate. Matters of school government arc
referred by the faculty to these delegates from the classes
who submit them to the class organizations and report back
to the faculty.
Geology. Professor to young lady: "Can you tell me
why the term 'man' is used here right along?" She: "Well,
1 suppose it is used gcnerically, but 'woman' naturally clings
to and is embraced by 'man.' Subdued hilarity by the other
members of the class. Lawrentian.
We notice that the "College News" department of the
News, Syracuse, which we, in our last issue said was per
haps deserving of the Collegian's compliment, has published
the same item about Garfield university, three separate
times. Wake up and be a little more careful hereafter or
you will forfeit your good name.
The Hillsdale Herald clips a number of our locals and
calls them "childish drivel." Now we realize that those
locals are not up to the high standard of our esteemed con
temporary. They were not fraught with matter deep and
dire. They weie not of the solemn sedate style which per
vades the select and single column of locals which makes the
Herald so conspicuous among our exchanges. But a few of
those locals referred to really good jokes which the students
appreciated. We regret exceedingly that we have no editor
Who can pour forth a flood of rippling merriment and pure
unadulterated humor on demand. In the effort' to make the
locals interesting our-editors are forced sometimes to write
copy, tthe humor of which "is so shallow that it evaporates
before 'it reaches the Herald's palatial sanctum. Please bear
with us. Excuse our many" faults. We wish we migh do
'better for your sake, most respected Herald. However,
don't waste any of your valuable space again by clipping for
the amusement of your readers locals which it is impossible
that they should appreciate, not knowing the circumstances.
The University, from the University of the City of New
York is by far the slimmest paper we have seen which comes
from a reputable institution. It announces that it has just
been resuscitated after "two years of innocuous desuetude,"
and we advise it to retire from the world for about two years
more and then try it again.
"Miss Maud," he said, "I came in this evening to ask
you a question, and I have brought a ring with me. Now,
before you try it on, I want to tell you that if you feel
inclined to be a sister to me I shall have to take it back, as
father objects to my sisters wearing rings with such large
diamonds." And Maud said she would keep the ring.
Say Simpsy, don't let your angry passions rise when
someone tells you disagreeable truths. It is generally a sign
that the shoe fits. It is also well not to resort to exaggera
tion. It gives one the impression that the. truth wouldn't be
strong enough to suit your vituperative tendencies. We see
a great deal to commend in our exchanges much that wc
are glad to profit by in our own weak endeavors to run a
college paper. But wc also cc many things that cannot be
commended for instance, the exchange -editor on the Simp
sonian. Believing it to be more important that error should
be corrected than that excellence should be complimented,
adverse ctiticism will probably continue to predominate in
our column. Your recent boyish tirade against us sounds
much like the write ups one of our late predecessors used to
receive. Can it be that you are confusing different ex men?
At any rate we arc glad to note that our late "snap and
snarl" seems to have had a good effect on the amount of
slang used w your column. If you continue to improve you
may brjomc quite a success. -'Live and learn," should be
your motto.
Wc are sorry to note in two or three of our exchanges
recently, that certain college journals have been guilty of
stealing matter from our contemporaries, changing it slightly
and reprinting it as their own. This little fact destroys
somewhat of our faith in the sagacity as well as the lionesty
of college students. Now the next time you steal anything
don't take it from a college paper. Remember that college
papers arc pored over by a couple of hundred exchange
editors and comparisons made. The safest plan is to take
some forgotten book. Besides the clement of safety you will
be a benefactor to the human race in thus bringing to light
some buried wisdom which otherwise might have passed from
the minds of men. Ofcourse encyclopedias are of service in
descriptive essays. We are glad to see many of our
exchanges make use of this reliable information. Care
must be taken in historical essays to change the wording
somewhat as the standard histories are read so carefully.
By mixing judiciously two different historical accounts a very
readable essay may often be produced. If you want to liven
up your yaper a good plan is to take some little known novel
and paraphrase a chapter or two. Some charming little
"original" stories can thus be secured. AVe hope these few
remarks will be appreciated by those unfortunate papers
whose editors were not up iH. the art of cribbing, and that
college journalism may be benefitted by the following out of
these hints. However, remember that it is considered
allowable to put in some nrimnnl .nn.. :r ,i. :.. ......
(of good enough quality to produce .it.