THE lES'EA'AX m From Prof. H. B. McCollum, Supt. City Scioos. Central City, Neb. In making a icccnt purchase of a cyclopedia for use in our public schools, 1 did a good deal of work in the way of examining and comparing cyclopedias. In coinjraring Johnson's Univkksai. Cvci.oi'KIMa with the last edition of Apptetoix's, which I have in my own library, i find it (Johnson's) later than Appleton's by at least ten years, and, especially on live scientific subjects, sometimes more than that. I also compared it with the International to some extent, and the result was I purchased Johnson's. The more 1 see of it, the better 1 like it. For school use especially, I consider it preferable to any I have seen, including ?', Chambers, Library of Unixxrsal Knowledge, International, and Britannita. Mussxs. A. J. Johnson & Company, lulilihcrs; Huffai.o, N. Y. December 21, iSSS. Gentlemen: The next few cars will wtness n treat chamie in educational ideas. The nnsdhiliiics of self-culture arc to be emphasized, and the means of aid and direction increased. After a careful examination of "Johnson's Universal men, it is accurate articles isillralinn of iurnnnlilv ncrwmlrri with great names. I hcaitly commend this cyclopedia to all, and especially to those who arc pursuing self-set courses in the great univcrisity of life. 3rMshop) John II. Vi.ncknt, Chancellor Chautauqua University. arc 10 ic empnasizcu, ami me means 01 aui anil direction increased. Alter a carclul examination of "Johnson's Cyclopedia," 1 am convinced that while it is excellently adapted to the needs of professional and business eminently useful to the earnest, thorough self educator. This work, with its corps of contributors, offers accura on the widest range of subjects. To the value of trustworthy information is added the inspiration of personality li&fAili Acid Phosphate, I'repatcdaccodingtolhe dm nut of 1'iof. K. N. Houoki., ESPECIALLY RiCOMMENDED FOR Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Exhaustion, Headache, Tired Brain. And all Diseases arising from Indigestion and Nerve Exhaustion. This is not compound "patent medicine," but a preparation of the phosphates and phosphoric acid in the form required by the system. It aids digestion without injury; and is a beneficial food and tonic for the brain and nerves It makes a delicious drink ivith water and sugar only, and agrees with such stimulants as are necessary to take. Descriptive pamphlet free. CAUTION: Be sure the word "forsjord's" is printed on the able All other others are spurious. Never sold in bulk. Rumford Chemical Works, ar-BEWAKIS OF IMITATIONS.. Providence, R. I.